chapter 4 lunch time

 After a few minutes  it was lunch time Niall  knocked on the math room door

Louis: come in

Niall: (opens the door and walks in) I'm here for Harry its lunch time

Harry: unch bwother/ lunch brother

Niall smiles: That's right sweetie if Mr. Tomlison says u are done with math then we can go get lunch in the cafeteria ( the place in school where lunch is served)

Louis: dismissed he did a good job today

 Harry: (blushes and looks down) whanks  Mr. womlison/ Thanks Mr,Tomlison

Louis: Ur welcome Harry

Harry and Niall walk out of the math room  and go to the  cafeteria

Niall: how did u like math with Mr. Tomlison

Harry: (blushes) me wike/ like him he wice/nice to me

Niall: ( smiles) I'm glad baby boy

Harry: ( blushes) me ungry/hungry Niall

Niall: Ok baby boy i will get our lunch u seat here and play with teddy Ok (Niall gets up and kisses Harry on the head then walks to the line and waits to get their food)  

Harry: (smiles) Wk/Ok Niall

A few minutes later Niall comes back with his and Harry's trays of lunch

Niall sees that Harry's crying  so he walks over and asks what's wrong

Niall: baby boy what's wrong

Harry: too noises

Niall: OK let's eat in the library

Harry gets his and Niall's book bags and they walk to the library

Harry and Niall were in the library and so was Louis

They eat lunch in the piece and quite of the library
