
Okay, so you have probably noticed that the chapter names are the episode names. I do that because I wanted y'all to know which episode I'm at and it creates sort of an outline for this story. I pretty much write every episode just not every scene and I try to add my own twist to it. Anyways, enough of the information. I give you Unpleasantville!
Evelyn's POV
Today was the day of the 50s dance and I was determined to get Stefan to show me a 50s move. I had found a pretty orange dress with a white wide belt to go across. I also paired it up with white heels. I put on jeans, a gray knit sweater, and black 2-inch heeled boots. I curled my hair and pulled back my bangs. I grabbed my bag and left the house. I arrived at Stefan's at quarter to 6. I walked into the house because they kept the door unlocked. I walked into Stefan's room and he was laying in his bed with his eyes closed. I quietly unzipped my boots and tiptoed to the edge of his bed. I laid beside him and put my hand on his chest. He opened his eyes, and I gazed at him.
"Hi." I said, flirty.
"Hello." He greeted. I leaned over and kissed him. He continued the kiss and rolled us over so he was on top of me. He stared lovingly at me. He leaned down and kissed me again. He made a trail of kisses down my neck and jaw. Then kissed back up to my lips. I knew we had school but I didn't want to leave.
"Stefan, I missed you," I whispered between kisses, "but we have school."
"I missed you too but no school." Stefan whispered in my ear. I rolled us over so I was straddling him. I managed to get up and swiftly over to my shoes. I felt an arm around my waist and under my knees. I was suddenly lifted in bride style position and spun around.
"Stefan, come on. Put me down." I said.
"Okay." He said. He fell back on the bed. "you're down." He kissed me then the door opened.
"Um guys, we have school in less than 15 minutes." Elena said. She walked out of the room and Stefan & I started laughing so hard.
"Ok, come on." I said, getting up. I put back on my shoes and grabbed my bag. Stefan rushed over to the door. "Stop doing that!" I exclaimed, kidding.
"Here." Stefan stated, holding a box. He opened it and different kinds of jewelry were inside.
"Vervain?" I asked. Stefan nodded.
"Give these to our friends, to protect them." Stefan advised. I kissed him once more and headed out the door. I gave some to Elena to give to Jeremy and Jenna. Stefan drove me to school that morning. I was searching the school for Bonnie, Matt, and Tyler. Lena had Caroline covered. I luckily found all three of them hanging out with Ty's locker.
"Hey." I greeted, walking up to them.
"Well if it isn't future Miss Salvatore," Tyler joked, "or should I say Mrs. Salvatore?"
"Please, I'm seventeen," I stated," anyways, I made these cool pieces of jewelry for my friends." Matt and Tyler took the most manly bracelets they could find and Bonnie took a really pretty necklace. Elena had given Care the other necklace. Jeremy received an A on his report, we were so happy. All class period, Stefan kept making designs on the back of my sweater with his pencil. I think Ric was beginning to notice. In 2nd period, Stef&I had a staring contest, you can guess who won. After school, Bonnie, Elena, and I went to the Grill.
"All these years, and you never knew you were adopted." Bonnie said.
"Yeah, Lin and I are doing better." I stated, stirring my iced coffee.
"Jenna and I are getting there. We were shouting at each other last night." Elena said.
"Sadly, I have to get home. Lin is expecting me." I said. I hugged Bon&Lena and left the Grill. I reached the car that Stef loaned me. It wasn't my same mustang, it was a black Porsche. I felt rich driving this car. My phone decided to ring, just as I was searching for the keys. I pulled out my phone and answered. "Hello." I greeted.
"Hello Evelyn." A man said, coldly.
"Who is this?" I asked, pulling out the car keys.
"You hit me with your car, it was a nice car and so is this one," He said," you got away once, you might not be so lucky next time." I froze and looked around. There was a guy in a hoodie standing in the alley. I quickly got in the car and drove away swiftly
Jeremy's POV
Mr. Saltzman handed me back my report. It had an A+ written in the corner.
