4. The Decision Is Finally Taken


                                               THE DECISION IS FINALLY TAKEN


Okay, so before I start, I want to dedicate this chapter to "soldonut" who was the first ever commenter of this book. From, now on I'll dedicated the chapters to chapters to first voter and one who comments. This chapter is also dedicated to that soul that voted this chapter first.


Sid's P. O. V.:-

a week later....

I still silently ask myself as how fast has this week passed by. It looks as though I have met Ri only yesterday but still see here I'm knowing her for just a week and yet I feel as though I know her many births together. I'm still confused as how can a girl whom I have hardly known has made have these feelings that I have dreaded and avoided for years. Even what I felt for Seema is nothing as to what I feel for Ri. This fear to not to loss her to anyone else has run so deep in me that here I'm after considering my situation for days and night all together ready with a decision that can change my life all together.

I'm ready to loss my bachelor-hood for Ri. Yes, I'm ready to accept Ria as my wife. The feelings that I feel for her only makes me to cringe. I know that this girl has run deep into my skin. I'm happy that I have finally fallen in love with Ri.

Love. I decided it way back on our second date. The day when she looked like an angel in her simple jean and pink shirt while also that was the day when I learnt that this fragile looking girl isn't so fragile afterall. To be frank, her bold talk,confidence and straightforwardness only turned me on. I never knew that confident girls act as such a turn on to me. Seema too was confident but she's nothing when you compared her to me Ri. With each passing moment, I learnt the different shades of Ri. Wow, man my mind was reeling with the darkest of all fantasies when Ri claimed that she shares the same zodiac sign with the ever charming fictional character "Christian Grey" of Fifty shades of grey. Truly,Ria Rangarajan is one addictive mystery that I want to loose myself into. But the only thing that added up to my guilt was the fact that when she was so frank to me,I couldn't tell her the one thing that she deserves to know-SEEMA. But I have promised myself that she will get to know about it on our wedding night. It'll be her decision as she'd whether allow us to have the pleasure of wedding night or not. I know I must not loose her.. And this is the only way that I find to have her all for myself.

After I was done with all these thoughts,I went to the hall where I knew all my family members were seated fir the dinner and told them the one thing that they'd love to her. "I'm ready to marry Ria. Tell them soon."

As soon as I finished this line my family burst into loud cheers and bear hug by throwing me the looks saying I-know-you'd-end-up-doing-it and you-took-the right descion sort of ones. I just smiled at them happily.

Soon they called Ria and told her my descion. They made ne talk to her and her family. Finally,I'm happy that I took a descion that not only makes me happy but my whole family.

Ria's P.O.V.:-

My mind went blank as soon as I heard Sid's descion. The first thought that came to my mind was that"Is he drunk or mad?!?" God,why do I feel so, so, why don't I find a word to describe my feeling? I always thought I had a great vocabulary and yet see, here I'm not ven able to explain my current state of feelings. Can I say as being numb, blank, scared or confused?

Oh, gosh, if there was someone else in my place they'd have squealed in delight. But here I'm frozen to my spot in dread. God?!? Why am I so scared of getting married?!?

Yes, I know the reason is the fact that I don't believe in a marriage of convince. I do like Sid, but I'm scared as how long will this attraction stay in place. Well, let me accept that Sid is really handsome,sweet guy who is quite ready to accept me with all my flaws. I don't think I can get a loving and caring guy like him to marry but without falling or even having the slightest idea to fall in live with him won't this marriage become a kind of marriage that I always despise.

The fact that I'm scared is the fact that I always fall for jerks and not nerds like Sid. If you consider all the crushes I have had till date I have always had a thing for those cute guys with emotional baggages. The guys who have a problem with communicating their feelings and who are so possessive of their loved ones. I have always fallen for those arrogant jerk. So,I can clearly say that this happy-go-lucky,shy to girls type nerdy and emotionally expressive cute Doctor Sid is totally not my type. Now, that makes me heavily doubt as whether can I even like him for more than a week let alone spend a whole lifetime with him.

But what amused me was the fact that even though Sid was totally not the type of guys that I get attracted to, I still enjoyed each and every moment that I spent with him. He was very informative guy with great communicative skills that always left me yearning for more of our communication to continue. He was very much supportive and guy who encouraged my career success without getting egoistic. Now all these thoughts just left me with one option left. To write down his pros and cons and then decide.

My parents looked at me expectantly for which I replied with a shrug "I'll tell you in the morning. Good night."

