They say that a friend was a person who cares about your happiness and will fight the world to bring a smile on your face. The more I think about it, the more I wondered to myself if I did agree or not about that statement when I looked at Chaeyoung's grin reaching the side of her ears as we were walking to the café after the end of my work hours.

"Oh c'mon Mel! Stop frowning like that, I promise you, you're going to love it!" Chaeyoung bounced like a thrilled child who couldn't keep still after receiving a candy from their parents. Her cheerful personality was maybe one of the reasons why I remained quiet at her persistence, considering the fact of finding any radical reasoning to debate with her being less than zero.

When we reached the coffee shop, my eyes were instantly stunned by the exterior beauty of the shop; my ears could not even hear Chaeyoung's blabbering beside me, since I was too busy drowning myself in the grandeur of the place. People passing by would often steal a glance of the new shop; and some even stopped on their tracks to take a picture, surely amazed by the charm which the shop radiated in the midst of the presence of the other famous magazines in the same area.

My precious time of adoration had ended when Chaeyoung pulled my hand as she entered with words that I couldn't catch on due to the lack of my attention on her.

"Isn't this place beautiful?" She nudged my arm with hers when our foot arrived inside the shop, and in that very moment, my heart found the newness of happiness in another form.

"Yeah" I could only breathe out, and I wasn't even sure if she heard me or not; since my focus, in pure attention and amazement, was caught by the details of the interior design of the place.

The room scented with the smell of the freshly baked pastries, a mixed perfume of cinnamon and vanilla warming the place; the walls colored in a palette of soft beige and light lemon while the glass of counter treasured vast of varied dessert dressed in different shades and shapes. In addition, the tables, in their round-shape, were neatly aligned meticulously.

Moreover, the atmosphere of the room remained welcoming and comforting despite the numbers of people wishing to visit the place.

"Earth to Mel! Can you hear me?" The loudness of Chaeyoung's voice brought me back to my senses as she waved a hand before my face. With my mouth parted in silence, the smile of the woman behind the counter stiffened in awkwardness as I barely realized how silent I've been while standing before her.

"Huh- I will take an iced matcha and one opera, please" thankfully, Chaeyoung was too absorbed into blabbering her impatience for the dessert to notice the crack in my voice, which she definitely wouldn't let to slide for years; since my lack of attention of my surrounding, or should I say, people made me forget what I actually was supposed to do.

"Can you search for our seats? I need to take this call" With a groan, Chaeyoung gave my back a little pat before exiting the place to answer the call from who knows who, while I instantly eyed for an available and ideal table for us to peacefully enjoy our food.

'Finally' I sat with a sigh when I found the perfect spot placed by the right side of the room with a portrait hanged by the upright of the wall. Since, there were loads of customers in the café; our order will surely arrive later than Chaeyoung, who could take years to end a call considering her talkative self.

In the quietness of my lonely moment with my phone, which helped me to kill time, a thud barged on the chair in front of me, as I lifted my eyes expecting to see my brunette roommate and her sudden nagging about her friend or any work related topics that she would often be pissed after a long call.

Well, that was the scenario in my head.

A man with curled, blonde hair sat in hurry, as he wiped his face in relief, certainly unaware of my presence by his sudden arrival, while my brows knit in confusion as I remained silent trying to figure out who he was or at least recall if he was related to anyone I could know.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't realize the time. I thought it was tomorrow." He bowed in apology before I could even speak, and the second he lifted his head, with a guilty look spread on his face, his eyes widened in bewilderment with his mouth slightly parted.

It took me forever to utter any word or even a cough the moment I caught the view of the man. His features stole the glory of the universe, and the vista of the café stood no match with him. Almond eyes, still widening in shock, trapped hazelnut colored iris; and never in my wildest fantasies have I imagined a man to look undeniably eye catching with plumped, rose tint lips. And above all his unusual beauty, the universe lacked the galaxy to scatter the stars, so they kissed them all over his face from one cheek to another.

This exact moment was the day I found out, that gorgeous men do exist. Well, with the surrounding that I have at the library, my workplace, I rarely paid any attention to anyone's features, no wonder for me to remain in the same constant of no love-life, let alone to even experience what romance felt like. Was he Aphrodite's lost son or something?

Weirdly, my eyes refused to look anywhere else but the visage of the man, who I assumed to reach the peak of his twenties probably due to the youngness and fairness of his skin. The fact alone was purely new and strangely disturbing to me. Why did a stranger like this man seem to wrap an unseen thread of awe around my lungs just by the way he looked like?

Lost in the gaze of this stranger, my throat dried in silence for a long awkward minute until his cough snapped me back to reality, in which I wish to not happen, due to the embarrassment expressing on my face as I noticed the long staring I gave to him. By now, my cheeks would betray my thoughts to glow with a tint of coral along with the deafening silence shared between us until I chose to break it myself.

"Oh...Uh do I know you?" It was ridiculous for me to even bring up, since I obviously had no idea of the name which this man owned while he was probably regretting in his mind to look well in the future. With an uncomforting expression, he scratched his earlobe, trying to think of an answer seeing the results of his own mistake.

"I... I'm sorry; I mistook you as someone else. I mean, I didn't really see your face, but your figure from afar looked like hers" He bowed once again, I was not sure of my own self. I couldn't figure out if I was loss of words at his beauty or the deepness of his voice echoing in my ear. Or maybe the subtle jealousy stinging in my lungs seeing the living proof of the unfairness of life for the visuals of this unknown man before me.

"Okay" was all I could exhale as an answer before he disappeared by quickly leaving the place in hurry, while I remained frozen on my seat, completely dumbfounded by the weird situation. Nevertheless, before the man completely vanished from my sight, I could notice the name from the back of his phone when he stood up, to check the time, I assumed.

