
tell me pretty lies...

n: hey mike i'm headed home okay?

m: okay

n: love you see you soon xo

m: yeah see ya


n: hey jonathan?

n: not sure if you're busy or not, but

n: can you talk to me while i'm driving to the airport

n: i'm calling you



Her heart leaped up in her throat, and a soft smile spread across her face at the sound of the boy's quiet voice. She felt relief wash over her, making her forget momentarily what she was even returning home for. She wasn't even sure what she would have done if he didn't answer. Her hands were shaking, and her heart was racing hard in her chest. The cold weather did not make it any better. Snow was falling on her mittened hands as she clutched the phone tightly in her fingers and held it to her ear. Her nerves were shot and her worry for Mike and Holly threatened to overcome her, but she couldn't stop smiling.

"Hello? Nancy?"

"Yes. Sorry. Yes, it's me. Hey, are you busy?"

"Uh...no. No, I guess not. Will and Mom and her new boyfriend are visiting."

"Oh! Sorry! I'll just let you go -"

"No, it's fine-"

"JONATHAN! Is that Nancy?"

Nancy grinned again at the sound of the voice in the background. It was high and excited, like that of a little kid in a candy store.

"Is that Will?" she asked.

"Yeah, it is. He's in a really good mood today. We're going to some art museums today. He's really into art and science. He could be a great rocket scientist someday if he wants, but I think he'll end up being an artist. A good one too."

Nancy sucked in a breath and smiled again. She could still hear Will's voice in the background, begging Jonathan to let him say hello. Jonathan was laughing, and it sounded like there was some sort of struggle like they were play fighting. It was the happiest that Jonathan had seemed since she met him.

"NANCY! Hi!"

"Hi, Will!" She giggled, listening to the two brothers argue on the other side.

It was strange, the feeling that she got listening to them. It was a joy that she had not felt in a very long time. She imagined herself with them, sitting on a couch and laughing as they wrestled, and when they were done and everyone had calmed down, Jonathan would come and sit next to her, and he would take her hand in his and she would be comfortable.

That was a really weird thing to think about, but she could see it so clearly. She could see herself being happy with them.

"Listen," she said. The smile fell from her face, suddenly bracing herself for the inevitable. It had been nearly two weeks since they had spoken, since she had walked out on him even though he had been nothing but kind to her. And all because of her stupid pride.

"Nancy, it's nice to hear from you, but can I text you later? My mom, Will, and I are going to dinner."

"Oh. Um...sure. I'll be on a plane for a while, but I'll text you when I get off."

"Oh?" She could hear the questions in his voice. "Well, that's fine. Have a safe trip, Nance. I'll talk to you later tonight. You can tell me what's going on."

"Um...yeah." His voice gave her great comfort. It sounded deeper over the phone, and it rumbled through the airwaves and filled her veins. She thought maybe she could love him. Could be in love with him one day. "Listen, Jonathan, I'm really sorry for walking out on you. I overreacted."

"Nancy, don't worry about it."

"And I'm sorry for not answering any of your texts."

"It's okay. I'm not mad at you."

"I want to see those pictures when I get back. I want to see all your pictures."

"Okay." A pause. "It's a date then."

The smile returned. "Okay. I'll tell you what's going on when the plane lands."

"Okay. Be safe."

"Goodbye, Jonathan."

"Goodbye, Nancy."


Her fingers tapped the headrest of the seat in front of her. She was nervous. Things were about to change a lot in her life. She could totally ruin her parents' relationship by saying something, but she knew that her little siblings were hurting. She was hurting.

Everything that was causing hurt in her life needed to change.

n: hey jonathan! i made it into town.

n: i'll call you as soon as i can.

n: thank you for being so good to me even when i've been completely ridiculous


n: steve? call me as soon as you can

n: we need to talk
