2. The email

Brett hung up the phone. He filled out the tour booking logbook.

CHEN, Eddy (engineer?) & daughter (Age 12, Year 6), from Melbourne. Strong interest in TAHs, VADs & valve prototypes

He marked the date on the office calendar. He then took in a deep breath and sighed.

OMG there really wasn't any need to have them wait till next week, was there!?

He somehow felt he could be better prepared for them with the extra time.

...Better prepared for what?

Brett had no idea. He shrugged and decided to get back to work. He grabbed his lab coat and left the office area, into the laboratory.

Later in the afternoon when Brett returned to his office desk, he noticed there was an email from reception. It had been sent to the company's general inquiries address and was forwarded to him by Sandy the receptionist. He clicked it open.

Dear Mr Brett Yang,

Thank you for kindly accepting my daughter's request to visit your company. I told her about the call I made to you today and she was absolutely thrilled, she is so looking forward to meeting you and your staff next week.

I told her that she may even get to meet your father, President Yang, pending on his schedule as per your advice, to which she gave an interesting response. She actually stopped dead in her tracks and went into her room, only to return with a pamphlet she had kept from her HSIE (Human Society and Its Environment) class from last year when she was in Year 5.

Please see the attached photo of the pamphlet. I believe the gentleman in the pamphlet is your father, President Yang? She was fascinated and deeply moved by what your company did and had kept the pamphlet. She had only remembered your father as "Mr Yang - the creative and innovative engineer who developed the quick-dry 3D art pen for the visually impaired" and she had only noticed the tiny logo on your father's shirt in the photo and realised that he was the president of the biomedical company she will get to visit next week!

My daughter and I look forward to meeting you, too.

Warmest regards,

Eddy Chen

Brett blinked repetitively as he tried to focus on the photo attached to Eddy's email. It was a photo featured in a pamphlet printed about 15 years ago and his father looked considerably younger. He even noticed himself in the background... a very young engineer, actually a mere engineering student as he was still at university. He looked pale and scrawny. Seeing the photo of himself made Brett give out a wry smile.  The pamphlet didn't even have the company name mentioned in its article. This little girl only found out the name of the company by the tiny logo embroidered on Brett's father's business shirt in the photo. Brett was deeply moved from what was written in Eddy's email and the time Eddy took to write about it.

OMG... this is like something from a movie....!!!

"OMG... DAD !!!"

"...what is it, son?"

"Dad.. you have to have a look at this... this girl, she's really something else..!!"

"Oh my, son, I haven't seen this photo in ages!! Look at me, I still have hair !!"

Brett chuckled.

"Well, it was 15 years ago, Dad. I was still at uni back then."

"My god, look how pale you look in the photo. Oh my... "

Brett's father was lost for words for a while.  Brett stood behind his dad and squeezed his shoulder.  His father gently placed his hand on his son's hand.

"...Son, I'm surprised this pamphlet is still in circulation. We should offer to do an updated edition."

Brett smiled.

"We could ask Sandy to look up the publisher for us."

President Yang sighed.

"Oh my... I can't believe it. So this young girl who is visiting us next week remembered us from this pamphlet?"

"I know. It's incredible, isn't it? What floored me the most Dad is the fact that it made a little girl want to keep the pamphlet. She got it last year when she was in Year 5 and had kept it. Then when her dad said she will get to meet President Yang from Yang Industries, she grabbed the pamphlet and asked her dad if President Yang was the Mr Yang in the photo... she remembered your name."

President Yang grinned as he reached out for his desk phone.

"I definitely have to make time to meet this little girl. It's young people like her that get engineers out of bed, y'know. I'm calling Sandy to reschedule any appointments I may have in the morning on the day they're coming. I'll ask her to find out the pamphlet publisher as well so we can offer to do an updated edition."

Now both Yangs were excited to meet this young girl.
