
17th of July 2021

Ivy POV:

It was the weekend of the Silverstone grand prix. It was an even more special weekend as today was the first ever sprint race in F1's history. Qualifying was moved to Friday,as the sprint would take place today,Saturday and it would determine the starting grid for the race tomorrow. I'm here at Silverstone attending the race weekend and very excited about it. At yesterday's qualifying,Lewis ended up being first as Max was behind him in 2nd place. I was happy,but also not because the championship battle just keeps on getting better.

But it wasn't easy at all for me. Well,on one side there was my brother fighting for his 8th  and also the record title. On the other side there is my boyfriend,who is also the father of my son,chasing his first ever title. So,I really have no idea how to pick between the two. Who do I support and who do I not?

We,well me and Max were yet to share the news to the world. I had decided that today was that day. Sooner or later,people will find out as I'm not gonna stay skinny forever. I just wouldn't share any news about the father,as that was something to talk about another time.

Liked by Lewishamilton and 150,183 others

Ivoryreyes_: I'm going to dedicate this post to my little boy who isn't here yet,but has made his mommy happier than ever. It took me a long time to share this,but now that I have it's all better for me. Your mom loves you the most and cannot wait to meet you 💙
Loving you endlessly,my baby Leo

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User1: WHAT?

User2: Not Ivy being pregnant 😭

Mabelbabes: We all love you Leo 🦁

Oakleynormand: <3

Mickschumacher: Finally it's out! I couldn't hold it anymore!
╰➤User3: Why would Mick know about this? Is he the father?
╰➤User4: I don't think so,the first person I could think of is Max
╰➤User5: I don't think it's Mick,as Ivy had said they were just friends many times. Idk about Max though 👀

Lewishamilton: 💙

User6: I really want to find out who the dad is
╰➤User7: I bet on my life it is Max,they are just hiding it,trust me
╰➤User8: No way it's Max! With the title fight,this would make an even bigger mess

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The moment i posted the picture the notifications started going on and the worst thing I did was look at the comments. Well there were nice people who congratulated me,but there was always those people who had something bad to say. I also got a text message from Max who talked about the photo i had posted and told me to just ignore the comments and not think of it. I then thanked him and we promised to somehow find a way to see eachother this evening after the sprint race.


Sprint race was about to start in 5 minutes as everyone was really excited and looking forward to it. On the screen,I saw Max's tyres heat up a lot,to the point there was some flames coming out of them which did make me worried for a second. But after the start,my worries were proven wrong as Max immediately overtook Lewis in turn one,as you could hear the crowd yelling from all the sides. We were in the Uk,so there was obviously many British fans who weren't so happy about that.I almost started cheering for Max,but then I remembered there were people around me who could look at me in confusion and the media would blow up afterwards.

In the end,it finished off well with Max in P1 as Lewis was behind him in P2. With that,Max got added an extra 3 points to his drivers championship and now he is leading by 34 points ahead of Lewis. I could see people at mercedes giving up hope,but i think that anything could happen in F1 and things may take a turn in just a second. Even though i was more rooting for Max as this could be his first title.


The next morning I woke up feeling pretty relaxed and very ready for the race day. I had all my hopes up that Max will win it which would extend the lead in the championship.

About the meeting,me and Max did manage to see eachother for a very short time,which was in the paddock,the worst place possible as many people were looking at us. Luckily the next day which is Today,there aren't any pictures of us online from yesterday. People probably got used to our what so called "friendship" and didn't care a lot right now. The rumors of us dating weren't gone though,as there was people who were sure about it. Well,they aren't wrong.


The race was about to start and I felt my nerves building up,which was something i did very often before each race. But this time there was something about it. I felt something was off,i just didn't know what. As the 5 lights went out the battle in the front got even more heated as Max and Lewis were now wheel to wheel battling for that first place. It was very intense as it looked like they could crash any second.

And then they did

I let out a gasp as I watched Lewis send Max into the walls in Copse at a speed faster than I could imagine. It all happened so quick that it was even difficult to realise what had just happened. I started feeling more worried than ever as no one was saying a single thing.

