The Southern Lights

"Guys! Hey wait for us!" Bolin shouts as he arrives in his snowmobile and Alexis arrives on Dulce's back where the others are waiting with Korra to leave for her expedition.

"Don't leave without us! We're here!" Alexis says.

"Check it out I'm traveling in style! Okay uh sorry still getting used to that throttle." bolin says as he accidentally turns the throttle causing the vehicle to jerk forward before dulce puts her paw on the vehicle making it stop.

"Uh where'd you get the ride?" Mako asks as he is on Naga's back with Korra.

"Varrick. He's awesome! He also gave me this fancy snowsuit! It's inflatable with an internal heater, emergency beacon, and food ration pouches! I mean if I get lost I can survive in this thing for like like a month! Who wants some freeze dried cucumberquats. Nobody? Did I interrupt a conversation?" Bolin asks as he looks at Unalaq and Tonraq while Pabu eats some of the cucumberquats.

"No the conversation is over. Dad come if you want just don't interfere with my training." Korra says as she looks at Tonraq while Eska walks over to Bolin.

"Does this sidecar have the capacity for two passengers?" Eksa asks.

"Sure does. But uh who's gonna drive?" Bolin asks.

"Eska if you or your brother want to ride with me you can. It would probably be a little cramped with two people in the sidecar." Alexis says knowing that Eska and her brother both are wanting to ride with Bolin.

"Alright." Desna says as he walks over to Dulce before Alexis helps him onto Dulce's back.


"How are you doing back there Desna?" Alexis asks.

"Fine. I must admit this is a little different. I have never rode on a foxhound before." Desna says.

"Yeah. They are a rare animal to be seen ridden given their elusive nature. But they're fiercely loyal companions all the same once their trust is earned." Alexis says as a fog begins appearing around the group before Dulce and Naga begin growling.

"Dulce down. We're not alone." Alexis says as the fog begins to clear.

"Not alone? What are those?" Bolin asks as three spirit creatures come into view.

"Dark spirits." Korra says as the fog picks up and hides the creatures.

"Let's keep moving. We have to find a safe place to set up camp." Tonraq says as the group continues moving.


"Uncle why do you think the dark spirits are following us?" Korra asks as she looks at Unalaq while the group is huddled around a fire later that night.

"Can we not talk about dark spirits please?" Bolin asks as Korra looks at him.

"My brother doesn't like ghost stories." Mako says while the group is eating.

"Don't worry Bolin. I won't let anything happen to you." Alexis says as she shifts to wolf form and lays beside Bolin.

"Thank you." Bolin says as he scoots a bit closer to Alexis.

"Wouldn't you rather a man protect you?" Desna asks as Alexis looks at him.

"Don't take this the wrong way Desna but I've never been much for whole man always has to rescue the woman hero act. Besides Bolin has saved my tail on more than enough occasions." Alexis says as Bolin smiles causing Desna to look at her before going back to eating.

"Sadly this isn't a ghost story. This is real. The spirits are angry because he's here. Haven't you ever wondered how your father ended up in the South Pole? Why he's never taken you to visit his homeland in the North?" Unalaq asks as he gestures to Tonraq.

"Unalaq this is not the time." Tonraq says.

"You're right. You should have told her a long time ago." Unalaq says as Korra looks at her father Tonraq.

"Told me what!?" Korra asks.

"I left the North Pole because... I was banished." Tonraq says ashamedly.

"You were banished from the North? Why?" Korra asks.

"Because I almost destroyed the entire tribe. Twenty years ago I was a general in the Northern Water Tribe. Sworn to protect my people. I drove them out of the city and deep into the frozen tundra. We tracked them deep into an ancient forest. Many believed this forest was the home to spirits and the barbarians retreated there because they thought we wouldn't attack them on such hallow grounds. They thought wrong. We captured the barbarians but in the process we destroyed the forest. I didn't realize the consequences of what I had done. By destroying the forest I unknowingly let loose angry spirits. They threatened to destroy everything, the entire city. Unalaq was able to guide the spirits back to the forest. But by then the damage had been done. For being the cause of so much devastation my father banished me from the Northern Water Tribe in shame. That's when I came to the South and started a new life." Tonraq says as he tells his tale while everyone looks at him.

"Whoa so you were supposed to be chief then he became chief. No wonder you guys don't like each other. Ow! What? Isn't that what happened?" Bolin asks as Mako elbows him.