"Wow." I stammered, surprised. I haven't gotten an A on something in, I don't know how long.
"You really deserved it." Ric said.
"Thank you." I stated. I turned towards the exit.
"Do you have the reference source, I'ld like to read it." Ric suggested.
"Jonathan Gilbert's journal." I stated. I placed the journal on his desk and left to find Anna.
Evelyn's POV
Elena, Stefan, and I were sitting in the library of the boarding house.
"But I don't get why he would call first.'' I said.
"Because we're predators, the stalk is as much fun as the kill." Stefan said.
"He knows who I am but I just moved here." I stated.
"Well, Elena and you are the doppelgängers for Carlia and Katherine." Stefan said.
"Doppelgängers?" Elena asked.
"Lookalikes basically." Stefan answered.
"But what do we have to do with it?" I asked.
"I don't know yet," Stefan responded," but I want you to have this." He handed Elena, Jeremy's pocket watch.
"How did you get this?" Elena asked, taking the watch into her hand.
"Logan took it from Jer, and Damon got it from Logan." Stefan explained.
"It doesn't look the same." Elena stated.
"Because its a compass that points to vampires." Stefan explained. He held it in my hands and the needle spun around and pointed towards Stefan. "Your family was addicted to vampires." He told Elena.
"You knew them?" She asked.
"Yeah, I was kinda of close to them," Stefan stated, "anyways, keep this with you to keep you safe." We nodded, Elena left to be with Damon. Stefan was staring at the bookcase, I was staring at him. I was getting bored so I stood up but he stayed in his trance. I sighed and walked up to Stefan's room. I laid down on his couch and closed my eyes. I felt a sudden burst of air and felt myself being swooped into someone's arms. I was laid on a soft surface, which I assume was his bed. He laid beside me and I snuggled into his chest. He placed a blanket on us and turned on the TV.
"Hey, what's wrong?" I asked. His facial expression didn't look normal, he was thinking about something way too hard.
"Nothing, I saw a book that Damon has been bugging me about." He responded.
"Uh huh." I teased, poking his side. He smiled and leaned down to kiss me. I softly kissed him back. We paid attention to the program. It was nice, relaxing and cuddling with Stefan. I felt at peace when I was with him.
Jeremy's POV
I was sitting at a booth with Anna at the Grill.
"Your articles really helped." I stated.
"Yeah. I can't believe you got an A. Does your teacher believe in vampires?" Anna asked.
"I don't believe in that, Anna. I have to go." I said.
"Wait, do you want to hang out, see a movie or something?" Anna asked.
"I can't. I'm stuck with punch duty at my school dance. Its my only way to not fail English.'' I explained.
"Ok I get it. I'll see you tomorrow possibly." She said.
"Thanks, I'll see you later." I said as I got up & left.
Evelyn's POV
I was at Elena's, getting ready for the dance. Elena had put the compass on her nightstand. I was trying to decide whether to put my hair up or leave it down. Elena decided to leave hers down and put in a cute red headband. I decided to hairspray my hair to where it was a little higher than usual. It felt weird at first but went away. It took like 2 cans of hairspray for my hair to stiffen. Elena helped me with my dress, it didn't zip so I had to slip it over my head. The compass started spinning slowly then got faster.
"Elena." I said, pointing to the compass, she walked over and picked it up.
"Call Stefan." Elena commanded, I quickly called Stefan.
"Stefan's phone." Damon answered.
"Where is he?" I asked.
"Went to get y'all." Damon replied.
"Okay, thanks." I said.
"Anytime." Damon said. I hung up.
"Stefan left his phone, he must be the reason the compass was spinning." I confessed. She helped me finish get ready and I helped her. We walked downstairs, when Elena was attacked by a vampire. Stefan came up and grabbed the vampire and threw him off. "Lena!" I shouted. The vampire ran off. Stefan and I helped Elena up.
"Are you both okay?" Stefan asked.
