my cruddy life


"Cecilia Marianna Lighter, get in here now!!!" I say.
"Coming, Ella." Ceci says in her "total innocent voice"

Ceci, my 6 year old sister, is ALWAYS driving me insane. My other older sister, Katheienie Elise Maddlinine, is married, gone to college, and has 2 kids. I was a aunt before I was even born, so my niece is older than me by 1 year and about a 1/2. But I'm totally fine with it. My parents have been grandparents for like 12&1/2 years now. I know crazy right, to think they still have to raise a 6 year old child?!?

Poor Mary she has to live with 6 siblings. And a super annoying boy-who-likes-her-crush. So annoying!!!

I know Gabe, because he and I were friends. Along with some other dudes. I haven't really had any real girl friends. I have a few but there not like best friends or anything. But since I met Mary, everything has changed.

1. We are both adopted
2. We both have iPad Air 2's
3. We both have someone who likes us but we hate them.

We're a lot alike but, we aren't sisters.

But we're a lot alike, and that's the only thing that counts.
