
"Oh come on First come" sleepy Khao pulled First from Gemini so they could go home "your mother will kill me if you don't come back now we promised her we'd be back by 2"

Gemini freed himself from First and stood up

"Bye Gemini see you tomorrow" Khao helped First and they left the house

The house was already almost empty, only a few more people remained who were also on their way out

Gemini was looking for Fourth and heard a noise from above

He went up and saw Fourth lying with someone on top of him

"Ai Sat" Gemini punched the man and he fell to the floor

"What are you doing?"  He got up immediately

"Who are you? What did you try to do to him??"  Gemini pointed to Fourth who was lying on the bed calm and sleepy

"I'm his boyfriend Rain and how are you Gemini related to him?"

"His boyfriend?! Isn't khao his boyfriend?!" Gemini was confused

"I'm his friend" Gemini said

"But you are his enemy Fourth told me about you"

"So this is what he says about me" Gemini was disappointed

"I...I'll go, sorry..." Gemini apologized and left the room

He started , going down the stairs and was already at the exit when he suddenly heard Fourth yelling

"Fourth!"  Gemini turned and ran into the room

He tried to open the door but it was locked he took a swing back and the door opened

Gemini held his shoulder in pain and saw Rain lying on top of Fourth with Fourth shirtless and looking like he was trying to resist

Gemini kicked him and tossed him over Fourth but Rain got up quickly and tried to get him back but Gemini bent down and kicked him in the stomach with a knee causing Rain to fold over in pain

"Get out of here right now!" Gemini yelled at him and Rain looked at him angrily and left

Gemini hurried to lock the door of the house after him and returned to Fourth who hugged him when he entered the room

"who was that?"  Gemini asked him but hugged him back

"My ex" Fourth said and tightened the hug 

"It's okay, he's gone, he's not coming back"

Fourth lay back down and Gemini was going to leave and go home

"Can you stay with me tonight? Just in case he does come back?"


Gemini glanced at Fourth's bare body and then looked away

"He has a boyfriend he can't be yours" he repeated the sentence several times in his head

Fourth motioned for Gemini to come lay next to him in bed and Gemini did so

Suddenly Fourth sat on top of Gemini with his two hands on either side of Gemini's head and he leaned towards him

"What are you trying to do" Gemini stopped him

"Why are you confusing me? You are supposed to be my enemy but you are nice to me and take care of me, why?"  Fourth asked

"Am I...confusing you?"

Fourth nodded and brought his head closer to kiss him but Gemini once again stopped him

"You have a boyfriend" Gemini said

"What? Who is my boyfriend?"  Fourth laughed "I may be drunk but I'm aware that I don't have a boyfriend"

"You told me that khao is your boyfriend "

Fourth lay on his side and didn't stop laughing

"What ?why are you laughing?"  Gemini asked worriedly

"Did you really believe me?!"  Fourth could barely breathe from laughing

"So you don't have a boyfriend??"  Gemini's heart jumped with joy

"Not that I know of" Fourth didn't stop laughing

"It makes you laugh huh?!"  Gemini grabbed him by the waist and pulled him to him making Fourth stop laughing

The soft skin of Gemini's hands on his bare waist and back made him blush

Gemini's intention was to tickle him but like this when he was close to him he couldn't do anything but stare into his eyes

Fourth came close to him and kissed him

Gemini kissed him back

"Wait" Gemini whispered breathlessly "You're not kissing me just because you're drunk are you?"

"I don't know" Fourth smiled and kissed him once more

They didn't progress beyond the kissing stage but at some point when both of their lips were already red and swollen and Fourth's mind was foggy from fatigue and not just from love they fell asleep hugging and relaxed