After what felt like forever they finally showed Max trying to get out of the car,which was not easy at all. I felt my whole body shiver as I couldn't imagine what was going through his head at that moment. He definetly wasn't feeling the best right now,which made me feel even more sick. The worst part was,I was in the mercedes garage,so I couldn't even say a word because it could cost me. I had to hold it in to myself,which was the most difficult thing i have done. I wished I could just hug him right now.

It wasn't easier when they showed Max getting inside of the ambulance car as all kinds of scenarios went through my head. I was just thankful that he got out of that car alive,that was the most important thing of all. Then my mind went to Lewis,who even complained on the radio about how apparently Max turned into him,which made my blood boil. He did ask if Max was okay afterwards,but that didn't help. I really didn't know how to not yell at him after the race ends. I was just really angry at that moment.

The situation didn't get any better when the FIA decided to give Lewis a 10 second penalty,which I really wanted to laugh at from anger,as it was a joke to my liking.

And then Lewis ended up winning the race,which I did get mad about despite him being my brother. I really hoped it would've been Charles' race but things didn't really work out. Then Lewis got out of the car and celebrated his win with the British flag and shit like that,as I didn't even want to watch the rest. I decided to leave the paddock to go to the bathroom and then I got a text message from Max which I was more than happy about

Ivy,I know you are
worried about me
Just wanted to say
that I'm all better now
Love you ♡

Thank god,you have no
idea how worried I was
I felt my heart drop the
moment it happened

It is what it is,
I will be discharged from
the hospital later tonight
I hope to see you soon
And we will talk more x

Bye super dad Max :)


I shut my phone as I definetly felt a bit better now that I got to hear from Max. However I still wasn't finished with Lewis cause I definetly needed to tell him a few words. The podium celebrations were finished and after some hours the interviews and press conferences were done,i made my way to his driver's room as I knew he would be there


"Hey Ivy!" - Lewis greeted me in a really enthusiastic mood,too enthusiastic for my preference as I was boiling on the inside

"You are really going to be this happy and ignore what you did on the first lap,huh?"- I started with my yelling,however my voice wasn't so loud as I wanted to keep it as quiet as possible

"Why are you this angry? If you are talking about Max he is all fine if you want to know!"- Lewis looked at me in confusion not knowing what else to say

"Well maybe you should've thought before you hit him in the wall at a flying speed! Imagine if it was you in his situation. Just put yourself in his shoes and how would you feel?"- I raised my voice a bit this time because it was hard for me to hold it in

"Ivory where is this all coming from? Why do you care this much? It happened already,we move on. Aren't you happy I won atleast?"- He then continued with a serious look on his face

"Happy that you won? You didn't give a single shit and just celebrated like you didn't send someone in the hospital 2 hours before that!"- Now i was really yelling and some people could definetly hear my shouting around the other rooms

"Listen,I can see you got worried for your friend,but can you stop blaming me,it's not like I did it on purpose. And why are you getting this mad if it's just your friend? I'm your brother,a part of your family,remember?"- then Lewis began with his speeches as I was sick of him talking and just wanted to yell as loud as possible

"But anything could've happened! Just imagine a child growing up without his father! Well,if you would like to know that could've happened to me today. It luckily didn't. I hope you are happy now that I said this to you although I should've not said it. If you want to hear it again,he is the father of my child!"- Those last words i yelled them as loud as possible without any hesitation. The nerves really got up to me and I had to let the anger out somehow.

It only took me a few seconds to realise what I had just said.

Oh my god. I ruined everything. I fucked up. This shouldn't of happened. How could I do such a thing. And how would Max react? Now it was all under Lewis's control. He could share the news anytime he wanted to.

"Ivory you cannot be serious right now! So you have been lying to me this whole time? You have no idea how disappointed I am right now! And there are multiple reasons for that. Just wait for your mom to hear about this! Your family will be gone! Oh wait,you will have your Maxie with you!"- Lewis changed the tone of his voice as I've never seen him angrier than he is now.

