Love is strange

'Should I stay or should I go now? If I go there will be trouble, and if I stay it will be double. So come on and let me know, should I stay or should I go' 

Jonathan Byers was lying on his bed with his headphones on, singing along to his favourite song by the Clash. Sometimes it felt like music and photography was all he had in life, but he knew that wasn't true; he had his mother, Joyce, sweet and caring, if not a bit stressed out because of her job; he had Will, he little brother who he loved dearly and would do anything for. And then there was Nancy Wheeler, beautiful Nancy. Jonathan didn't have any friends, he was an outsider and was bullied at school. But Nancy was the closet thing to a friend Jonathan had ever gotten, there had even been moment when he had thought there had been more than just friendship between them. But now he wasn't so sure? How could anyone ever love him? He was just an ugly loser, just like Tommy and Carol said. But what had it meant when Nancy had giving him a new camera for Christmas? Did it mean she cared about him? He wasn't sure anymore. He knew it has been wrong to take those picture of Nancy and her friends, oh so wrong. But he couldn't help it. He was a creep, just like they said. Tears welled in Jonathan's eyes, and when a knock came at the door, he quickly dried them off. He couldn't be like this. He had to be strong, and be there for his mother, for Will. After all, Will had just came back from the Upside Down.

"Honey, breakfast is ready" It was Joyce.

"I'll be there in a minute, mom" Jonathan called.

Jonathan wasn't hungry, but he tried to eat the scramble eggs that Joyce has made anyway, just for her sake. His little brother's appetite was back, he could see that. That made him happy. Will hadn't really been himself the first few weeks he had been back, but now the old Will was coming back, and Jonathan was so happy for that. He loved his family, after all, they were all he had in this world.

"What's wrong, honey? Aren't you hungry?" Joyce asked, concerned.

"I'm okay, mom. I'm just not that hungry."

"Have you slept at all last night, Jonathan?"

"I stayed up late" Jonathan said.

"Jonathan.. We've talked about this- if this is about Nancy.."

"This is not about that!" Jonathan said, voiced raised.

He quickly regretted raising his voice. "I'm sorry" he said. Joyce didn't say anything else.

At lunch at school, Jonathan said alone at the table he used to sit at. He was used to being alone. Rather be alone, than be with those jocks and snobby people.

"Look who we've got here. The freak. Rat-face. The creep. So, have you taken any creep photos for us? Can we see?" It was Tommy. Jonathan just bowed his head and said: "It's none of your business"

"None of our buisiness? Did you hear that Carol? The creep is speaking up for himself. Good boy. How's that looser brother of yours? I heard he came back from the dead? Didn't you kill him properly?"

"Leave him alone! He hasn't done anything to you!" Jonathan couldn't believe what he heard. Nancy.
