*Twilight's POV*

After the meal, I asked Flash what was on my brother's to-do list, he immediately replied 'i still have no clue, I haven't unravelled it yet' and I just nodded

We both sat back down on our chairs and discussed what was on the list, turns out it was do's and dont's



1. Make the princess feel safe
2. Give the princess what she needs
3. Treat her like you treat your captain, high and respected
4. No funny business, I mean it
5. Make sure you protect her


1. Again no funny business
2. Don't get to close or personal
3. No falling in love with the princess or I'll have your head
4. No nonesense questions
5. Don't let her get hurt


'Well that was a list' I said to myself, I just chuckled and said to look on what spike has on his to-do's


1. Check muscles
2. Accompany twilight with any trip she goes
3. Ride on her back while flirting with rarity
4. Just be there when she needs you
5. Save her from boredom by giving her a book
6. Bring extra quills, scrolls and her notebook
7. Check the checklist
8. Double check the checklist
9. Triple check the checklist
10. Look at the checklist one more time and die from boredom


I giggled as flash read the scroll out loud, his face turned bright red as he turned to me and said 'do I really have to do number's 1 and 3?'

'I'm pretty sure we can skip those' I giggled more as he just laughed at me, honestly I was starting to like him for who he is, not because he reminds me of the Flash in the mirror world


I was going through my checklist when suddenly we heard a scream, it was from sugarcube corner, it might have been from pinkie so we decided to check it out we stumbled on pinkie pie with a deflated mane and tail, she was with the cake twins

'pinkie what's wrong?' I asked her

'its the twins, they won't listen to me and I can't fly or do magic to get their attention' she added bursting more into tears

I knew I had to do something, but I couldn't handle twins alone and I had no other choice but to ask Flash

'hey flash, could you uhm give me a hand with these two? Hehe if you don't mind' I asked him, I was getting ready to fly up there and do it alone when he suddenly flew up to grab pound cake in the air

'anything for the princess' he said and winked, I could feel my heart beating so fast it could win a race to rainbow dash but then I remembered about pumpkin cake, I immediately located her using one of my advanced spells and brought her right Infront of me

Flash flew down and met me holding the two babies in each of our hands, next thing we knew it I almost felt like it was OUR foals, he smiled at me and said 'nice location spell twi'

I immediately blushed because he just called me TWI, fricking TWI, I could feel a panic attack happen and excused myself to the bathroom meeting pinkie in the process

'is this a scream room? Cause I really want to scream' she said joking

'no pinkie, just wanted to vent out feelings' I assured her

'You have the hots for your personal guard don't you?' she said and a blush creeped up on my face

'no, no i don't' I kept a straight face even if it was brick red

'if you say so, lalalalala' she said and jumped all around, I just sighed and heard Flash calling me we went by and flew to sweet apple acres to get a treat after taking care of the twins

Applejack approached us both and led us to the hill, she set up a picnic just for the both of us. I told her it wasn't necessary but she insisted so we accepted the offer and had a little chat

'how is like being a royal guard' I asked

'nothing exciting, usually we receive orders from the ones higher above us, clean the dishes, wipe the windows, mop the floors basically all the boring stuff in mind, and we were also stripped of our own freedom since we had to dedicate ourselves on being royal guards since our job was to protect rulers of all Equestria' he replied, I felt bad for him loosing his freedom and I was about to say another word when he asked me

'How about you? how is it like being a princess?'

'it wasn't easy for me either, well all of Equestria depended on me to save their flanks and still some say I'm just celestia's doll playing dress up and what truly saves them is the magic of the elements, that without them i'm practically a pathetic joke' I said with a sigh

Flash didn't say anything and I saw the curiousity in his eyes, so I said more

'everytime we are needed the fate of Equestria is always not in balance, and I know my job is to spread the magic of friendship wherever I go but it's hard for me to not think that I never had a place in this world, like me being a princess never fit the coin. I sometimes just think of myself as a useless pony who happened to be the element of magic and given on some wings and a crown, I just feel uneed-' I was cut off by Flash's hoof on my mouth

'If it weren't for you and your friends' connection to the elements of harmony, we won't possibly be here now watching the beautiful sunset, you have your part you just don't understand it but I assure you not only as your personal guard but also your friend that you are important to everyponies life, especially mine' he said as he wrapped his left wing on my body, I lean in closer feeling the warmth of his body on mine watching as the sun fades and the moon rises above the land


EEEEEEE they both just ignored the 2nd and 4th don'ts on SA's scroll, what will happen next? Will they confess to each other or still keep their feelings a myth from each other
