Chapter 8

2 and a half weeks afterward

As days went by i started to miss him more and more. I wondered why i felt this way. I had never missed someone so much in my life. It was hard sharing a house with someone that meant so much to you, and now he was a complete stranger. I saw him every day coming home from work. He was usually home before me. I made him coffee every day when he came home from work., but he wouldn't even look up at me. I knew he really tried to get his feelings for me to go away, but i didn't wanna hurt him. It was hard for me to see him like this. 

I look outside the window. It was completely silent, and everything was dark. Besides the moonlight coming through my window. I looked at the moon. It was a beautiful view. It was a full moon. There was something about the moon that made me smile looking at it. I decided to go downstairs because i couldn't sleep.

I walked down slowly so i wouldn't wake anyone up. I went into the kitchen and looked in the fridge. I decided to take some ice cream. Because; Why not?. 

I took the ice cream and a spoon and started to eat. I jumped up beside the hob, and held my ice cream on my lap, and started to eat from it. 

Suddenly i hear a familiar voice. 

"Sleep eating?" 

I look up and see Karan leaning against the doorway. He wasn't wearing a T-shirt which made it harder to not look at him. 

"Something like that...." i say and chuckle. 

He smiles and looks down. He starts to walk closer to me. It was nice seeing him smile. I had missed his smile. 

"Can we at least share?" he asks and smiles at me. 

"I don't know. It's pretty good," i say and chuckle. 

"Okay come on, before you get brain freeze!" he says and reaches for the ice cream. 

I take my hand away. He reaches for it. He starts to tickle me, so my hand automatically comes down. Our faces were really close to each other. I could feel him breathing on my face. I move closer to his lips. He takes his hand on mine. I was still holding the ice cream. I slowly bring the ice cream all the way down and let go of it. 

I take my hands around his neck and pull him closer. We both close our eyes.

"I miss you," I whisper.

"I...I miss you too" he whisper. It tickles in my stomach as he said it. I couldn't stop smiling. 

I leaned more into him until i could feel his lips on mine. None of us were doing anything. His lips brushed mine. Our lips were just touching. I felt like bursting into happiness. I couldn't stop smiling. He felt the same way as me.... 

He slowly backs away. 

"I can't..." he says while backing away. 

"I'm sorry," i say jumping off.

"It's not you. It's me. I'm sorry....i need to get some sleep" he says, and walks past me. 

"Okay..." i say. 

I smiled to myself as he walked out. 

As he walked out Mrs. Anthony came in. 

"You couldn't sleep either?" she asks me as she comes closer. 

"No, not really," i say. 

"You know some people say that you can't sleep when you have a lot of things on your mind," she says walking closer to me.


"I'm sorry. I couldn't stop listing to you and Karan" she says. 

I chuckle. 

"What is it with you two?" she asks and smiles at me. 

"I don't know. I just....i miss much. He makes me happy." i say. 

"Is there maybe a know?" she says, and then she smirks. 

"Oh, i don't know. I mean.... we have been getting close, but i just......don't wanna hurt him again. After his ex-girlfriend you know...," i say looking down. 

She smiles at me. 

"I understand. Sometimes you just have to take a chance. Besides he still likes you..."

"I don't you really think so?" i say smiling at her. 

"Believe me. I'm his mum. I know so..." she says and chuckles. 

I chuckle. 

She gives me a small hug, and then she leaves. 

"Get some sleep, goodnight!" she says as she leaves the kitchen.

"Goodnight!" i say back. 

What i didn't know was that Karan had been standing by the door, and listened all along.

The next morning

I felt happy. We were sitting around the table, and eating breakfast. Karan and I kept exchanging looks to each other, and smile. I was really happy at this moment. It looked like things finally started to get better. 

"So....I've been thinking about something for a while," i say getting nervous. 

Everyone looks up at me. 

"I really wanna see Gautham. Just to see if he's okay, or feeling better. I mean i don't have to. If you think it's a bad idea...." i say waiting for Karan's reaction. My heart pumps really quickly. 

"I mean he's your husband. It's your choice. I actually think it's a good idea just to see you know....If you want to i can come with you, only if you want to." he says, and looks at me.

"No, no yeah, you can come with...I would love that. Thank you!" i say smiling at him. 

"Are you sure? You don't have to..." he asks. 

"No, i want you to come with me...." i said suddenly. 

Mrs. Anthony looks at me and smirks. 

"I mean....if something happens you know." i correct myself.

"Yeah...right.," he says.

I take a sip of my coffee. 

"Do you wanna take Hope with you?" Mr. Anthony asks. 

"No, i think it's best if she's staying home. I don't want her to see that place," i say looking down. 

"Yeah, you're probably right. Kids don't have to be in such environments." Mrs. Anthony says.

After two hours

We were sitting in the car in front of the rehabilitation. I looked at it and spelled it in my head. I had never been in one before. It scared me. A lot of memories came flushing back of me and Gautham. Everything that had happened since. How was i gonna explain everything? 

Karan takes his hand on my thigh. 

"Calm down. I'm right here okay, and if something happens there are guards too," he says. 

"Yeah, i know..." i say nervously. 

We walk out of the car and goes inside. Everything is grey and boring. We walk over to the office. 

"Hi, we're here to visit Gautham Petal," i say. 

"We will go find him, you can go in there. You have 30 minutes." the lady says. 

"Oh okay, thank you!" i say. 

