Love Me Cancer

First Post To 'Love Me Cancer' Hope you really like it.!

(Going to try to post a little everyday or each week so keep an eye out:))



I graped my backpack out from my bedroom. School ends in a couple of months, and I have to say I'm kinda glad. I hate being the out-cast of the whole school..Plus coming home knowing that no one will be waiting for me.. It's been three years and I'm still not getting over the fact that he just left me. It's not easy coming home with a note from your only parent saying they can't bare to look at you anymore.. then not knowing where he is freaks me out. I wish it would just go back to the way it was..

I stepped outside to the sun blazing down upon my skin. Summer was near. Bright green grass layed everywhere, with the sky's filled with bushy trees glowing with sunlight. Summer was my all time favorite season.

I opened the Spring Widdow's High School doors when I found myself knocking into the floor with papers and books flying in every direction. I looked up to see a handsome boy rubbing his head. His blue eyes sparkled with his midnight brown hair dangling down. He looked at me and smiled. "Hey are you alright?" I heard him say. Reaching up to touch my face. His warm hands tinging down to my toes.

Zachary Connor. The guy that means nothing to me., simple because he's with Lexi. Lexi, who hates me more than anyone else in the world. "I'm so sorry, I should of been watching. I'll be more careful next time I promise.." I said before knowing I was blabbing. "I'm sorry.. Are you okay?"

He gave me a cute smirk before handing me my books. "No need to be sorry, I'm the one who needs to stay way from doors." Standing up to reach his hand down to me. "But I gotta say, If you're going to be the one who slams a door in my face, It'll be a pleasure."

I took his hand and heaved myself with his help. I put my head down trying to hide the heat blazing to my cheeks. "Thanks.. Zack" I said still looking down.

"Again thanking and feeling sorry about what I do." He said with a laugh."Seems like every week we bump into each other and even if it's my fault you say sorry." He glared around and asked. "Can I walk you to your class?"

I smiled and started walking. "Sure, but won't Lexi get mad.?" I asked.

Zack ended up right beside me. "Nah. She knows we're friends, it won't bother her." Before he really knew who we were talking about he realized is eyebrows. "That much." And laughed.

Everyday since Christmas we've been talking. Hanging out without Lexi knowing. I try to avoid him., but there's something about him.. Cassy swears I like him., but.. I always deny it, I know I'm lying to myself but If I even think about telling him how I feel... I'll end up looking like a fool, and he'll be laughing.. about how the stupid freak has feelings for him. I don't think I could handle the whole school laughing, making a joke out of me. I had it hard enough with Lexi and Audrey, and they didn't need anymore help making me hate myself, they had that in the bag.

"So.. lunch?" Zack asked as we stopped at the door to my class room.

I smiled. He wanted me to set with him. For two weeks now he's been asking me to set with him, saying that Lexi nor Audrey won't say anything to me.. but the thing was., they'd do a lot more then just saying a word or two. They'd try to run me over., I don't feel like dieing anytime soon. "Zack.." I said, with a shake to my head. "Lexi.. she hates me.. and shes your girlfriend.. I don't want you getting into a fight with her over me..." I looked up into his blue eyes. "It's better for me to stay as far away as possible.. even you know know that." As I walked into the class room.

Cassy saved me a seat next to the window where the sun shined through into the room filled with desks and teenagers. She was wearing a pink knee-high dress, with some white sandals. Cassy always looks beautiful, with her black curly hair flowing down her back, and her glowing blue eyes as bright as the sky's.

As I sat in the desk beside her, she gave me a wink. "You and Connor I see?" With a smile she said. "So? Do tell! What did he say?"

I rolled my eyes, "Nothing really, just asked me to eat lunch with him again." I faced her to she she was smiling ear to ear. I shook my head. "Don't worry. I told him no."

The smile ripped off from her face. "What? Why did you turn him down.. again!"

"He has a girlfriend, which I may inform you for the millionth time that she hates me." I reached down and picked up my math book turning it to last nights homework page. "And plus, I can't eat lunch with him, I'm to busy eating with you."


Second block couldn't get worst. All Lexi talked about was prom, and how she wants everything to be perfect in pink. "Sorry Lexi., but I'm not the pink type." I told her.

