Chapter 8

Yang had woken up from her power nap and Ruby busted in, waking up Blake in surprise.

"What the hell? What's going on Ruby?" Yang asked.

"I almo-"

Weiss came busting in pushing the Red head on the bed. Ruby then started crying.

"Don't. Ever. Do. That. AGAIN!" Weiss that stormed out the room, slamming the door.

"I'll go check on Weiss." Blake said and ran out."

Blake P.O.V

I saw Weiss running down the hall, as i opened the door. I ran along to follow her.

"Weiss! Wait i need to.." Blake stopped in her tracks to see tiny drops of water.


End Of P.O.V

Blake walked further into the hallway into a dark place. She heard sniffling, and the sound of soft crying. The sound was coming from a corner. Blake jumped in front of the corner and nearly scared Weiss.

"What the hell! Go away! No one needs you." Weiss screamed. Her eyes were red, and there were tears. 

"Weiss calm down! what did Ruby do to you?"

"She forced me to say sorry for whatever i did to Cardin! like i would do that!"

Blake sat down next to her and gave her a tiny hug. Weiss leaned into her embrace.

"So why did you wanna help me get happy?" Weiss asked Blake.

Ruby P.O.V

Yang hugged me because I was still upset of what I had done.

"I just thought she did something to him because i didn't see the whole thing." I said to her

"It's fine. Why would you even assume that she did something when he drowned her?"

"I don't know.. i'm just really so-"

"You should be saying sorry to the ice queen over there." Yang forced Ruby to get up and apologize to Weiss

Blake P.O.V

"Ok. Well im going back. Feel better Weiss." Blake walked out from the alley, and saw Ruby running down.

"Weiss is just in that corner."

End Of P.O.V

Ruby ran over to Weiss.

"Look Weiss im sorry and i didn't mean to make you upset and i know that he is a bully and i shouldn't of done that!" Ruby had to stop talking to breath.

"I-it's ok.."

Ruby kneeled down and sat next to Weiss. Then she kissed her cheek.

"Let's go back to the dorm."

The two girls walked back to their dorm and talked during their walk

And there you have it. Sorry i was gone for so long. Ok that's all i have to say. bye
