


I woke up hearing the morning alarm my hands moved to the bed side table and switched off the alarm before it wakes up radu who was sleeping snuggling  me. Once the alarm went off she stopped squirming. Proping up on my elbow I looked at her who was lying on her right facing me. Her face is calm and serene.She was looking so sooo cute I kissed her nose lightly and she scrunched her nose. I badly wanted to nibble dat button nose of hers but I kept my feelings at bay not wanting to wake her up. My adorable cutie pie wifey.I just laid next to her looking at her face for minutes. This women gave everything to me. A women every man will die for. My heart was overflowing with happiness  She was lethaly good and I cant help mysef i kissed her forehead. She smiled in sleep sensing my touch. I kissed her right eye next. Her smile was wide this time mirroring mine.
I kissed her nose again this time she half  opened her sleepy eyes and saw me.

"What are u doing arjun? " she questioned in sleepy tone the sweetest melody I ever heard.

"Admiring my wife.... Do you have any problem? "I questioned  back after kissing her nose again

"Its ticklish...."She giggled and burried her face into my chest nuzzling

"I love you" I announced kissing her head

"Love you too" she reponded placing a small peck over my chest.

From no where dhilip uncle's words came to my mind.

"But iam not perfect for you" I voiced out my doubt

Suddenly she withdrew her head from me and looked at my face her eyes were wide showing dat she is fully out of sleep. I smiled at her
she removed my hand from her waist and sat straight next to me.I too pulled my body up and sat facing her.

"who said that you are not perfect for me? " she questioned raising her right eyebrow looking at me suspiciously

I shrugged my shoulders and tried to get up from  bed to escape from her questions session but she pulled me by my wrist and I landed on bed again

" Are you hiding something from me? " this time the suspicions in her eyes increased

I just shook my head negative as response.

"you are 101 percent perfect for me
an amalgamation of beauty and beast " She giggled mischievously

"Beast...me..." I looked at her

she nodded her head slowly with a michevious grin playing on her lips

I looked at her in amaze

In no time she climbed over my lap and nibbled the tip of my nose and singsang "I love u Mr. Not so perfect "

I was dumbstruck for a minute looking at her in shock she pinched my bicep hard and got down from bed poking her tongue out teasing me

" Radhika u r gone today..."  I teased and got down from bed trying to catch her

she ran around the bed and I chased her.

After 5 mins of running and chasing I caught her and locked her under me on the bed.

" You can never escape from me"I smirked

" I don't want to escape "she spoke between breath

I pepperd her face with feather light kisses she giggled all the while

I looked at her in awe.....

Her eyes shimmering in love for me....nose red of all laughing.... cheeks  wore a beautiful shade of pink making me proud that iam the only man who can see this...

"so wat shade of lipstick you use..."I asked winking at her

Her brown orbs widen on my question

"Arjun....." she chidded and her cheeks falshed a lightly higher shade of pink

locking my eyes with hers I leaned over slowly her eyes closed automatically anticipating my next move.

Before I could seal my deal knocks on the door made us jerk from our position.

"Mamu, Radhu you are already late  are u guys opening the door or shall I break the door open"Nivi's voice boomed continuing the knocks

Radhu hurriedly checked the alarm its already half past 5.

"comming Nivi" radu hollered getting up from bed

"Gosh how come I slept like this.... I have fixed alarm for 4 o clock"she murmerd and got up and walked towards the door  to open it  for nivi

She stopped on her tracks as if she got reminded of something and turned towards me with a questiong look.
With no other go I raised my arms signing a  surrender smiling  sheepishly.

she gave a I will kill you look and  moved  towards the door as nivi started the process of breaking the door.
I fell on the bed again closing my face with the comforter to eacape from Nivi's wrath.
"Radu do you remember that me your little sister is getting married tomorrow? " Nivi s question to radu made me laugh I closed my mouth with my palm trying to suppress my laughter.

"Mamu I very well know that you are wide awake pls stop acting else I will empty a bucket of water on your head" Nivi threatened making me jump.

"ok chill relax lets go down "radu composed her and moved out of the room

"what?  are you coming like this?  Atleast wear your over coat " nivi spoke with a hint of sarcasm which was not noted by radu . she came inside and slipped into her overcoat like a obedient kid  and rushed outside only to see nivi standing like a raging bull staring her.

This time I laughed loud literally rolling on the bed earning glares from the sisters.

"I will deal  him afterwards lets move down" radu muttered looking at me and extended her right to hold nivis arm to which nivi moved a step back escaping her hold .

" chi chi yellow yellow dirty fellow dont touch me" nivi singsang making radu gasp.

Nivi winked at her making her understand the hidden meaning.
"ok bye pls both of you come down soon after taking bath...." she spoke looking at us.

"Next stop Ram-Anitha room " she announced and moved out of our sight

Radu's jaw dropped seeing her sister going. I laughed at her priceless reaction.she turned towards me still her mouth wide open I signed  her to close her mouth and she did the same next second glaring me.

"By the way were you guys playing hide and seek? " Nivis voice made us turn to the entrace again.

"Actually we heard sounds like some one sorry sorry exactly 2 people running around.....so I thought you guys were.... "she paused and air quoted indicating something

Radu and I looked at eachother wide eyed  unable to figure out wat to say

"Beautiful....."she exclaimed after clicking a snap of us in her mobile and ran out of the place before radu could reach her.


