chapter 17

L pov

It was Saturday and so I dresses up a bit better than the normal outfit I would wear. So black jeans and a blue shirt with a v-neck and some black shoes. I got my black sweater too in case she gets cold or something. I had enough money and my card. I just hope she likes our date.

I was in the lounge on the first floor Watari gave me the car keys. I was waiting near the door and when the elevator doors open my breath was taken away.

(Y/n) pov

I got up and got dressed in my outfit. (It's the picture below the makeup is optional. Plus it's without the jacket but if you want the jacket that is your choice.)

Once in the elevator, my dad came to talk to me saying to beat anyone who try to touch me. Also, use the notebook to kill anyone who tries to get me. I just nodded along and once I got out I saw Lawliet more dressed up than normal.

'Okay it's official he's even more handsome for me to handle.' I was a blushing mess now.

"You look amazing (Y/n)," Lawliet said which made me blush more.

"Shall we." He said while holding out his hand to me. I nodded and grab his hand.

Time skip

"So Lawliet why do I have to be blindfolded for our date," I said as he drove us somewhere. I'm impressed he knows how to drive.

"It's a surprise."

The car was turned off and a door opened and closed. Then my door opened and I was guided out of the car.

"Okay, I'm taking the blindfold off now," Lawliet said. Once he took it off I saw that we were in an amusement park.

"I didn't know if you like amusement parks but I thought you would like to come here with me today." He said as he looked away. I smiled at how nice he is to do this for me.

"Well let's go then standing here all day won't be that fun." I grab his hand and drag him to the entrance. He paid for the tickets and we got an all-access pass to everything.

We first got into a few roller-coasters then to the merry-go-round. After that, we went and got some cotton candy and some crepes. We passed by some games and Lawliet won almost all the games. There was a shooting booth and so we went there.

"Can I try this one Ryuuzaki?"

"You sure you can do this one it's pretty hard."

"Don't worry if I need help you come to my rescue right."

"Sure you just have to ask."

The guy in the booth seem to be smirking thinking she would miss. Oh was he so wrong just as the first target moved in one shot I got it in the center. To everyone's surprise, they never expected this not even Lawliet.

L pov

The second came and perfect shot. Each target that came she had the perfect shot. She shot them perfectly that it almost seemed that she had done this a million times.
Everyone seems to come up and see her shoot the targets. Almost everyone was amazed by her shots. Once all over she saw the crowd and seemed a little embarrassed about her performance.

"Miss what would you like." He asked nervously.

"What do you want Ryuuzaki." She asked me as she smiled.

"The panda one I guess," I mumbled but she seem to hear it.

She pointed out the panda and the guy gave it to her. I was impressed that she had a good eye for shooting. We sat under a tree and saw it was already 5. I saw that (Y/n) had her head on my shoulder and her eyes were closed.

"Lawliet this the best date I have ever been on. It's the only date I've ever been on. I'm glad you brought me here." She smiled.

"I'm glad you're enjoying it more than me. It's my first one as well I'm glad it went according to what I planned." I smiled and she hugged me.

"Hey let's go on the Ferris wheel I hear there going to set fireworks tonight."

"Sure anything for you." I grab her hand and head to the Ferris wheel.

We saw it would start around 8 and the line was long but we got one for ourselves. Plus I gave extra pay to the employee in charge right now so we would have the very top. The fireworks began once we reached it and I saw (Y/n) eyes were smiling as well.

I lean in and just as she turns our lips met each other. I felt her kiss back and her arms were slowly going around my neck.

"I love you (Y/n)."

"I love you too Lawliet."

This was indeed the most perfect date for both of us.
