Pure Girls Project

It was a bright and sunny day. Honoka was just staring out the window, thinking about her life. But she felt something was missing...something an idol should have, she felt like she didn't have it. Honoka didn't know what was missing, but she was going to find out.


Nico: What?

Honoka: You see...I feel incomplete as an idol.

Nico: What do you mean?

Honoka: What I'm saying is...there's this charm that people like Kotori-Chan and Hanayo-Chan have, but I don't have it.

Nico: Oh. Now I know what you're talking about.

Honoka: Do you know what it is?

Nico: *scoffs* Of course I do!

Honoka: What is it?

Nico: You're not a pure girl!

Honoka: ...Pure girl?

Nico: Exactly! Idols are admired for their cuteness, their voices, their energy, and their purity. And you, ma'am, aren't exactly what anyone would call pure.

Honoka: Aren't you describing Nozomi-Chan?

Nico: Yes, and I'm talking about you too.

Honoka: What do I do?

Nico: Ask someone who is a pure girl.

Honoka: Okay! *leaves*


Kotori: Eh? To become pure?

Honoka: Yeah!

Hanayo: People can just make others pure?

Kotori: No.

Honoka: Aww!

Kotori: *pats Honoka's back* Don't fret, for I have the perfect solution to your problem.

Honoka: Really? How?

Kotori: You have to empty your mind.

Honoka: Empty my mind?

Kotori: Empty your mind.

Honoka: Empty my mind.

Kotori: Empty your mind.

Honoka: ...

Hanayo: Kotori-Chan, do you know what you're doing?

Kotori: *whispers* No. I have no idea what I'm doing.

Hanayo: Wow.

Honoka: *drooling*

Kotori: *snaps her fingers*

Honoka: Huh?

Hanayo: I think it worked!

Honoka: What worked?

Kotori: Something.

Honoka: I don't know what you're talking about, but sure. *leaves*

The next day

Umi: Honoka, we have to get to the club room.

Honoka: ...Okay.

In the club room

Nico: Today, we're gonna discuss the time for the next live show.

Honoka: What? Live show?

Nico: Well, duh! Obviously.

Eli: You forgot?

Honoka: I never knew we were going to perform.

Nozomi: But, I told you yesterday!

Honoka: Okay, I don't know who you people are, or what I'm doing here, but I'm out. Peace! *leaves*

Kotori: Oh no.

Nozomi: Uh oh. What did you do?

Kotori: Honoka-Chan wanted to be a pure girl, so I told her to empty her mind.

Maki: Are you serious?

Kotori: *nods*

Rin: Aha! By emptying her mind, you basically erased her memory nya!

Umi: How was that supposed to solve her problem?

Kotori: That was the only thing I could do! I didn't want her to get sad because nobody helped her.

Eli: We have to figure out a way to jog her memory.

Maki: How? It's not like we're magic, or anything.

Hanayo: I have an idea! Umi-Chan, I'll need your help on this one. You too, Kotori-Chan.

Umi: Sure.

Kotori: Okay.

A few weeks later, Kotori, Hanayo, and Honoka, we're going to perform. Sure, Honoka had no clue what she was doing, but this was the only thing they could come up with to help Honoka get her memory back.

Kotori: We've prepared for this day. You guys ready?

Hanayo: Ready!

Honoka: I think I'm ready, but...what am I doing here again?

Hanayo: Your going to sing and dance for all those people.

Honoka: Hmm. Sounds easy enough.

Some person: Printemps, you're on now.

Kotori: Let's go!

Four minutes and twenty-five seconds later

Hanayo: Did it work?

Honoka: Did what work?

Kotori: Do you know who we are?

Honoka: Not a clue.

Hanayo: Aww man!

The next day at school

Nozomi: I guess we're just strangers to Honoka-Chan now.

Eli: We're going to have to get used to this.

Kotori: I'm sorry, guys. If I hadn't told her to empty her mind, this wouldn't have happened.

Maki: It's not your fault.

Nico: You only wanted to help.

Honoka: Hey, guys!

Umi: Honoka?

Honoka: Yes?

Rin: Are you okay nya?

Honoka: Of course! I've never felt better!

Kotori: Do you remember anything strange happening?

Honoka: Well, you said to empty my mind, and...that's all I can remember.

Hanayo: I'm sorry you weren't able to become a pure girl.

Honoka: It's okay. Because I'm happy with the way I am now.

Nozomi: But, we still have to get to practice.

Honoka: Dagnabbit!

Umi: Let's practice hard today, okay?

Everyone else: Okay!

