
*Sunday the 26th of April 2017*
Ross's POV

"Ross," I heard and turned my head away from the TV. Today all the siblings were at Rydel and Ellington's apartment for a game night thing. Currently all us guys were playing a football game on Xbox and the girls were doing something else.

"Yeah, babe?" I asked and the guys groaned because of how the other team took our football team's ball. "Can I talk to you real quick?" Tori asked and I noticed her phone in her hands. "Take this," I said quickly as I scrambled to get up and practically threw my remote at Ryland.

"Did they call?" I asked scared as we stood in the hall and she nodded her head. "Yeah," "Well what did they say?" I asked and tears rose in her eyes causing my stomach to fall.

"Tori," I said slowly as she sobbed silently and tried to talk. Oh God no.

It's positive.

"I'm clean. I tested negative for HIV and AIDS," Tori said as tears escaped her eyes and I let out a relieved breath. "Oh thank God," I said and immediately pulled her into my arms as tears escaped my eyes. She sobbed into my shoulder as I held her tightly and I also cried. "It was so scary," she cried and I held her tighter. "I know, baby, I know. You're fine now. We're both okay and healthy. You're fine," I said softly into her ear as my voice trembled from my crying. 

Rocky's POV

I walked out of the living room to go and find Michelle. As I walked into the hall I saw Ross and Tori holding each other tightly. Tori was sobbing into Ross's shoulder as he held her and he was also crying, but he had a relieved look in his eyes and on his face. 'You good?' I mouthed as he caught my eye and he nodded slowly.

I walked into the kitchen and saw Michelle standing there. "Hey, babe," I said before giving her a kiss. "Where's Rydel?" I asked. "Bathroom," Michelle said and I hummed as I gently rubbed her back. "How are you feeling?" I asked and she smiled at me. She threw up a couple of times this morning and honestly it broke me. I hated seeing her like this. "I'm feeling better," she said and I kissed her cheek. "I'm glad," I said and she giggled softly.

"When do you think we should tell the family?" Michelle asked and I shrugged lightly. "Whenever you're ready, love," I said as I slowly rubbed her back and she purred in delight. "I don't want to keep it from them. I want them to be happy for us," she said and I smiled at her. "They will be, babygirl. We can tell them next weekend if you want," I suggested and she nodded.

Ross's POV

"I love you," Tori said softly into my shoulder and pulled back to look at me. "I love you, too, Tori," I said and she smiled lightly before her eyes moved down to my lips. I felt myself smile before cupping her chin and lifting her head up. I nudged our noses together before brushing our lips together. "We haven't kissed in so long," Tori breathed out and I hummed. "Unfortunately not," I said and just as I was about to kiss her, someone cleared their throat. Tori quickly pulled back causing me to sigh and we looked at Ryland. "You may wanna stop before you swallow each other," he joked and Tori blushed wildly as she buried her face into my neck. "I could say the same about you and Shay," I said and his cheeky grin fell. "Sassy," he mumbled before walking away and Tori softly giggled into my neck causing me to grin.


"Ross, Tori, Michelle and Rocky you're up next," Ellington instructed and Tori cringed. "Someone else may wanna do the moving stuff. I've been told I'm very useless when it comes to charades," she said and everyone laughed. "I'll do it," Rocky said and I snorted. "Oh God," I mumbled and he flipped me off.

"Ready?" Rydel asked as she started the timer and Rocky nodded. "Go!" "Okay 1 word," I said as Rocky held up a finger and he nodded. "Four letters," as soon as Tori said that Rocky started doing some weird swimming motion.

"Someone's drowning?" Michelle guessed and everyone laughed as Rocky send her a harsh glare. He did another couple of swimming stuff and then looked like someone was trying to drown him.

"Someone's swimming?"

"Learning how to swim?"


"Someone is drowning you?"

"I don't know,"

"Someone's doing ballet?"

"Break dancing?!"

"Duck!" Tori screamed and I looked at her weirdly.

