Fight or flight?

Hello again~

I'm here, I'm Queer and about to write some BL!

I'm currently listening to Hamilton (again!).

Okay, I'll shut up.

Enjoy ^^

fight or flight[fight or flight]
DEFINITION the instinctive physiological response to a threatening situation, which readies one either to resist forcibly or to run away.


The weekend was calm, they mainly spent it inside watching Disney movies or outside playing volleyball. But now it was Monday. Meaning school, meaning that he had to confront the three boys again.

"Oikawa, I need to get up..." Hinata said between yawns. " it okay if you take Natsu to school. Just for today"
He watched as his boyfriend nodded and rolled out of bed, which lead to a tumultuous bang and laughter.
Soon enough it was time for school, Hinata said bye and MANY thank yous to Oikawa and got on his bike and rode away.
All he could think was what the hell was he going to say to the team? 

*time skip bought to you by my crippling depression*

today was the first day he's ever felt like this, he dreaded going to volleyball practice. so many thoughts were running around in his head. What if they told the rest of the team? what if Kageyama wouldn't set to him anymore? what if he's bullied? what if he's kicked off his first real team...? 

he knew he'd have to stop thinking about that. he needed to keep his head up. maybe they didn't tell anyone.

"Hinata!" a voice yelled from across the gym. 

'Noya-senpai, just great' Hinata sighed whilst trying, and failing miserably, to give the second year his signature smile.

"How are you Noya-senpai?" The decoy answered, fear still residing in his voice.

"Let's skip the pleasantries," Tsukishima cut in, "Is it true you kissed Oikawa yesterday?"

'This is it, I've just lost my place on the team. ' Hinata thought as his breath was getting shorter and harder by the second. "I don't know what you mean saltyshima!" Hinata said, lacking his usual enthusiasm. Acting never has been his strong suit. He's never needed to use it. 

"Then why was he at your house on the weekend?" Tanaka questioned, in a serious tone. 

"Oikawa was around your house?!" Daichi stammered, "Why was he round your house?" Hinata couldn't tell weather Daichi was concerned for his welfare, ready to kill his boyfriend... or both... 

"He was helping me babysit Natsu." Hinata lied through his teeth. Well, he wasn't exactly lying... he did help him babysit the devil, but that wasn't the reason he was there. "Where's Suga?" Hinata asked, frantically trying to change the subject.

"I'm right here," A voice said from the back of the murder*.  "Leave Hinata alone, he doesn't stick his nose in your social lives, so stay out of his. Besides, we're supposed to be at practice. Not mulling around chatting."

~Another time skip because I have writers' block~

All day Hinata managed to successfully avoid any questions from his team, courtesy of Suga. The only thing he had to survive was afternoon practice.  

'Only a few more hours until I can go home.' Hinata thought as he pulled his jumper over his head. 

*BUZZ* All eyes were on number 10's phone. *BUZZ* Hinata tried desperately to ignore it *BUZZ* "Oi! Dumbass, pick up your phone!" There was no ignoring it now.

Hinata slowly turned around and headed towards the buzzing piece of metal. But before he could reach it, a freckled hand seized it.

"Hey Sho-chan, Natsu wants to see you practice and because I don't have school today your mother asked me to take her," Yamaguchi begun. "So I guess I'm coming to Karasuno."

Hinata had no time to register what was happening, he completely spaced out. The only things reaching his ears were the muffled arguing of his teammates. 

"Let's wait for him to arrive... and then we kill him!" Nishinoya announced to his best friend.

"Great idea, We'll show him that he doesn't have the right to touch our precious kohai!" Tanaka replied with the same savage tone.

"No one's killing anyone," Ennoshita responded. This sixteen-year-old thought he signed up for the volleyball club, no the 'Stop the idiotic Tanaka and Noya from killing people' club.

No words could come out of the redhead's mouth. He had two choices fight or flight. Fight and let his boyfriend in a room full of people who'd be more than happy to end him. Or flight run now and hope that he reaches Oikawa before Oikawa reaches him. 

The whole team knew that there was something going on between Oikawa and him, he was going to have to face them someday. But he didn't really envision someday being today. Plus Kageyama. Kageyama and Oikawa would tear each other's throats out if they're in the same room. 'This is going to be fun '.

Practice went on as normal. Normal bickering. Normal cheers. Normal enthusiasm. Apart from Hinata who was a nervous wreck in the corner. Talking to a volleyball.

*KNOCK* Silence filled the air. *KNOCK* No one dared to move a muscle. Slowly the door opened and in came Natsu in her Pink dress and pigtails bounding over to her nauseated brother.  "Oni-Chan, look what Tooru did to my hair!" She squealed excitedly as she showed off her plaited hair. 

"Hey munchkin, where's Tooru?" Kageyama asked, calmly waiting for a reply from either his old senpai or the mini Hinata. 

"He's outside, he was too scared to come in," She giggled, skipping to the doors. She quickly slipped in the small gap she came into and pulled the hand of the other nervous wreck.

"So... " Oikawa started. Everyone could tell something was off. Where was his signature smile? Why wasn't he insulting anyone? Why wasn't he insulting Kageyama? 

Oikawa was quickly scanning the room for red hair. But there was none. (unless you count the princess holding his hand.) That's when he spotted a black jacketed person talking? to a volleyball. He slowly let go of Natsu's hand and made his way over to said person.

"Having fun a practice Sho-chan?" He said as he gave his signature smirk to his boyfriend.

"I am now..." Hinata mumbled, hoping that no one heard that. He looked up from the ball in his hand and saw Tooru's hand stuck out. Without hesitation, he grabbed it and pulled himself back on his feet. 

"Oikawa, Hinata. I have a question," Dadchi started. "Are you two dating?"

"Yes," The taller boy answered, holding onto the smaller one's hand. He had no intentions of letting go.

"You're not just dating him to distract him are you?" Tanaka questioned, waiting for the right time to strike.

"No." There was no sweetness to the setters voice. "I know how much Sho-chan loves volleyball. Do you really think I would take away the one thing he's wanted his whole life?"

Everyone stood there in awe, all Hinata could do was smile. Silence once again filled the air.

"Kageyama," Natsu looked up at the raven-haired boy, catching his attention.

"What is it munchkin?"

"Are they going to get married and live happily ever after like they do in the fairytales?" Her innocent question caught everyone off guard.

"Natsu!" Hinata scolded "You can't go say stuff like that!"

After Oikawa and Hinata got THE talk from Sugamama and Dadchi, they all went their sepirate ways.

'That went way better than expected.' Hinata sighed as he was holding the hand of both is boyfriend and his sister.


*A murder of crows is a more poetic term for a flock of crows which can be traced to approximately the 15th century.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I don't really know what to do next, should I take them on a date? Please put down in the comments what you'd like to see next.

I hope you have a good day/night!

- Elias  ~*^*~

word count: 1328