With that I turned to my heels and went off to my bedroom. Once I reached my desk,my hands quickly searched from my descion making journal where I write all the pros and cons of a tough decision that I ought to make and then contemplate on what to do later.

My hands absentmindedly turned the first few pages wherein I found the pros and cons of subjects like as "whether should I write my first novel or not?!?"/"should i join the offer of my principal to join them as teacher or not" and so on.

I took a New page and wrote as:-
Title:Should I marry Sid or not?!?

*He's sweet
*encouraging me to peruse my career.
*loving and caring
*decent &loyal
*frank and truthful
*in a great job. service minded
*loves his job and not just for which being there for its money but to serve the needy.
*friendly with all my friends and cool with me being friends with other gender.
*gives me lots of freedom
*respects fidelity
*respects and cares for others feelings I.e. not a jerk
*a mommy boy and so knows how to treat women well.
*listens to me intently and when I talk he looks and treats as though I'm the best and only women on this world.
*compliments me when necessary.
*makes the time that I spent with him worthwhile and amusing as well
(well this list goes endless..)


*Not my type
*can he hold my attention for long
*too plain,naive and sometimes innocent who misses to understand my sarcasm and irony.
*Too good to be true...



(the book is closed and I sighed out loud)
I don't know what overcame me but my descion is taken.Even though Sid is too good to be true I have decided to give him a chance and enjoy all the goodness that he presents till the goodness last. Afterall its good to feel praised and aroused for a man at some  point of our lifetime. Yes,I'm aroused even by thinking of Sid because I don't know why? Not just physical stimulation, but rather the mental connection and stability that he gives me which makes him all the more attractive.

But  all that I'm scared is how am I going to control myself when I'm going to be around him all the time. The happy thing is that since he's going to turn my husband I don't have to control myself. Even if this rash impulsive descion of mine turns out to be a mistake atleast I can be happy of the sexual pleasure that I'm to receive which has to be in abundance as the single touch of awakens the deepest hidden feelings in me.

Morever I'm always known as the rash and impulsive descion maker as I feel that too much calculation leads me to nowhere. So,tommorow I'd inform my parents and for today let me sleep. With this thought I feel into the deepest slumber that I have witnessed in whole of my lifetime.I'm happy that the descion is finally made...


My parents were on cloud nice when I told them about my descion that I'm ready to marry Sid. Immediately they informed Sid and his family while the next second I found Sid calling me with my parents smirking at me as they'd have surely guessed who the caller was. I went to the balcony and attended his call while Sid after telling me how happy he was and all asked me to meet him at the coffee shop in his  hospital in the evening before his shift starts so that he can spent some time with me. I smiled and accepted the offer while our days just went by like this.

Soon the elders were busy with our horoscopes and predicted that we're made for each other and stuff. Sid wasn't much interested in these but I being the unrealistic creature that I'm spent about entire day in the office of my astrologer uncle to know about us. It was fun to say the least.

Then came the fact that when our engagements be fixed to? For which I pleaded them to arrange it in the Christmas holiday time as my school would be off so that all my students and colleagues would be able to participate and also the fact that now being November11 2013 left them ample time for arrangement which made them readily accept. They decided that let the engagement ceremony be arranged on 27.12.13. Sid being the sweetheart that he's too readily accepted it.

Yeah,I need to invite a lot of people to come to my engagement but before that let me invite you guys. Please do come to my engagement. Okay?!?

Then came the trouble of fixing of our wedding date for which again I suggested that I'd be happy if it was after my school ends as I had planned to resign my job as soon as I get married. I always had this plan that I'd spend most of my time with my family as soon as I get married. Even if I do some job it'll be some sort of where I can work from home. When I told this to my inlaws they were more than happy of my thoughtfulness except of Sid who frowned at my descion but ultimately gave up knowing my stubborn self.

So after consulting our astrologers they fixed the date as 14. 04. 2014. This reminds me that I need to invite you all right?!? Ah,yes...

So,everyone out there please don't forget to attend the marriage ceremony of me and Sid on 14April 2014. Remember to come. okay?!?

Now this leaves us all anxious and nervous about the arrangements that we ought to do. So bye that I'm so busy... Enjoying every single moment that I spent with Sid...

Authors note...
hope you guys enjoy.. do give me your feedback and vote if you like... love you guys..... I do plan to edit this once I'm done so please don't judge.. I'll finish this version which is like the first draft and give you the edited version too all soon.. I promise...bye..