"You know what? I had no other choice! But anyway,I'm done with your bullshit! And I don't care. Even if the whole world turns against me,as long as I have him, i do not care a single bit!"- I almost felt the tears coming down my cheeks but managed to hold them in as I didn't want to come across as a crybaby

"This isn't the Ivy I used to know once! You really changed now! I have no Idea how you managed to meet Max or even hook up with him but it's better if I don't!"

"Well I'm more than happy to tell you it was on your birthday! Yes,so you were one of the reasons why we met! If it wasn't for that party it wouldn't be this way"- I told him the whole story while laughing my head off,because laughing was the only way to cope with my anger

"Oh god,just stop! I don't even want to hear the rest of it!"- Lewis yelled in anger as he wasn't satisfied with my answer

"Well,I don't want to hear from you as well! I had enough of you and all these years of you being so overprotective over me and acting like I'm a baby! I will continue on with my life with Max and my son without any doubts,cause I don't give a shit anymore!"- I shouted as I shut the door and stormed off outside. I was fuming in anger and people all over the room were staring at me.

It was at that moment when i let the tears fall down as I had to cry myself out. I dialled Max's number as he was the only one I could call right now

M:Ivy? What happened,are you okay?

I: Max,listen,i need to see you. I need to be with you right now

M: Have you been crying? Cause you sound like that. Listen I'm back in my hotel room now. And ofcourse you can come. I'll send you the address

I: Thank you so much,I really need  to be there right now


I hanged up the call as I called a taxi to take me to the address Max had sent me

When we arrived there I knocked on the door and almost immediately he opened the door for me. I then burst into tears as I hugged him as tight as possible while grabbing onto the fabric of his shirt

"Max i fucked it up. I fucked it up so badly!"- I cried to his shoulder as I could barely speak since my whole body was shaking

"Ivy please tell me what is going on,we will solve it together?"- Max tried to calm me down as we were both standing there hugging eachother in front of his front door in the middle of the hotel

"Lewis knows. Everything. And it's all because of me! I got angry at him for what he did to you and I let the words slip out on accident. I didn't even realise what I was doing"

Max then looked at me with wide eyes but he didn't seem to get angry,as he probably knew that it wasn't easy for me as well.

"Let's go inside and then we will talk more about it. People could see us here"- He replied as we went inside and I sat down on the hotel bed.

"Now,listen. You may have said something you shouldn't,but we can't change that now. We have to move on. He would've found out eventually. This just wasn't the way we wanted him to know"- Max then continued with a warm tone in his voice which really helped me calm down.

"I know Max. It's just that i might  of ruined your whole career with what I said"

"You didn't ruin anyone's career,you should get those things out of your mind cause that's not true at all" - He tried to make me feel better as he placed a kiss on my forehead while hugging me tightly.

"But,Lewis will tell everyone! My whole family is going to kill me. No,they are going to kill you first and then they won't talk to me for the rest of my life. My whole life is falling apart! Max why is life so difficult? Why can't you be together with the person you love the most? Just because i am related to Lewis,people will judge no matter what. But I am a person too and I deserve to be loved by someone,aren't I?"- I dropped a few tears while saying those words cause I simply couldn't control myself as it was all too much for me

"I'm just thankful nothing happened to you today otherwise this would've get much worse. I just know Lewis wouldn't of seen the end of it"- I continued on

"It is difficult Ivy,I know. It won't be any better for me as well. I just  know exactly how my dad will react to this all. But we will manage to live through this together. As long as we have eachother that's all that matters. I don't care if the whole universe is against us,as long as you are holding my hand I will be happy"- Max quietly said with a warm tone as he made sure I know he is with me no matter what

And I couldn't be happier about that. Even though a lot of shit happened to me today which will change my life eventually, at the end of the day I had Max by my side no matter what. Everyone has their good and bad moments in  life,and we all manage to somehow get through them. Life moves on,and we have to move on as well...

A/N: Hello guys, I'm back from vacation which means now I'm able to upload more regularly :)
Also,this is probably the longest chapter I've ever written and I hope it adds up for the days that I wasn't uploading xx