She just looked at me. "Fine. Then you'll wear purple. We'll be soo... cute! Purple and pink goes amazing together.!" She squealed in a cheerful way. Her brown eyes gleamed with a cute smile. She was what I wanted.. what I thought I wanted anyway. I still remember the day we met, I went home that night and couldn't stop smiling. Lexi was so sweet and caring, with dreams of a life time, that was the girl I fell in love with.. shes changed so much., I don't even know the old her anymore.

"Hey Connor, where are we gonna set at lunch today, outside or inside?" Will's voice asked.

Before I could answer Lexi chimed in. "Inside, I don't want my hair to get messed up." She said with a flip of her hair.

We were paying for our lunch when I saw Riley. Her glistening hair matching her beautiful green eyes. There was something about her. Ever since the day I met her I didn't want to stay away. I couldn't.

"Dude. Lexi's watching you like a hulk. You better stop gawking at Riley." William whispered in my ear. "You know how much she hates her."

I smiled. "She's going to hate me after what I'm about to do." I said walking over to Riley's table.

I took a seat in front of Riley. Cassy stared at me without a word to say. I made a grin. "Hey."

Riley sat there a while before saying. "What are you doing? Lexi is looking over here, she's going to kill me.!" In a harsh whisper.

I smiled and winked at her. "I know." And turned around and blowed Lexi a kiss. I faced Riley and said "I don't think she'll do anything."

Riley laughed. "You're talking about a girl who has a death wish for me." She shook her head. "Really Zackary, what are you doing?"

She was cute when she was mad. "I'm eating with you, since you wouldn't eat with me."

I saw her blush, pink filled in her cheeks. Cassy put her head down and smiled while eating. "You know you're cute when you blush." I stated to Riley, which made her light up even more.

Cassy got up from the table. "I'll let you two have a chat, while I go and get some more food."

After Cassy left Riley didn't say a word, that is until I broke the silence. "So, do you always eat in silence?"

She shook her head. "Do you always try to make your girlfriend mad?" she asked.

"No, that's only when I'm around you." I smiled. "But it don't happen that often because you like avoiding me." I said lifting my eyebrows.

She leaned across the table and whispered. "I'm avoiding you because I like you." She smiled with her white teeth sparkling. "And I'm not avoiding you, I'm simply ignoring you."

We were inches away, and I wanted to get closer. "Good." I gazed into her fascinating eyes. "I'm around you because I like you.. and with you avoid- I mean ignoring me, doesn't help me with the fact that I wanna be near you."

Riley smiled. "Well I'll have to-" She got cut off with Lexi's voice.

"Get away from my boyfriend." Lexi smiled, but with flames in her eyes.

Riley sat back in her seat. "Told you." She said a'loud.

I looked at Lexi then Riley. "Lexi. We were talking."

"I don't care what you were doing! I don't want you near her.! Connor, you know how I feel about her." Lexi said with tears in her eyes.

I nodded my head. "Fine Lexi." Was all I could get out. I couldn't stop looking at Riley though. It was like nothing happened, she sat there and stared at Lexi, not knowing I was looking at her. She finally looked my way when I could mouth with my lips "I'm sorry." She just closed her eyes for about four seconds just to open them again.

I stood up and left Riley as I walked off with Lexi.


My head is killing me and I still have five hours before I get off work. Great...

I was re-stacking the can-goods when my boss came up. "Hey Matt needs your help in the back. I'll finish up here.

"Okay." Was all I said before he took the box of cans out of my hands.

I walked in the back to see Matt getting the stuff out of the back of the truck that was pulled into the back of the store. Matt was tall, with short black hair and green eyes., who my I also included my bosses son.

"Hey Matt need help." I asked.

Matt put the box he had in the corner with some others before he replied. "Yeah, sure. Grab a box."

It felt like we were there for hours just lifting boxes filled with food. We ended up talking about school and how my life was. Matt and His father John, was the only other people who really knew everything about what happened to my mom and dad. They know how hard I have it, and try to help out the best way they can.

I reached for a box and found myself dropping into the floor, pain going everywhere with food all over me. Matt rushed to my side. "Are you okay?" Moving all of the food off from me.