"Yes!" Rocky yelled and everyone looked at him amused. "That was a duck?" I questioned and everyone laughed as he glared at me. "How did you even know it was a duck?" a laughing Riker asked Tori and she shrugged.

"Rocky you have horrible communication skills," Michelle said and he gasped jokingly and everyone laughed.


"Tonight was fun," Tori said with a small smile and I hummed. "It was, but I believe Ryland interrupted something earlier," I said and she giggled. "I think he did," she said as she wrapped her arms around my neck as we stood near our bed. "Mhm," I hummed as I pulled her close and held onto her hips. Our lips brushed together causing a spark to run through my body before I smashed our lips together.

A warm feeling immediately travelled through my body as we kissed each other passionately and Tori lightly tugged at my hair. I moaned in pleasure and anticipation as my brain went crazy with thoughts of my fiancée. We haven't kissed in a long while and feeling her lips against mine always sent my body into a state of euphoria.

"Ross," Tori whimpered as she pulled back slightly and stared up into my eyes after a minute. "Make love to me," she whispered and my body shuddered in anticipation. "You sure?" I asked and she nodded. "I need to feel that connection with you again," she said softly and I nodded. I needed that too. "Me too,"

I smashed out lips together again before picking her up and gently laying her on the bed.


*Monday the 27th*
Ross's POV

A smile immediately made its way into my face as I woke up. Memories of last night flooded through my brain as Tori's naked body cuddled closer to me. Last night was filled with nothing but sweet love making and I wouldn't change it for the world.

I snuggled even closer to Tori and closed my eyes again. My body was still exhausted from last night and in no time I was out cold again.


Stormie's POV

"Thank you, honey," I thanked Mark as he handed me a cup of tea and he smiled as he sat down next to me. I continued going through the channels for something to look when something caught my eye. It was a gossip channel.

"After the break we'll be revealing some shocking rumours about Victoria Kors. Stay tuned," the blonde host said and I sighed. "People are always starting rumours with that poor girl. I wish they would just leave her alone she has enough of her own problems," I said before taking a sip of my tea and my husband hummed. "I do too. Unfortunately that's not gonna happen. She's been in the public eye since she was born. She's one of the most known people, who isn't a musician or a movie star," Mark said and I nodded in agreement. "I wish the R5 Family would stop with the hate. God they're so mean to that poor girl. She can't be so hated because Ross loves her," I said as my voice cracked and tears slipped out of my eyes.

I hate to see my kids get hurt. Even if Tori isn't my biological daughter it still feels like she is. I love her.

"I know, honey," Mark said before wrapping me in a hug and kissing my cheek as I sniffed. Suddenly the TV show started again and I looked at the TV.

"Welcome back. Before the break we were talking about the top 10 celebrity gossip stories this week and now it's time to reveal number one. This week's number one is Victoria Kors," the blonde presenter said and a beautiful photo of Tori popped onto the screen.

"During last week, and this morning, Victoria Kors was seen entering a psychiatrist office and not leaving until about two hours later. Fans are thinking that Victoria's depressed and getting help for the trauma of her rape. But that wasn't what shocked us the most. Saturday Victoria entered the building again, but with a long sleeved shirt. Now it's not that strange, but the fact that it was 98 degrees makes you wonder, doesn't it? Rumours are popping up and fans are getting hysterical thinking that Victoria is self harming. Also on Saturday Victoria left the offices and when the paparazzi followed her they discovered that she was going to the testing clinic in Beverly Hills. Ross Lynch, Victoria's fiance, was also seen entering the building with a clearly stressed out face minutes later Victoria entered. Although nobody knows why she was there fans have a theory. A shocking one. Recent photos of Victoria Kors show us that she's lost weight and is very skinny. Fans suspect that Victoria Kors was tested for HIV and AIDS," the presenter said and I gasped as tears streamed down my face and I placed a hand over my mouth.