"'s okay. I'm right outside the fence okay?" Karan says. 

"Yeah i know..." i say. 

I slowly walk in. 

There are a lot of parents and kids in the room too. 

Suddenly i hear a loud bell ringing. They open the gate from the other side. 

They all come out. I quickly stand up. 

I let my eyes go through every single one of them until i see Gautham. I smile at him. He smiles back at me. He was wearing an orange tracksuit. 

As he walks closer to me, i get more and more nervous. Memories came floating back of him and me. A single tear came out of my eye. I quickly dried it away.

He came closer to me. 

"Hi!" he says, and comes in for a hug. 

" are you?" i ask him nervously.

"I'm good actually. I have been getting a lot of help, and i feel changed," he says. 

I could feel his honesty. Something i had never felt before, but he was being honest. 

"But...most of all i just missed you," he says and puts his hands on mine. He smiles. 

"Yeah i missed you too," i say, and take my hand away. 

Gautham looks at me confused.

"I'm sorry. Just a little sick" i lie. 

"Oh okay, so.... how's, Hope?" he says. 

He had never asked about Hope before. I knew whatever they were doing in there, it helped. Gautham had actually changed.

"She's good. She's happy and healthy..." i say.

"That's good. That's great!" he says smiling at me. 

"So...there's this other thing. You sold our house...?" i ask him. 

"Oh, i wanted to tell you for so long. I'm so sorry. I bought a new place for us!" he says. 

"Oh...i didn't know that.." i say, and get chocked.

"Oh, I'm really sorry. I should have told you!" he says. 

"No, it's okay. I left the key for you at the office in case you would come. Just ask them and they'll give you everything." 

"Oh okay...." i say. 

"I'm really sorry. I didn't wanna overstep. I know that the things I've done in the past are really mean, rude, and selfish, but I'm happy I'm in here. You made the right choice by doing this. I wanna change now. I wanna be your husband, and Hop's father." he says. 

As he finishes a tear comes down my cheek. 

"What? You're crying?" he says worriedly.

"No, it's just..." I stop midsentence and look over at Karan. He makes his facial expression saying; "Are you okay?"

Gautham turns around, and then he turns around to me agian.

"What's he doing here?" he asks. 

"I'm so sorry. I can explain...Gautham i-" i say cryingly.

"Are you guys together now, or something?" he asks and gets up. 

"What? No? It's nothing like that" i say cryingly. 

He gets up and starts walking to the gate again. Karan's eyes follow me. 

I run after Gautham. 

"Gautham please i can explain. It's not what you think..." i say sobbingly. 

"He's the reason I'm in here Priya! You know..... i wanted to change for you and Hope.....but i find out that youre here with the guy that put me in here...." 

He stops. 

"It's not like that....i can explain if you just let me..."

"I'm sorry. I can't do this anymore," he says. 

"What? You don't mean that....Gautham, please...please....." i say cryingly.

He opens the gate, and locks it behind him. I see him going through the door. He didn't even look at me.

I dry my eyes. I start walking over to Karan at the other gate. 

"Hey...are you okay?" he asks and pulls me into him the minute the gate opens. 

"I'm fine. Let's go home" i say ignoring him. I push him away. 

I go over to the office and ask for the key and the address. When they gave it to me i went out to the parking lot. Karan follows me behind. 

"Are you gonna tell me what happened?" he asks behind me. 

I turn around. 

"I hate you!" i shout.

"What? What did i do?" he says coming closer. 

"I hate you....i should never have trusted you" i shout. 

"What do you mean? I don't understand..." He comes closer. 

I start crying. 

He comes closer to me, for a hug, but i push him away. 

"No, let go of me! I hate you!! Just stay away from me." i shout cryingly. 

"What did i do?" he asks again confused.

"I should never have said yes to come live with you," i say sobbingly.

"Why you are saying that?" he asks. 

I shake my head. I turn around and go over to the car. I ignore him completely.

I get in the car, and he comes and sits beside me. 

"Hey....whatever it is...I'm sorry," he says. 

"This is all your fault. He's in there because of you!" i shout at him. 

"You can't say that to me! I helped you. He wasn't really the definition of a good husband" he shouts back. 

There was a silent pause. 

"How can you say that?" i shake my head. I look at him. 

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean that" he says. I turn around to the window. 

"Just please drive home," i say.

He looks away from me and starts the car. 


When we got home i ignored him completely. 

"Can we just please talk about this?" Karan asked as soon as we came in. 

I turn around.

I started to get tears in my eyes again. 

I turn around to him. 

"Hey......come here. I'm sorry...."  he comes closer to me and holds around me.

"He broke up with, me Karan," i say cryingly. 

"Hey...I'm so sorry. I didn't mean for this to happen" he says. 

I backed away from him and dry my eyes. 

"I'm sorry," he says again. 

"It's not your fault. I'm the one that has to say sorry..." I say looking down. 

"You don't have to," he says and smiles at me.

I automatically smile back. I didn't know how it happened. 

I pull him closer to me and hug him tightly. I close my eyes. 

"I've missed this" i whisper. 

" too," he says. 

I let go of him. 

"Just get some rest. Maybe take a nap, okay?" he says. 

"Hm..." i say. 

I turn around and walk up the stairs.

I walk into the room. I see Hope sleeping on the bed. I smile at her. I hop on the bed and lay down beside her. 

I hold around her. 