"Yeah, we're fine." I answered. Stefan hugged me and Damon walked in and hugged Lena.
"How did he get in?" Damon asked.
He posed as the pizza guy and Jeremy invited him in." Lena answered. Stefan wrapped his arms around my waist and put his chin on my shoulder.
"He did say anything." I said.
"And you have no idea who it is?" Stefan asked.
"No, I said we had company." Damon replied.
"Like more than one?" I asked.
"Possibly." Damon answered.
"He was invited in." Stefan stated.
"Then we need to kill him tonight." Damon stated.
"Are you up for it?" Stefan asked.
"What do we do?" Elena asked.
"We'll take you to the dance being because we're your boyfriends." Damon answered.
"I'm sorry but that's a bad idea." Stefan stated.
"This house isn't safe, it's our only choice." Damon said.
"We'll do it. We're safe with you two." I said. Stefan held out his arm and escorted me out to his car. Damon did the same, we arrive after five minutes or so. Damon and Stefan left to scope the gym out. Lena and I met up with Bonnie and Caroline at the punchbowl.
"Y'all look great." Bonnie complimented.
"Thank you, so do you." We answered.
"So I see Stevelyn is in action." Care said. I glanced at Elena, she mouthed "sorry"
"Yep and Delena too." I said, feeling revenged. Caroline practically stared Elena down.
"It's true, we're dating." Lena blurted then walked away.
"So you have both Salvatore brothers at the palm of your hand." Caroline stated.
"Well Stefan. Damon is all Elena's." I answered.
"Well you could just kill him.'' Caroline said.
"Stefan and Elena would kill me." I said.
"Maybe." Bonnie chimed.
"I'd help." Caroline agreed. We clinked glasses and started laughing. Damon walked up to us, and got close to my ear.
"I wouldn't kill me not that you could." He said. He turned to Bonnie, and I walked over to Stefan. Bonnie walked away from Damon then he proceeded to saunter over to us.
"What did you do this time?" I asked.
"I was being polite, Evelyn. May I have this dance?" He asked. I was shocked but luckily had a good response.
"Sure," I turned to Stefan," Stefan.'' He held out his hand and I took it while smiling childishly at Damon. Stefan twirled me into his arms. "So can you sense other vampires?"
"Sadly, no but do you see him anywhere?" He asked.
"No, I'm wondering if he's wearing the same hoodie as always." I said.
"Hmm, having fun?"Stefan asked, spinning me again.
"Yeah, I like dancing with you, could you please show me a move?" I asked, fluttering my eyelashes.
"No, never." Stefan said.
"Okay, you obviously haven't met my persuasive side yet." I said, flirtatious.
Jeremy's POV
Anna is helping me serve punch.
"Can I borrow your ancestor's journal?" Anna asked.
"Why?" I asked.
"You said I could read it." She stated.
"I don't have it, I gave it to my history teacher." I admitted.
"Why?" She asked. What with all these questions?
"Because he said he want to read it." I stated.
"You shouldn't just give it to anyone." Anna said.
"But I'm giving it to you." I argued.
"It's probably in his classroom, lets go get it." Anna said. She was obsessing over this stupid journal.
"What's the big deal?" Anna looked like she was getting extremely angry. Her eyes were changing. "Your eyes." I stated stunned.
"Something's in my contact, I gotta go." Anna said as she flee away.
Evelyn's POV
I was still slow dancing with Stefan. He could dance but he doesn't give himself enough credit.
"Perhaps he's not going to show since both the strong Salvatore brothers are here." I said.
"You are trying to persuade me, aren't you?" Stefan asked.
"Maybe." I said, innocently.
"Then we did all this dancing for nothing." Stefan stated.
"Oh, the horror!" I said, teasing. Stefan smiled and spun me in and out.
"I'm really sorry about this." Stefan apologized.
"It was my choice and Elena's and about our relationship, it was also my choice because I love you and I never want us to be apart," I explained," so stop apologizing." The music finally picked up. "Now show me how it was done in the fifties." I pleaded.