"Neither Victoria nor Ross has said anything about this rumours so it may just be fans getting hysterical over nothing. We'll keep you posted on this story," the presenter said and Mark switched off the TV with the remote. "Get dressed. We're going to talk to them," he said as he helped me off the couch.


"Is there anything you guys want to tell us?" I asked as Mark and I sat opposite Tori and Ross at their kitchen island. "Uhm, no," Tori said after her and Ross exchanged confused glances. "Come on you guys. What's going on?" Mark asked and Tori furrowed her eyebrows. "Nothing, why?" she asked and I sighed. "Victoria we know what's going on. We just thought that we had a right to know as the parents," I said and Tori scoffed a little. "And I thought I had a right to keep my private life private," she said and Ross grabbed her hand. "Why didn't you just tell us?" Mark asked and she looked at him with a gobsmacked look. "Because there's nothing to tell! I'm going to a psychiatrist because I need help and not everybody needs to know that. I don't want anyone to know that I don't know how to keep myself happy and that I have to rely on pills to do that," Tori said and a heavy silence fell over us. "Tori there's nothing to be ashamed of," Mark started and Tori got tears in her eyes. "You don't know that. You don't know what it feels like to have to push everyone away because you're afraid you're going to hurt them. You have no clue what you're talking about," she said softly as a tear slipped down her face and Ross looked at us with an irritated look.

"I think it's best if you guys leave," Ross said as he stood up and Tori grabbed his arm. "No they need to hear this," she said and he hesitantly sat back down.

"I'm not going to tell you everything that goes on in my life. I'm not used to this. This whole one big happy family. I never had that growing up and I never knew that feeling. It's overwhelming. You guys don't realise this, but it's hard for me to get into this whole family vibe. It still is. I can't get used to everything so quickly because I'm not that person. You guys are amazing and I look up to you for having such a big family that loves each other, but I can't just magically fall into that. I need time to adapt. And Stormie I'll never call you 'mom'. I'm sorry, but I'll never be able to do that. It's not because I don't see you as a mom, but I can't call you mom. I've tried, but I can't. I'm sorry. I love all of you so much, but I'll never be able to call you guys mom and dad. There's too much pain associated with those words for me. I love you guys so much, but I don't want to be just a daughter in-law. I want to be your friend. I really tried to, but I can't call you guys mom and dad," Tori said and shook her head while biting her lip and crying as Ross rubbed her back. "Oh, honey. We completely understand that. Neither of us expects that of you. Come here," I said as I stood up and gave her a tight hug and she wrapped her arms around me.


*Wednesday the 1st of March 2017*
Ross's POV

"Ross," Tori started as we were getting dressed and I looked at her. "Yes, love?" I asked and she sighed hesitantly. "Please promise me that what we say in that room today stays there," Tori said and I walked closer to her. "I promise," I said and kissed her cheek as she gave me a tight hug. "It may have been stress and the depression that made me lose the weight," Tori said and I kissed her cheek again. "I know, my love," "I want to gain my weight back. I feel too skinny," she said and I gave her a tight squeeze. "I'll make you fat with my food," I promised and she giggled, a real giggle.


"It's gonna be okay," I said, trying to calm Tori's nerves as we sat in the psychiatrist's office. "I just don't want this to cause trouble," she said as she got tears in her eyes and I pulled her closer. "I think that it'll help us understand stuff more. Help me understand more about your depression and ways to help you. This will be good for me to hear so I can help you more," I said and she nodded slowly as she saw my point of view.

After the doctor came in and introduced herself she sat in front of us with a clipboard. I placed my hand on Tori's thigh and drew small shapes on it causing her to relax a little.

"Ross, tell me about how you guys met and what you first thought when you saw Victoria," Kayley started and I took a breath.


It was about an hour later and I've answered a lot of questions. They've asked me about how I felt when Tori got raped and all that stuff which was honestly a little hard for me. I even cried one time. I know it's seems sissy, but it's hard to talk about that.

