Chapter 1

I was laying in my bed, rewatching Stranger Things for the fifth time or something, when my dad told me to come downstairs. I let out a loud groan and got out of my oh so comfortable bed. I literally dragged myself down the stairs. "What," I said when I reached the kitchen. "Please take a seat," my mom said very seriously. "You guys are making me very nervous! Is someone dead?" "No, no one's dead!" My dad assured me. "Then what is it"? I asked impatiently. "In about a week or two, your dad and I are going on a business trip to Japan. And we don't know when we are going to be back. So we talked to your brother and he agreed on you moving in with him until we are home" my mom said. "No no no!! I'm not moving in with him and four other boys!" I said. "Well, we already agreed with your brother so there is no more to discuss, and doesn't Mia live in LA?" My mom asked. She has a point. I haven't seen Mia since I was like 14 and she was 16. Mia had to move to LA cause her dad got a job there. Ofc we have FaceTimed and texted every day. She is and will always be my best friend! "Fine..." I said and went up to my room again. As soon as I got to my room, I flopped down on my bed and texted Mia.

Abi (Abigail) M (Mia)

Abi: guess what bish?

M: what??

Abi: my mom and dad are going on a business trip to Japan. The bad news is that I have to live with my brother and his idiotic friends.... but the good news is that I can see you!!

M: yay I'm so excited!
We are gonna have So much fun! And tbh your brother's friends are kinda hot!

Abi: I can't even remember what they look like. I actually think I only met one person from the band and that was um.. what is his name again?? The guy with blond hair?

M: Corbyn?

Abi: oh yeah that's his name. I saw him for probably five minutes and he was looking okay I guess!

A little disclaimer! Corbyn isn't only looking okay. He's looking freakin hot. Like we don't deserve him at all!
That was all! Thank you and goodbye!
