Seventh level

"Yoongi, have you seen the leading lady yet?"

Yoongi who was waiting for ten minutes outside the dressing room looked at the director. "Uh I think they're still inside director-nim." The director nodded.

"Oh right, your co-actors are already here, you might want to meet them." The director pointed his hand at the three males laughing outside near the school's fountain, their uniform were slightly similar to Yoongi's.

(Jk, V, Hobi and Yoongi uniform)

(Jimin's uniform)

Yoongi sighed and walked toward the men. The three of them looked at the intimidating guy in front of them, "H-hello s-sir! W-we are the other antagonist in the story." The three of them bowed 90 degrees to the male.

Yoongi bowed. "Nice to meet you, I'm Min Yoongi."

"We know! I'm a big fan of your shows! Like mega big fan!" Another said who had an odd shape of lips and a weird positive vibes circling around him. "I'm Jung Hoseok or J-hope according to my name in the movie."

'So he is the annoying guy in the story that always clings to my Jimin.' Yoongi thought but nodded his head. "Thank you very much and pleasure to meet you."

"Hi Mister Min Yoongi, I'm Jeon Jungkook! I'm the youngest of us and the one you call Taegeuk." A brown haired kid with round eyes and muscular body chirped in. Yoongi only bowed in response. 'He's the smart and talented guy that my Jimin adores.'

"I'm Kim Taehyung, aka V, the uhm—Holly's close friend in the story." The guy who spoke first said. 'Oh so he's my enemy in and probably out of the story.'

Yoongi flashed a smile despite the fact of his hidden jealousy. "Don't worry, I'm not gonna be an enemy just like in the movie."

Taehyung sighed in relief. "When are we gonna meet the actor of Holly sir?"

'Why is this dork looking for my Jiminie?!'

"Oh please, don't call me sir or mister. I'd appreciate it if you just call me hyung." Yoongi half-heatedly said. "And I think she'll be out in no time."

"I really can't wait to meet her! She seems so cool when I read the script! I was just like reading a fan fiction!" Jungkook clapped his hands making the other two nod in response.

"I hope she won't be a snob and hypocrite bitc– I mean I wanna be close to her if ever." Hoseok said and crossed his fingers for hope.

"Actually, she's really nice and cool. At first, she's kinda shy but when you get to know her, she's really the perfect girl."

"Hyung, did you already meet her?" Taehyung asked.

Yoongi nodded his head proudly. "Yeah, we're friends and all."

The three nodded while Yoongi wore his poker face. "So you are the new hired actors from Big hit entertainment? You three must be outstanding in your school that's why they pick you."

Taehyung waved his hands. "N-no! Well actually, we're not really hired yet. They just wanted some new actors to play and we three are the one's who were high graded at the auditions at our school."

"Yeah, I mean our workshop is not all about just acting. We also do different talents to practice and enhance." Hoseok said bobbing his head. "This guy right here, is the best at all of our team." The male patted the taller male's shoulder.

"Ah I'm not hyung! I'm just above average and I'm sure somebody there is better than me." The humble maknae replied shaking his head rapidly.

"Well I wish you all good luck since this is your first time and I hope you'll all do good! Actually, this is also Chim's first movie!" Just when Yoongi said that, he heard that familiar voice that he would never get tired of hearing.

"I'm sorry I was late!" Jimin came out, fixing and lowering his skirt. He didn't notice how Yoongi eyed him that he was like a prey. 'Damn she's hot!' He thought.

"Oh Hi Chim!"

"Hi oppa, let's practice for a bit before we--" Jimin's smile faded when he saw the three confused and shocked faces of his friends.

"Oh my god! Jimin?!"

"What the hell are they doing here?!" Jimin muttered to himself until he realized the thing that the director said about the new actors from their school. 'They must be the other three of Yoongi's friends in the script!' He mentally cursed himself multiple times.

"Why are you wearing a w-" He cut off Jungkook's sentence when he was about to say the word wig.

"A skirt? I-I really don't wear them much." Jimin nervously smiled at Yoongi.

"Are you the lead role?"

"Y-Yes, I am playing the character of Lim Holly."

