
"I should probably be heading back soon. They'll be wondering where I got off to. Huh. That smell. Blueberries! Finally." Alexis says as she finds some Blueberries and begins eating in rabbit form.

"Long ear you have chosen the wrong place for lunch. Though lunch does sound pretty good right now." A voice says revealing to be a weasel.

"That's what you think. You'll have to catch me first." Alexis says as she takes off running before soon getting jumped and pinned by the weasel.

"Got you!" The weasel says as he growls.

"Get off me you coward!" Alexis shouts as she growls and struggles to get loose.

"Coward hmm? You won't be squirming for long miss long ear. Just relax now. This won't hurt a bit. Ow! What the!?" The weasel shouts as he gets rocks thrown at him by a light tan rabbit.

"Pick on someone your own size weasel!" A grey rabbit says as he tackles the weasel off Alexis.

"You might have won this time long ears but you won't be so lucky again." The weasel says before he runs off.

"Hey are you okay?" The tan rabbit asks as Alexis gets up.

"Yeah. I'm fine." Alexis says.

"You really ought to be more careful out here by yourself." The grey rabbit says.

"I noticed. Thank you." Alexis says.

"Who are you anyway? Never seen a doe like you around before." The grey rabbit says.

"I'm Alexis. I'm from a warren a good little ways from here." Alexis says kindly.

"I'm Dandelion and this is Hawkbit." The tan rabbit says.

"We're from Watership Down. It's not far from here. We were out on patrol when we saw you in trouble." Hawkbit says.

"What were you doing this far out if your warren is far away?" Dandelion asks.

"Blueberries. I love them. We don't have any around our warren. Plus some of the little ones wanted to try some. I thought I'd bring some back." Alexis says.

"Pretty brave to be out here alone." Dandelion says.

"I don't scare easy. That weasel just caught me off guard is all." Alexis says.

"You're really brave then. Usually we'd just run but we didn't want to see you get hurt so we thought we'd lend a paw or two." Hawkbit says.

"Well thank you. It means a lot. Not many would of been that kind to me." Alexis says.

"Why not? You seem really nice." Dandelion says as Alexis smiles at his comment.

"You're also a pretty doe. Figured most bucks would jump at the chance to impress a doe. Or at least your mate would." Hawkbit says.

"I don't have a mate actually. Like I said not many are kind to me but the ones that are belong to my warren and are aware of the struggles I have faced in life. They accept me for who I am which is all I ever wanted growing up. As for a mate.. well finding anyone who wants me is much easier said than done." Alexis says.

"Well anyone would be lucky to have you. You seem really kind. You're also brave and pretty. Any buck should jump at the chance to have you." Hawkbit says.

"Thank you. That means a lot to me. It's not often I hear that kind of a compliment. Anyway I should be going. My warren will be looking for me if I don't go back soon. Thank you both very much for your help. I hope we can meet again sometime. I would like to talk with you both again. You seem kind as well. Anyway bye Hawkbit, Dandelion." Alexis says as she leaves.
