Chapter 15: I had too.

Sophia's POV

I had too. I just had too give Hanna the note. I'm getting married in least then 3 weeks, to Riley. Oh gosh, Riley. He loves me. And I don't even know how I feel about him. Hanna makes me feel young again. She makes me smile even when I'm sad. She gives me butterflies whenever she is around. And when we kiss, its like sparks immediately go up in flames. I feel shocks of electricity going through my body. I want Hanna, screw want, I need her. But we weren't made to be together. No matter how much I want her, bo matter how much I need her, she will never be for me. Hanna is perfect, she needs someone her age and someone she can have kids with and be able to tell her parents about. I mean of course, she could tell them about me, but I'll be put in jail and gay people or whatever we are, will always being judged. Maybe we weren't meant to be. Maybe I was meant for Riley and she was meant for Jayson. I literally felt like crying saying she was meant for Jayson, it felt like my heart was being ripped up into pieces by her. She was the girl I loved and always will love. I leaned my car seat down and slowly closed my eyes. The car was blasting a familiar song I had no idea what it was called, and I drifted off into a deep sleep.

"Sophia!" Hanna came running up to me. She smiled at me and hugged me.

"I remember! Sophia, I remember you! I've missed you so much Sophia! I love you!" She cupped my cheeks and bounced her petite body on her tippy toes and kissed me. It was perfect.  I felt electricity and sparks I've never felt with a human being before. I actually think I saw fireworks. After the long hard kiss she gave me, she looked into my eyes.

"I've been waiting forever for you to look at me like that again." I whispered softly in her ear. She closed her eyes and the wind blew, picking up our hair. She laughed and smiled.

"I found out who hit me." I looked at her with wide eyes.

"Who was it? I'm going to kill that bastard!" I yelled at her.

"It was-"

"Sophia!" Riley screamed in my ear. I shot up from bed and looked around in panic of Hanna. But she wasn't here. I literally felt like crawling into fetal position and crying my guts out. That dream was so real and so amazing, I never wanted to wake up. If that dream could've went on forever, I would be either dead or sleeping for eternity. Riley shakes me.

"Are you okay?" He looked me straight in the eyes.


"Sophia, is that a question or a answer?"

"An answer?"

"Soph!" I shrugged.

"I'm sorry!  It's just a bad nightmare." I turned around.

"Yeah, you have been having a lot of those." He rolled his eyes. I sighed.

"Just go back to sleep Riles." He huffed. I could practically hear his eyes rolling.

"Stop rolling your eyes." I said, closing mine.

"What? How?" I laughed.

"I'm a girl, and girls are smart." He placed his hand on the curve of my waist and kissed my sweaty head.

"I love you Soph and I can't wait till you're mine forever." I swear my heart suddenly dropped to my stomach and I couldn't breathe. That's how I knew I wasn't in love with Riley anymore.

This morning, I could smell pancakes from downstairs. I rolled over onto a empty bed and sat up. My hair never looked like a rat's nest in the morning, so I slipped my slippers on, not minding that I'm still wearing my clothes from yesterday, and walked downstairs. I sat at the kitchen door watching him. He cooked like a pro. He was amazing and his food was the best thing ever. Riley has always wanted to be a chef, but he father forced him to become an actor because its what his father does. He looked up at me and a smile suddenly appeared on his face.

"Good morning honey." He said flipping a pancake.

"Good morning." He filled a green mug of coffee, put cream and sugar in it, like I like it and handed it to me. I sipped it, feeling the warm liquid travel through my body, it was amazing. I closed my eyes and imagined the future.  All I saw was a blurry person standing next to me and a couple of kids running around the house as we began to chase them, laughter filling the ginormous house.

"Olivia! Where are you? I'm gonna get you! Boo!" I screamed as Olivia screamed with a gigantic smile on her face. We were playing hide-and-go-seek.

"Olivia, where's Julia?" She shrugged and then laughed. I picked her up and placed her on my hip.

"Do you know where she is?" She shook her head and bite back a smile.

"Olivia Marie!" I held my hand out.

"Okay fine, tickle time!!" She screamed again and I tickled her. She was laughing hysterically.

"Mom! That's cheating!" Olivia says as Julia slowly comes out from behind the curtains. I throw Olivia on the loveseat, gently and run after Julia, picking her up and kissing her cheek.

"Mommy, its your turn to hide!" I put her down and let them count. I run upstairs and heard Zach crying softly.

"Oh baby Zachary." I picked him up and kissed his forehead. He smelt like baby powder. The front door opened and someone came in.

"Honey, I'm home." I walked downstairs and there was standing-

"Soph?" Riley was waving his hand in front of my face.

"Are you okay?" I nodded my head.

"Yea, sorry. Daydreaming."

"About us?"

"Maybe." I quickly got up and ran out the door to my car, laughing and then crying. I was marrying someone I didn't love and the girl I did love doesn't even  remember who I am. I cried in my car till I couldn't cry anymore. Why couldn't my daydream let me see who I was married to and had all those kids with. Why is this so hard to deal with?  I gave up on Hanna, I gave up on my soulmate. I went to the mall but quickly looked in my car for a jacket, thank god I had one. I slipped the jacket on and put the hoodie over my head and put my sunglasses over my eyes. I got out of the car, stomach all nervous because I can never go anywhere without being recognized.  I'm scared people will see me and attract paparazzi. I walked into the mall and just walked around, until someone bumped into me and my glasses came off and my hoodie fell down.

"Watch where you're going?" I looked up to see a girl about 14 and she screamed.

"Oh my god! You're the Sophia Louis!" I put my finger to my mouth and signaled "shh" she smiled and nodded.

"I'm like your biggest fan. Will you autograph my arm?" She handed me a permanent marker.

"Anything for a fan, but next time that I  see you make sure not to scream my name out loud. I don't want to cause any attraction." She smiled and hugged me.

"I love you Sophia." I hugged her back. It was so weird, she almost looked like Hanna, but with a  darker hair color and her hair was short than Hanna.  Hanna had long hair. Oh gosh, here I go again, thinking about Hanna. I smacked my wrist and said in my head, "Stop thinking about Hanna." People started staring at me. Great, just another couple minutes before everyone notices who I am.

"No way!"  Some perky brunette said out loud.

"You're Sophia Louis!" Everyone's head turned to me and I then knew it was my time to leave. I slipped my glasses back on and ran out the doors with hundreds of people with camera's following me.  I got in my car but was bombarded by the shoppers. They were on top of my car and I could see their faces from the rooftop window.

"Leave me alone!" I screamed.  No one is listening, I cried and brought my legs close to me and tried to block out out their screaming and focused on my happiest times, with Hanna. I don't understand why I was thinking about her so damn much, after I told her I couldn't wait for her anymore. I basically told her, so your old news and I'm sticking to someone who remembers me. I'm such a loser, she was perfect oh gosh, she is perfect. I was suddenly brought out of thought when someone took their arm and smashed it against the window, glass going everywhere.