I sat up with food still around me. "No, I'm fine..." How did that happen? "I just don't know how I could have dropped that? It was pretty light..." Before I could say more Matt held up my arm, showing bruises.

"Umm.. Riley?" Matt asked concerned.

I looked into his eyes. My head was still killing me, and now my body is in pain with bruises. I shook my head, trying to get focus.. I looked down at my watch to see it was 7:57pm, two hours before I get off my shift, to go home and sleep. Two more hours of pain... awesome.

John walked in just as I got off the floor. "Riley. Get your things and go home. Only two hours left, we got you covered."

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a $20 bill. "I want you to take this. Don't pay me back, and it doesn't come out of your pay-check. I want you to go to the doctor, get checked out, any medical bills, give them to me and we'll work it out."

I took the money not really understanding what was going on. "What-" I got cut off my Matt's words.

"Your ill, you've lost weight, your headaches, and now fast bruising? It might not be anything, but you can barley lift six-pounds, your scaring me." He said without blinking.

I nodded my head, got my things and left. I have loss three pounds, and me weighing approximately 105' already under-weight couldn't be good. I've always had headaches., but not roughly this bad. And I really haven't really realized the bruising, but after tonight., I kinda believe it.

Walking in the dark with only the street lights to guide my way I felt a warm hand on my back. I freaked out getting extraordinarily scared and jumped around until I heard a voice. "It's okay, it's just me." A calming voice that I enjoyed to hear. Zack.

"You scared the living day lights out of me!" As I hit him in the chest.

Zack laughed. "I though you didn't get off until nine?"

"Something happened and they sent me home early." I answered without explaining.

I could barley see his face., but with the sound of his voice Zack sounded worried. "What happened?"

"Oh, you know some boxes fell on top of me.." I replied without shock.

He grabbed my hand. "What! Are you okay?"

I couldn't help but laugh. He was so cute when he acted like he cared. "Just a few scape's, no blood... that I know of." I said playing around.

"Riley.!" He said moving in front of me.

I laughed leaning my head back. "I'm kidding.! Really Zackary, you are something." I said smiling. The remembering what happened earlier today.. just to find myself looking up at him., looking down on me.

"I can't help it!" He said touching my face. "I worry about you." His hand on my face warmed my body sending sparks to my toes. No matter how hard I tried to stay away from him, I always find myself with him.

"What did Lexi say?" I asked breaking up the juncture that was about to happen.

He took in a deep breath, moving away. We started to walk in a slow paste before he said. "Told me to stay away, not that she didn't trust me or anything., but you know.." He said in a cool tone.

"I know., I told you.. best thing to do is stay away from me.." I closed my eyes to another flash of pain. Before I knew what I was really doing, a hand was around my waste.

"Riley? Are you okay?" I heard Zack's voice in my ear.

I opened my eyes to Zack still holding me, gleaming down upon my face. I looked up to him and smiled. "Headache." Before breaking lose and started walking again.

"Headaches don't.. do that.." He stated, jogging up behind me.

I didn't want to lie but.. "Don't worry, I went to the doctor and they gave me medicine for it, I'll be fine in a few days."

Zack didn't say anything back, so I was there to break the silence. "Look about today at lunch.." I couldn't help but feel deficient. "I'm sorry-"

"Why are you sorry? I'm the one who got you yelled at.." Zack said in a sadden voice.

I couldn't help it but.. "I'm not talking about that.." As soon as It came out of my mouth Zack stopped.

He just stood there without a word coming out of his mouth. I turned to face him, four blocks away. "Maybe we should stay away from each other. We'll only make Lexi worst, and she doesn't want you near me., and she's made it pretty clear to me as well.. her and Audrey both."

"I can't hold it in anymore." He said in a harsh tone. "I've been trying to hold on to this lie.. and I don't want to hold it in anymore." Zack said taking a step closer to me.

I took a deep breath.. because in reality., I was holding onto the same lie.. I took a step back.. and closed my eyes. I opened to see Zackary right in front of me, I could feel the heat from his body lingering on mine. "I don't want to stay away.." As his hands warming up my face. "And everything I told you today, I meant it." Zack pushed my hair behind my ear. "I don't care what Lexi thinks or says, because I think I'm falling.. and it's not for her." As he leaned down and kissed my forehead.