"Never." Stefan said.
"Please, one move?" I asked. Stefan shook his head but I nodded insistently. I knew Stefan won't show me a move so I turned and began to walk away, but Stefan suddenly grabbed my hand, twirled me back in. He picked me up, dipped me from side to side and put me back on my feet. He then kissed me very passionately.
"Now remember that because its never gonna happen again." Stefan said. I giggled and he kissed me. I look over and Damon is dancing with Elena.
"They're so cute together." I said.
"Yeah but so are we." Stefan whined.
"Now both the Salvatore brothers have someone to love." I said.
"Well not for long." Stefan said. I looked at him with sad eyes.
"I don't want to talk about that now." I said. I looked around the punch bowl area and saw a guy in a black hoodie. "Stefan, back corner."
"Get Damon." He commanded. I ran over to Damon and Elena. I whispered to Damon and he left to help Stefan. I stood with Elena when my phone started ringing. I pulled it out of my purse and answered it.
"Hello Evelyn. Here's what you're going to do. There's an exit door behind you. I want you and Elena to walk through it." The man said.
"No." I said.
"Or Elena's brother dies. I can snap his neck so fast, I won't even start a commotion. Now I suggest you start walking." He threatened.
"Do not touch him." Elena demanded.
"Keep walking then." He said. Lena and I left without Stefan or Damon noticing. We started running through the hallways. All the doors are locked except the cafeteria door. The man, whose name we later found out was Noah, threw Elena by her hair onto a lunch table. Noah grabbed my wrist and bit it. Somehow he managed to bite the same place the same scar was in. Lena somehow pulled him away and stabbed him with pencils. I broke a broomstick to make a stake. I threw it to Elena, who was about to stab Noah with it, when he threw her to a wall and was about to bite her neck when he was thrown across the room. I was losing blood from my wrist but not a lot. I felt a burst of air and Stefan was right beside me.
"Are you ok?" He asked. I showed him my wrist.
"It's on my scar." I said. Stefan nodded and bit his wrist and held it to my mouth. I drank his blood that could somehow heal me. I looked at my wrist , wiped the blood, and saw nothing. There was no scar of any kind. I smiled a little and looked over to a stirring Noah. Damon and Stefan rushed over to him.
"Hey scumbag." Damon said.
"We just want to talk." Stefan stated. Noah rolled his eyes. "What do you want with Evelyn and Elena?" Stefan asked. Interrogative Stefan was pretty hot, I do admit. He paces and circles his victims and always has a dead serious look on his face.
"Screw you." Noah said.
"Wrong answer." Stefan snapped. He plugged the stake into Noah's stomach. "what do you want with them?"
"They look like Carlia and Katherine." Noah grunted.
"You knew them?" Damon asked.
"You thought you were the only ones that knew them." He said.
"How do you get into the tomb?" Damon asked.
"No way." Stefan pushed the stake in deeper. Lena and I took seats on the tables. "The grimoire."
"Where is it?" Damon asked.
"Jonathan Gilbert's journal," He answered," check the journal."
"Who else is working with you?" Stefan asked.
"No, you're gonna have to kill me." Noah said, bravely. Damon looked at Stefan. Stefan removed the stake from Noah's stomach and drove it straight through his heart.
"What are we going to do now?" I asked.
"He had to die." Damon said.
"But." Elena argued.
"He was invited in, its not safe with him alive." Stefan said. Mr. Saltzman was coming so Lena and I left with Stefan as he removed Noah's body. Lena went home shortly after the dance. I went home with Stefan, he drove us to his house. I was told to wait in the living room while Stefan talked to Damon.
I'm sorry for not updating sooner. Very stressful and a little upsetting. Got a taste of heartbreak today so that's amazing(note sarcasm). But I'm moving past that.
Okay, so don't forget to vote and comment!
Love y'all ❤❤❤