"Ross there's just one last thing I want you to know," Kayley started as she placed down the clipboard, signaling that our session was coming to an end. "Depression is a bitch. Tori has a really strong depression even if you guys don't realise it. I was contemplating booking her into a stress and depression facility, but I've decided against it. I think this tour will do both of you good. Anyway what I originally wanted to say was that when you have depression your whole minds works a different way. Not only that, but you never see it coming. She went to sleep one night and the next day she was a completely different person. That's what depression does. You can't choose when it happens. You could be at a party one day and Tori suddenly just says that she wants to go home. It isn't her choice to be this way. You don't choose to be depressed. There's still a long battle that you both have to fight. Together. That's why I want to help you understand more about depression. There's this book that recently got released and it explains exactly what depression is and what it does. It's a really good book that helps you understand how to help her and helps you understand more about the sickness. I want you to go and buy the book. I'll give you the name. It's sold in the bookstore in Beverly Hills. I can't remember the address, but I know the name so I'll give it to you along with the book's name. This will only help you guys. Go and enjoy the tour. Be yourselves and don't worry about silly things. I want you guys to be spontaneous on this tour. Go and try foods, preferably just the two of you if you can, and kiss and be that couple that makes everyone want to puke. Just be yourselves. Try and be intimate, but don't rush it if you guys aren't ready or if it doesn't feel natural. Let go and relax on this tour. After the tour is done we'll have a couple more sessions and take it from there,"


"Hey," Riker started as he climbed into my car and I greeted him back. Riker asked if I wanted to go and grab a beer and I agreed because Tori has a sleepover thing with her squad at Taylor's house. "Thanks for picking me up," he chuckled and I reversed out of the driveway. "No problem. Where do you wanna go?" I asked and he gave me the name of the bar.

"What's this?" Riker asked as he grabbed the bag that contained the book I bought earlier today and I swallowed. "It's a book," I said and he took it out of the bag before furrowing his eyebrows. "A depression book?" he asked and I nodded. "I'll tell you about it at the bar,"


"Okay, but Tori tested negative, right?" Riker asked concerned as we sat in a booth and I nodded. "Yeah the tests came back negative. She's healthy, well, physically anyways," I shrugged and took a sip of my beer.

I'm telling Riker everything about what happened in the past week or two and it felt good to get it off my chest.

"Today Tori and I both went to her psychiatrist and she told me that I should buy this book. She said that it'll help me understand more about Tori's depression and how to help her," I said and Riker nibbled on his lip. "They should actually teach you about this stuff on high school," he said and I nodded in agreement. "Tori had a subject like that," I said and he looked at me surprised. "Really?" "Yeah. All the seniors were forced to take it after school once a week. It wasn't like exams and all that stuff, but it taught you more about all these mental sicknesses and how to handle it," I said and Riker looked at me impressed.

"Wow that was actually a really clever thing to do," he said and I nodded in agreement. "Yeah it was,"


*Saturday the 4th of March 2017*
Ross's POV

I haven't been woken up like this in a long time. With my fiancée's lips on mine as she straddled me. I love being woken up like this.

I hummed into Tori's mouth as I kissed her back and she ran her hand through my hair causing me to groan softly. I flipped us around so I was hovering over her and slid my hand up her thigh causing her to whimper. "We don't have time for this. We have to be at your parents' house for the barbecue in an hour," she said and I grinned evilly. "Excuse me I have to make a phone call," I said as I grabbed my phone and called my mom.

"Hey, mom. Yeah I'm good. I'm just calling to say that Tori and I are going to be a little late today. We have to get something in town real quick," I said and Tori rolled her eyes at me. "Okay, Mom. See you later. I love you," I said before hanging up and she rose an eyebrow at me. "Really?" she asked and I giggled before squeezing her ass and playfully nipping at her collarbone. "Really," I confirmed before placing my lips on hers.


"See! Now we're really going to be late because now I'm sweaty and we have to take a shower," Tori said as we were trying to catch our breath and I chuckled breathlessly as I placed both my hands underneath my head. "I regret nothing," I said and Tori giggled causing me to grin. God love her giggle.