I don't know for how many hours I am looking at her face. Its almost 5 in the morning even though I didn't sleep a bit in the whole night I didn't feel tired or sleepy at all. Moreover I felt happy seeing a tranquility on anithas face. Her arms wrapped protectively around maya who was sleeping between us with her middle finger and ring finger inside her mouth just like radhika used to do in her childhood.
I caressed her head and pulled those fingers slowly without disturbing her sleep. Once fingers are out of her mouth she frowned a little and then went back to normal smiley face. Anitha was smiling ear to ear when she brought maya with her last night.. I saw my old happy anitha when maya is with her. Arjun and radika are blessed to have her. Suddenly someone knocked my door hard and anitha wake up with a start hugging Maya.

" I will  see" I told her and went to open the door only to see nivi standing there in her kali ma avatar.

I looked at her in shock.

"Do you and  your wife remember that iam getting married tomorrow? " she questioned

I nodded positive still looking at her in confusion

"God what a poor birde I am.... I myself  going to each and every  room and knocking to wake the people .. no one is interested in my marriage " she spoke dramatically  and sat on the floor holding her head with her right just outside our room door.

"Nivi first get up from the floor give us 15 mins we will be down....all slept late yesterday so only... "I reasoned

"sorry nivi just 10 mins I will come "Anitha hollerd at nivi before running into washroom gathering her clothes.

"Whatever come soon..."nivi muttered and went with sagged shoulders.

"This girl is over excited  god save aakash from her..." I prayed sincerely before moving in.

Once the morning prayer is over everyone started the preparation for tomorrows marriage.  since the marriage is fixed in their family temple in nearby village there were extra works like packing things and all. Everyone very running on their toes to do finish all the works. Maya was playing with one of radikas cousins she is enjoying all the pampering.I thought to help ram and asked the same to him but mala aunty was strictly against the idea so I sat simply in the hall. suddenly a idea popped in my brilliant mind and I texted Akash and started chatting with him to keep me occupied.

"Mamu...." nivi ran towards me

"Mamu radu fell down ...."she spoke between breaths

" What? " I jumped of the chair

"Radhu climbed over chairs to get something from the loft and she fell down out of imbalance "nivi explained while we ran towards the kitchen

When we reached there Radu was sitting in a chair drinking water surrounded by mala aunty anitha shanti aunty and many other ladies.

"what happened? Are you ok? " I ran to her enquiring

"Nothing arjun I just slipped"she replied but pain was evident in her voice

"Who asked you to do these things?" I scolded sitting next to her chair on the floor checking her hands for any bruises.

"Arjun its ok iam fine..... why are you touching my feet..."she became anxious and tried to  remove my hands from her leg

"Radhika...."I warned and she released her hold on my hand as
she very well knew that I will call by her full name only if iam pissed off.

she yelped in pain when I touched her right ankle which was swollen by that time.

"Just slipped....its swollen I think you have sprained your ankel"I chided

she smiled a sheepish one as reply

"ouch arjun.....its painning..ouch..."she continued yelping while I investigated her ankel trying to move it.

"Radu its just a twist hold me I will...."

"No no no arjun pls pls no...."she started pleading before I could complete my sentence.

I placed her ankle over my lap not listening to her protest.

"close your eyes it will be slightly painfull" I spoke placing her right hand over my shoulder squeezing it lightly assuring.

"Arjun....arjun....arjun...."she cried even before I touch her
I raised my gaze from her feet when I  heard a slapping sound.

Radu was brushing her head pouting at her mom.

"Stop calling him by name...."mala aunty scolded her

"Then how to call... his parents have named him only to call him by that right..."she argued with her mother making face

Using the chance I twisted her ankle  once.
"Arjun...."she cried this time.
"That's it... that's it...now try moving your ankle..."I implied brushing the tears rolling on her cheeks.

she tried moving her leg and replied that its somewhat ok now.
"Ok get up try walking...lets move upstairs "I pulled her by her wrist.

"yes radu take rest I will send you medicine "mala aunty spoke caressing radu's head

"Let her take rest others go continue the work..."shanti aunty orderd others everyone moved to continue with their work.

I held her hand and walked her towards the stairs. As we coverd few feets her hold on my wrist becomes firmer Without wasting a single second I lifted her from ground in bridal style and walked upstairs without considering her protest.
Once I reached our room I placed her over the bed and took a anti- inflammatory balm and applied on her swollen ankle.
" Sleep for sometime you will feel better..."I coverd her with the comforter and kissed her forehead.

"Thank you..."she whispered

I pinched her nose and gave a I will kill you look and moved out of the room letting her take some rest.
I came out and stood in the balcony looking around.

"Mamu...mamu...."nivi ran towards me

"who fell down now? " I asked teasing her

"Periyapa askedyoutomeethiminhisroom " she spoke without a break

"what are you saying pls talk clearly "I complained

"Periyappa....asked....you....to...meet.... him.... in.... his... room...." she spoke word by word stressing each letter

"What? " that's all I could say.

(A/N: First of all sorry for the delay.....
I dedicate this chapter to everyone who pinged me to post the next one and every one who missed this story  thanks a lot for guys for your constant support....u know wat today Love makes life beautiful is in #89 surprise right thanks a lot guys.... finally I have posted a new book of quotes named musings pls take a look at that too....
love you all