"Wait- do you guys know her?" Yoongi asked the four people in front of him, really confused.

"Her? She's a gu-"

"Girl! I'm definitely a girl!" Jimin once again cut off what Taehyung was about to say.

"Is this a joke? Where's the hidden camera?" Hoseok asked not amused by this and started to roam his eyes looking out for a camera.

"Uhm, Yoongi oppa, it's confusing but, I know these three guys right here. We actually go to the same school and well, we haven't talked for a long time so can you please excuse us?" Jimin smiled at his hyung who was still having a hard time digesting the facts but he still nodded his head.

Jimin harshly pulled the three into a corner where no staffs were walking around. He faced his three friends and gulped. They all had a explain-yourself-young-man look. "Listen, I should've said this to you earlier but you guys know about the movie I was in twelve years ago right? The one where I was forced to play as a girl because the actress couldn't come?"

"Yeah so?" Taehyung replied bluntly impatient for an explanation.

"The director of that movie wanted us to play for the sequel. The thing is, Yoongi doesn't know I'm a guy! If he finds out then it's all over for me!" Jimin whisper-shouted, trying to keep his voice low.

"What's in it for you? Do you like Yoongi hyung?" Hoseok raised a brow with a creepy smirk on his lips.

"What? No! Eww! I'm not gay!" Jimin sighed deeply. "My parents said if I do well in this movie, they'll hire me a professional rapper to tutor me! I mean I couldn't say no to that guys!"

"That's just it?"

"Well yes Jungkook, that's just it but it means everything to me! I mean, I shouldn't be talking to you right now! My dad hired someone to look out for me and I don't know who are they." Jimin stuck his hands together and pleaded to his friends. "Please don't tell anyone guys, if you tell anyone about this, the deal is off! And the worst part is, I'm gonna have to pretend until the shooting is done and no rapper tutors!"

"Okay then Chim," Taehyung smiled at the pleading guy in front of them.

"But you could've at least warned us about it." Hoseok said in a low tone glaring a bit at Jimin.

"I'm sorry but I didn't know that you guys were playing as well and by the way, congratulations to you for this first ever movie."

"We could say the same thing to you Miss Park Jimin." The three of them snickered. Jimin hissed at his friends, "Stop it guys!"

"Let's just go, the poor Yoongi hyung must be so confused right now." Jungkook chuckled as the four of them walked toward the male who was sitting at a corner.

"Yoongi oppa!" Jimin shouted and the other three couldn't hide their laughs. Jimin glared at them before flashing a smile to Yoongi.

"Hey Chim! And... etica."

"Rude." Taehyung muttered beside his two friends who nodded in reply.

"Uh, you met my friends right?" Yoongi just nodded. "I hope you're not too confused about all of this-"

"No actually. The four of you go to the same school and coincidentally, you all are gonna be in the same movie."

"It's more complicated than it looks." Hoseok added and winced in pain when Taehyung pinched his arm. "Ouchie!"


"N-nothing! That's just it! I'm glad that you understand everything oppa!" Jimin chuckled and glared at his three friends beside him.

"It's fine--"

"Scene 1- Lim Holly stand by!" A person said. Jimin's attention rose and stated to fix himself. "Do I look good?" He asked his friends.

"You look like a girl."

"Your hair is good though."

"I love your outfit! Respect designer, respect!"

He rolled his eyes. "Why did I even ask you?" He turned around and decided to asked Yoongi. "Oppa? Am I good?"

"You look perfect Jimin!" The older replied. Jimin thanked him and ran to where the director was. The three of Jimin's friends looked at Yoongi very obviously.

"What?" The oldest asked innocently.

"You like Jimin don't you?"

"Psh! No! She's just my friend!" Yoongi denied but his face reddened. The three smirked all thinking the same thing but didn't utter a word.

'Min Yoongi definitely likes Park Jimin.'


My gift to Jimin, belated happy birthday Mochi~ Yoongi exposed! Yoonmin is freaking real I tell ya ❤️

(Yoongi's face when Jin exposed Yoonmin, he was like, 'you better sleep with one eyed open later Jin') 😂