"I can't believe you kept this from me." Korra says as she stands in anger.

"I was protecting you from the shame I brought on the family." Tonraq says.

"Why did you keep hiding things from me and then telling me it's for my own protection? I'm tired of you protecting me!" Korra says as she turns from her father and storms off in anger.

"Korra!" Tonraq shouts.


"I think we're here." Mako shouts as everyone stops at the cliff he is near and see the Everstorm in the distance.

"Is that what I think it is?" Bolin asks fearfully.

"Gotta be." Alexis says.

"We must keep moving." Unalaq says as he looks as the angry spirits continue to roar.

"Oh man I really don't like this." Bolin says as he clutches his head as they hear spirits hissing.

"I don't either but we can't stop now. We've come too far to turn back." Alexis says as the group continues moving.

"Bolin just stay calm there's no reason to- panic!" Mako shouts as a spirit emerges from underneath his camel and grabs his supplies before another spirit does the same to Korra but ends up getting her knocked off Naga's back in the process.

"Korra look out!" Tonraq shouts as he waterbends Korra away from a spirit and tries to attack it but misses before the group begins fighting with the spirits.

"Is everyone okay?" Mako asks as they hear screaming and see Bolin's vehicle out of control with him, Eska, and Desna still on it before Alexis runs over with Dulce getting them off the vehicle and back over to the team before vehicle crashes into a slope.

"Did I ever mention how happy I am you can turn into a wolf?" Bolin asks as Alexis shifts to human form.

"I could get used to hearing that. Yes." Alexis says as she smiles proudly.

"Oh great. There goes our equipment. Now what are we supposed to do?" Mako asks as he looks at the remains of their destroyed supplies.

"There's only one thing to do. We have to turn back." Tonraq says as Unalaq looks at him.

"No! The solstice is tonight. And we're so close." Unalaq says.

"This mission is too dangerous. We're leaving." Tonraq says.

"No Dad. You're leaving." Korra says sternly as Tonraq walks away from the group with Mako before leaving as Mako comes over.

"Let's open this portal and lead your father and the entire Southern Water Tribe in the right direction. We don't have much time." Unalaq says as everyone gets on their rides.

"Then what are we waiting for?" Korra asks as the group gets moving.


"We've arrived." Unalaq says as they arrive at the south pole and go inside before seeing trees frozen with ice.

"Trees frozen in the ice." Korra says as she looks at the trees.

"It's just like the sacred forest Tonraq destroyed in the North.

"So what do I do?" Korra asks as everyone gets off their rides.

"You must find your way to the heart of the forest where the dormant spirit portal lies. From here you're on your own." Unalaq says as Alexis, Mako, and Bolin look at him.

"What!? No way! Not a chance!" Alexis says defensively.

"Wait a second there's no way she's going alone." Mako says.

"Yeah! If she goes we go too!" Bolin says as Pabu sticks his head out of Bolin's suit.

"The Avatar must go alone." Unalaq says.

"But I don't have any connection with the spirits. In fact it seems like they hate me." Korra says as Unalaq looks at her.

"You have to believe in yourself like I believe in you. What is it?" Unalaq asks as Korra turns away.

"I guess I'm just so used to people telling me how to do things that I forgot what it was like to have someone trust in me." Korra says.

"Korra all the past Avatars live on inside of you. Let them guide you. Let them help you find the light in the dark." Unalaq says.

"Wait here. I'll be okay." Korra says as she looks at Alexis, Bolin, and Mako.

"Be careful Korra." Alexis says as Korra nods.

"Good luck." Mako says as Korra leaves.


As the group is waiting they soon see a bright light emitting from the portal.

"I can't believe it." Mako says as everyone looks at the light.

"It's beautiful." Bolin says as he rubs his eye.

"Korra!" Alexis shouts as Korra comes walking out of the forest before Alexis, Bolin, and Mako hug her. As the group pulls away from Korra she then walks over to Unalaq.


As the group is returning to the Southern Water Tribe they soon notice a large number of battleships entering the harbor.

"What on earth?" Alexis asks while looking at the ships.

"What are all your Northern troops doing here?" Korra asks as she looks at Unalaq.

"Opening the spirit portal was only the first step in getting the Southern Water Tribe back on its righteous path. There's more difficult work to be done before our two tribes are truly united." Unalaq says as Korra looks at the ships unsurely.
