
"Can we stay in tonight and order Chinese? We can watch your favourite movie while devouring general tso and fried dumplings." Bea offered but tho other didn't seem to like the idea.

It's 11:30 at night and still, Jhoana's mind is set on going out. She didn't care how late it was. She just wanted to get out of the house because she's been feeling like a couch potato these past few days.

"Where to?" Bea asked, scratching her head.

"Park perhaps?" Jhoana struggled to pull Bea from the couch.

"At this time of the night? You know how many stoners go out at this time? Especially at the park?" Bea played her movie and continued watching.

"Oh come on Beatriz, I know how much you love having sessions with me." She winked at the lady comfortably laying on the couch.

She double thought Jhoana's offer and finally gave in. "Fine, you're picking up this time."

"Oh Beatriz, I already did." She winked for the second time and lifted the ziploc bag filled with joints.

"Where'd you get that?" Bea was putting her shoes on, getting ready to go out.

"Ish." Jhoana replied to the question while dragging Bea out the door.

They started walking towards the park and Bea figured it was appropriate for her to start a conversation.

"Do you believe in second chances?"

"Depends on what really, but if we're talking in general then no. It's complete utter bullshit. Important people however are exceptions of course." Jhoana made eye contact with Bea emphasizing the last sentence.

"Ang nega mo naman." She lightly pushed Jhoana to the side of the sidewalk.

"Ikaw?" Jho's forehead formed in a crease.

"Yup I do but we've all got to know where we stand I guess."

After 10 minutes of walking, they finally reached the park. They sit on a bench and Jhoana takes 2 joints out of the bag. The other was responsible for their light.

"What do you mean by knowing where you stand?" Jhoana lifted her hands and quoted 'knowing where you stand' in the air.

"I mean, you have to know what you are to that person or who you are to whatever situation you're in." She lit Jhoana's joint followed by hers.

"Ah, I get it na." Jho took a hit and so did Bea. By the first hit, they could already feel the loud kicking in.

"Is it always like that with you, Bey?"


Only a few minutes have passed and they've almost already finished a stick.

"Feels good right?"

"Hell it does." The last hit made Bea look up again.

"Tapos kanina ayaw mo pang lumabas." she mocked Bea in a non-orderly manner which earned her a hard slap on the back.

"Aray!" Jhoana childishly complained.

"Stop annoying me kasi, let's just enjoy the night with these sticks and each other's company, shall we?" Bea savours every hit as if it was her last.

They sat comfortably on the park bench and wandered their eyes in the naked sky.

"What's on your mind?" Bea asked.

"A lot of things but can't find a way to focus on one." She paused. "You?"

"Do you think a second chance will work on us?

"Bea, we've already talked about this. You know the answer." She lights another one and blows.

"Why did you leave me for Rex? How did you have the guts to look me in the eye and say you still loved me when you never even did?" Bea scoffed and took another joint out the bag.

"When I thought your eyes were on me, they were really focused on somebody else's." Bea continued.

Thinking that it was the substance causing Bea to ask such careless questions, she didn't really pay attention to Bea's eyes that were quick to form tears ready to drop at her next blink.

"That was 3 years ago during college Bea, akala ko ba you were over everything na?"

"I wanted you to think I was okay, Jho. Can't you see that I'm not?" Jhoana didn't expect for Bea to sob that hard but there she was, looking way too vulnerable in front of the person she's been working so hard to build a wall from.

As much as she wanted to answer by brushing it off, the opposite came out of her mouth.

"Do you want a second for us?" She looked at Bea intently, this time with inquisitiveness written all over her face.

She wasn't looking for trouble, she just wanted to see what Bea had to say.

"What does it look like? Huh Jhoana? Tell me what you see." She was lashing out and couldn't control herself.

She was on the verge of throwing every single bit of how she felt to Jhoana. Thank pot for helping her express everything a little bit easier.

Jhoana didn't have anything to say. Even if she did have something to say, she couldn't put the pieces together because of how fried she was.

Instead, she just laid on the pavement and closed her eyes.

"Join me?" She tapped the ground gesturing for Bea to come and lay down beside her.

Bea did as told. "Is that all you have to say?"

Jhoana leaned on her side and rested her chin on her hand. "Can we please just enjoy the night with these goodies like what you said?"

"I guess."

Just as when the night was getting cozier, spaces getting smaller, and stars getting brighter, a slight buzz interrupted the growing atmosphere.

It was Jhoana's phone. "Hello?"

"I'm at the park na, are you still here?" The caller responded.

"Yup, see you in a bit. Love you." She hung the phone up and got up from the floor.

She gathered the joints in the bag but saved the other half for her best friend. "Here, have half."

"I thought you were spending the night at my condo?" Bea wondered, concern in her eyes.

"Change of plans, the wedding planner wanted us to fly to Bali 2 weeks earlier before the wedding.

Bea nodded her head in response. She knows she can't stop Jhoana so she thought it was best to just keep her mouth shut.

"Bea, I hate to go but I have to. Rex is here. He hates waiting." 

"I'm sorry I can't make it." Bea stated.

"It's okay, I know you would've if you could."

"Safe travels and congratulations in advance."

Bea stopped her from walking to Rex's car. She couldn't let her go without saying it at all.

"I hope he makes you happier than I did."

Bonjourno peeps!

Since I am stuck with AA, I've decided to write a one shot while getting a pedi in the salon hehe. Haven't really read this over so forgive me for errors and shit.

Oh and I've used a lot of slang from where I come from so to save yourself from searching what these words mean eto na:

picking up - getting weed
loud - weed hehe
fried - high

enjoy my unsabogable one shot, have a great day everyone 😊

ps I am not a pothead minsan lang chz
