
I was hunting the village for any sign of the Jinchuriki. I felt eyes on me constantly and finally I stopped.
"Alright! Come out!"
Who emerged from the shadows was not who I had expected. Sasori crossed his arms. "Took you long enough. Pein sent me to check up on you. Any luck finding the kid?"
I shook my head. "Nothing. All I know it his name."
Sasori groaned. "Why me?" He took a deep breath. "Look, you have two days left to find and capture Naruto or you're going back to the lab. Step up your game will you?"
I nodded. "I know. I'm trying-"
"Well try harder!" Sasori broke. "Sorry. Just, keep working. All we need left is the eight and nine tails. Sasuke already found the eight tails. You don't want to be outclassed by a kid do you?"
A rumbling started in my throat. "No. Now get out of here before I rip out that thing that's keeping you alive out."
Sasori chuckled. "Whatever. Goodbye (y/n)." He vanished into the shadows. When I was sure he was gone I sighed.
I couldn't look back. I couldn't. "Kotetsu..."
"(Y/n)... You can't be?" Kotetsu walked up behind me.
I closed my eyes tightly, still refusing to look at him. "Well I am. Okay? I'm part of the Akatsuki! Turn me in! Beat me!" I lowered my voice. "Do it. I deserve it for lying to you. I deserve to be punished..."

I waited for him to hit me or yell at me but nothing came. 'Is he giving me the silent treatment?'
But I flinched when his arms pulled me into his chest. "I don't care. I still love you."
A tear rolled down my cheek. "B-But I'm the bad guy..."
Kotetsu stroked my hair. "Please don't ask me to hurt you. I never could. Please don't say you're not good enough. Because to me... You're my everything."
I cried harder and nuzzled my face into his chest. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I... I had no choice. They were g-going to-"
I was interrupted by Kotetsu kissing me.
He used his thumb to wipe away my tears then pulled back. "(Y/n). I'll help you. Me and Izumo. I even bet to Hokage would. You've grown on me." He chuckled and led me back to the others.

I walked into the woods and unburied my cloak. Kotetsu gasped. "You really are in the Akatsuki."
I nodded slowly and slipped the black cloak around my shoulders. The feeling of the fabric on my body once again felt nice. The ninja smiled. "You look good."
My face grew warm. I looked away quickly. "S-Stop that. I'm still the bad guy remember?"
I felt fingers gently tickle my hand and he gripped it tightly. "You're not a bad guy. I believe in you."
"We haven't known each other for long."
Kotetsu simply chuckled. Suddenly the sound of swishing and something slashed across my face. I was stunned and froze up. Warm liquid dripped down my cheek. Three figures jumped into view. I couldn't believe my eyes when the three teenagers from the shop appeared. The brown haired boy growled, showing rows of sharp teeth. "I knew it!"
The girl looked away when I stared at her. The third boy shoved his hands in his pockets. "I put a tracker on you. We were just waiting for you to show your true colors."
Kotetsu stepped in front of me. I didn't know what to do. "You don't understand!" He exclaimed. I felt my blood drop into my shirt under the cloak. I wiped the cut with my hand, feeling the red, sticky liquid spread over my fingers. The brown haired boy glared. "Don't understand? She's the spy! We have to take her down! She's tricking you Kotetsu!"
The ninja turned around to face me and suddenly wrapped his arms around me tightly. The burning feeling came back.
My face was deep red by now and I could feel my heart thud in my chest. I think... I finally understand now. I love him. As much as I didn't want to... I couldn't stay loyal to the Akatsuki. I failed my mission. But I don't care. All I wanted was him at my side. Is this what being human was? Did I finally get it? I spent my whole life in a lab. Did I really understand though? I couldn't be sure. But for now... I was sure this is what I wanted.
I raised my arms and hugged his back. Tears rolled down my face. I bit my lip and buried my face into his shirt. "I'm so sorry. I caused all this. I want it to stop..." I forced each word out. Just then, a hand rested on my arm. The girl gave me a small smile. I raised my head a bit and wiped away my tears.
"It's okay. Please.. Don't cry.." She whispered softly.
"Hinata get away! Don't trust her!"
"It's fine Kiba. We have to give her a chance."
I pulled away from the hug and took the cloak off again. It was instantly cold but I ignored it. I folded it up and handed it to Hinata. "Do with it as you please. I don't need it anymore."
The girl giggled happily. "Okay!"
Kiba crossed his arms. "So that means we're helping you then? Fine. What do you need us to do?"
