Chapter I


"Lani wake up baby girl!" My stepdad Jack said shaking me slightly. My shot open.
"Don't touch me!" I cried.
"Whats wrong with you? Khalani come in here, something is wrong with Lani!" He yelled. I pulled away from him and put my head under my blanket.
My door swung open and in ran my mother.
"Lani whats the matter?" She pulled the covers from over my head. She wiped the sweat off my forehead.
"Baby you had a night mare, its okay" she soothed me, rubbing my back.
"Y-yea a night mare.. I'm sorry Jack" i mumbled.
"It's okay Kehlania, It's time for you to get up for school" I nodded and grabbed my clothes I set out last night. I walked to the bathroom and jumped into the shower.
I did my hygiene and got out of the shower. I wrapped my hair in a towel, then wrapped my body in another. I quickly dried off and put my clothes on. I hung my head over and dried my hair. Then I put some product in it and blow dried it a bit so it wasn't dripping.

I walked back into my bedroom and sat at my vanity. I put a little bit of makeup on and fleeked my eye brows. Once i was done i grabbed my phone and my bag and headed out the door.

As I got into the car my phone started ringing. I hit the answer button on my steering wheel and it was my best friend Tyreil.

"wassgud ma, good morning" He said in a perky tone.
"whatchu want Ty" I chuckled.
"Damn no good morning? And well I was wondering if me and Akila could get a ride cause we missed the bus, and my car is in the shop"
"Yea, i'll be there in 5. Be ready Ty!" I said in a stern voice. This boy is the reason I'm late every time I give him a ride.

A few minuets later I pulled up to their house. I honked the horn a couple of times, and out came Akila first.

"Hey girl! You work tonight?" She said getting into the front seat.
"Yea I do, what about you?"
"Yea, Mark wants me to come in at 6" I nodded and laughed a bit.
"Man its crazy that Mark even hired us" she giggled.
"Well he's Jason's dad, and Jason's family loves us, well me." I shook my head.
"I don't know why, y'all broke up last year" she shook her head no.
"We're back together"

Well if you're wondering, Akila, Nadia, and I are all strippers. We work at teasers. Yes, that's a topless club, and yes we're 17. At the club every dancer gets a mask that makes their main facial features unrecognizable.

"What are yall talking about?" My back door opened and in got Ty.
"Jason, and work" Akila answered. He nodded.
"I cant believe yall always work night shift at mcdonalds, and still manage to get up in the morning"

All three of us told our family that we work at mcdonalds during the night shift. Because none of our parents would accept that we work in a strip club, and other people would just call us hoes.

"Man i can't wait to move out" i said parking in the school parking lot.
"Why? Wass happenin?" Ty asked opening his door.
"Just don't want to live with my parents anymore, I want to be independent" he just nodded and handed me my bag.
"So what do you all have planned for tonight?" I looked over at ty.
"Well me and the guys were thinking about doing some home work.." We busted out laughing.
"Nah but forreal we probably going to meet up with our home boys from north and we finna hit the strip club"
"Which one?" Akila asked.
"Not sure yet, we gone talk about it later" we both nodded.

The school day went by slow as hell. After school I found myself in the school weight room working out with Akila and Nadia.

"I reaaaally hope Ty and the guys don't go to tease" i said in mid squat.
"Me too man, that would be awkward as fuck" Akila said on the stair masters.
"I don't know key, Ty's friends are cute as hell" Nadia said using the leg press.
I rolled my eyes and grabbed my gym bag.
"They are, but we don't need them finding out we work there. They'll all call us hoes"
"Your right "Akila said stepping off of the stair masters.

"Who you riding with tonight Akila?" She looked at Nadia. Nadia nodded at her.
"I'll ride with Nadia tonight. Im getting my car this weekend" I smiled at her.
"Congrats girl! Well ima head out so i can shower, im supposed to pick up ty from practice on my way out" she nodded.
"See yall later" i waved and carried my bag out.

I don't ever mind giving Akila a ride, she only lives 5 minuets from my house, and on top of that she gives me gas money.

I got into my car and drove around to the football field.


I took off my helmet and dapped up the guys.

"So we going to tease tonight?" Jason asked.
"Yea man sounds like a plan, you going to let August and them know?" He nodded and drank some water.
"Aye thats my ride, see yall there at 8" he nodded.

I walked over to kehlania's car and got in.

"How was practice?" She asked. Man was she looked good as hell in them work out clothes.

"It was good, same ol same ol. How was your work out? I seen ya doin ya thing running around the track" I licked my lips.
"It was good" she laughed and fanned me off. She pulled into my drive way. I took off my seat belt and leaned in front of her, putting my hand on her window with my face facing hers.
"You really lookin good ma" she blushed.
"Thanks ty, now get out my car" she laughed. I shook my head and shot her a cheesy smile.

I watched her back out of my drive way then i walked inside.

"Mama im home" i said taking off my shoes.
"Alrigt baby, im making dinner" my mom said from the kitchen.
"Its just going to be you and dad, mama. Im going out with the guys tonight, and Akila gotta work" she shook her head and frowned.
"Mama, im sorry. Look we'll make it up to you. I wont make any plans for sunday, and Akila dont work on sunday so we can all have sunday dinner together" i hugged her and kissed her forehead.
"Id like that son, now get ya sweaty behind off me. You stink" she pinched her nose. I let out a sarcastic laugh.
"Hahaha very funny. Ima go shower, love you mama"
"Alright son, i love you too" i walked up the stairs and went inside my bedroom. I grabbed a towel and walked to the bathroom. I turned the shower on and stripped off my clothes and did my hygiene. After I got all clean I got out and dried off. Then i wrapped my towel around my waist and walked to my bedroom. I slid on my boxers, true religion jeans, my white hollister collard  shirt, and and put on my socks and my retro 11s.

I looked at my phone and seen it was 7:35. Time to go pick up my niggas, Jason, and Devontae, to meet Kevin and the rest of em at the club.


I put on my signature play boy bunny nipple rings. I looked in my costume box and grabbed some fishnet stockings. I slid them over my black thong. I dug around in my box and grabbed my black and pink skirt with my bunny tail on it, then I sat down at my makeup table and put on my makeup.

Yes, even though we wear masks I still put on foundation, lipstick, and some dramatic lashes. I also Fleek my eyebrows.

Once I was finished with my makeup I grabbed my black heels and stood in front of my mirror.

"Hmm somethings missing" I said to myself. I looked in my box and found my bunny ears headband. I took a step back, and fixed it on my head.

"Looking fire mama" Lulu, my coworker said.
"Thanks boo, you too" LuLu was a fee inches taller than i, about 5'3". She was really thin, with small titties, a medium sized ass, and a beautiful face.

I on the other hand naturally have big titties, a small waist, thick thighs, and a fat,  yet toned ass.

"show time ladies!" Mark yelled and we all lined up.

Hope you all enjoyed! Dont forget to vote, and comment!