"Let's go," she sighed as she started standing up, but I quickly pulled her down and laid down on top of her, but I still didn't put my full weight on her. "You can't tell me that you regret that," I said cheekily and she blushed. "Just a little," she teased and I chuckled lowly. "Oh do you now?" I asked as I started kissing down her neck and she moaned softly causing me to get aroused again. "I don't regret it, but we really have to get going," she breathed out, but unconsciously pulled me closer. "Doesn't look like you want to get going just yet," I said and I sucked on her collarbone and she whimpered. "I don't," she confessed and I smirked.

"Another round?" I asked and she chuckled breathlessly causing me to smirk.


"See now we really are late," Tori said as we pulled into the driveway and I chuckled. "Would you calm down? Besides I already called and told them we were gonna be late," I shrugged as I killed the engine and Tori blushed deeply and got out before I could help her. "I'll carry that," I said as I grabbed the bowl of homemade bread from her as she thanked me and my mouth started watering. Tori made the most delicious bread. At the bottom she throws in Potato Bake so it's all creamy and smooth at the bottom. It's like white sauce and she also puts cheese on tap. Her food will be the death of me.

We both walked to the front door and Tori opened it for me. We both walked into the kitchen and I looked around. "They're probably outside," I said and Tori nodded. Today we're holding a barbecue to just calm down before the tour.

"Let's go," I said and I walked her to the glass sliding doors. Just as she was about to step out I smacked her toned bubble butt and she glared at me as I grinned cheekily/guiltily. "Ross," she hissed and I giggled before we walked to my family. "Hey guys," Tori greeted and everyone gave us hugs and stuff. "Did you bring the bread?" my mom asked Tori and Tori gasped loudly as she placed her hand in front of her mouth, pretending to have forgotten about it. "It's in the kitchen," she said I'm fake shock and everyone laughed while my mom jokingly scolded her and jokingly slapped her with a cloth causing her to giggle.

"Now that everyone's here we have an announcement," Rocky started and everyone turned their attention to him and Michelle. "We're pregnant," Rocky said with a small grin and everyone grinned widely. "Oh my baby's having a baby!" my mom cried as she pulled Rocky into a bone crushing hug and Rocky chuckled. After everyone congratulated them Ryland turned to Tori with his arm wrapped around Shay. "So you claim that you always know everything. I bet you didn't see that one coming," he teased her and everyone giggled. "I actually already knew," Tori stated proudly and everyone laughed as Ryland's face fell. "How?" he asked loudly and Tori smirked. "I always know everything," she said innocently and I chuckled.

"I promise you you don't," Ryland stated stubbornly as he pulled Shay closer and Shay snickered. Everyone went back to their own conversations and my mom and dad we're talking to Rocky and Michelle. "Oh, my dear young, naïve, Ryland. I know everything. Everything," Tori said as she looked between the two of them and wiggled her eyebrows as Ryland blushed. "You have a big mouth," he jokingly scolded Shay and she giggled. "You'd know wouldn't you, Ryland," Tori said softly and Ryland chocked on his drink as Tori and Shay started giggling like girls on crack and even I was laughing with them.

"Tori just shut up," Ryland stated jokingly as we continued laughing at his blushing embarrassed face. "You guys love to tease me so much. Now it's my turn," I grinned and he smirked at me. "Would you like to talk about where you were this morning?" he asked and Tori blushed as I pulled her closer. "Having the best sex ever," I whispered into his ear and he laughed as he shook his head in amusement.

Hey guys!
I dedicate this chapter to one of my best friends skroppie01
Thank you for supporting this book so much, L!
I love you so much😘😘

Back to business. I just want you guys to know that I'm currently busy with exams so I won't be able to update frequently. Thank you guys for having patience with me and supporting my book. I love you guys so much😘😘




Look at this photo! It's like fetus Ross and Ellington😍😍
