Part 15

Chapter 15
Sydney's POV
I pace around my room anxiously. I have been like this for almost 2 weeks. Caleb still hasn't texted me. I feel like today he finally will, but it has felt like this almost every day. I feel horrible. I could have killed him. I thought that he would have just like swam up. But nope his foot got stuck. He had to stay overnight at the hospital. [Luke knocks on door] "Come in! ""Hey Syd, how are you feeling?" He has been like this EVERY DAY since he walked in on me cutting myself. Ok I won't lie. I have cut again. I just can't help myself. I'm addicted.
Annie's POV:
Mom. We gotta go pick Sydney up for her "Play date with Hayley" and by Play date with Hayley we mean therapy. My mom is too nice. She isn't telling Sydney's mom that her daughter is self harming. Yes I put that in present tense, because I know that she still is. How do I know this? Because she is my best friend, I can basically read her mind, plus she hasn't worn a short sleeve t-shirt or Leo since then.
Caleb's POV
Ugh. I need to talk to Sydney, but I can't, she almost killed me. But she didn't mean to. So it isn't her fault. I still can't believe that she hugged me. I felt something, but I'm not sure if I like her back.
