Bonus chapter

An extra chapter requested by a sweet Tae biased reader

~-~-~ HOSPITAL DAY 2 ~-~-~

It was too early, again. Seokjin groaned and rubbed his eyes when he woke up after hearing some noises coming from the other side of the hospital room. Glancing at the small clock hanging near window he saw that he had slept for an hour since he had managed to get Hoseok to sleep again. But it didn't feel like an hour, more like a few minutes and it didn't help that it was too early that it was still dark outside. But Seokjin didn't complain, he could sleep another time when his donsaengs were comfortable and taken care of. So when he heard disturbing sounds coming from one of the other beds, he knew that something was wrong.

Seokjin removed his blankets and grabbed the crutches who were standing next to his bed. The oldest silently thanked himself for learning how to walk with them pretty fast, so he was having no troubles moving around even in the dark. The tall member slowly but carefully walked towards the bed where he had last heard sounds coming from, and it turned out it was Yoongi who was mumbling in his sleep.

The rapper had sneaked into Jimin's bed, but the oldest maknae wasn't there anymore. Yoongi was clutching a pillow in his hands and his face looked pained. Not the kind of pain as if he was hurting, but more like he was seeing or experiencing something disturbing. And that combined with the mumbles coming from the boy, told Seokjin enough that the second oldest was having another nightmare. The singer sighed sadly and sat down on the edge on the bed. He gently stroked Yoongi's cheeks

"Yoongi wake up" the oldest whispered. The rapper whined and pushed his head further into the pillow. "Come on, wake up. You're okay. We're all here" Seokjin continued while his hand had traveled lower to shake the boy's shoulder instead. The oldest hyung knew exactly where he could touch Yoongi without hurting him, because he remembered every single bruise on the boy's body.

"Yoongi" he whispered a little louder, but nothing seemed to work. Seokjin still hadn't figured out what the best method was to wake him, so he kept trying different things. He had learned that holding his hands would make Yoongi more sleepy. And the same applied to touching his hair. One time he tried shining some lights in the boy's eyes, but the boy just turned his head around into the pillow and continued to sleep. Seokjin had even poured some cold water over the rapper at some point, but that backfired because the rapper woke up in pure panic. So every time the oldest member tried different tactics, but each of them failed so far. Up until Seokjin's hand had reached Yoongi's neck and started to massage the tense muscles.

"Hyung?" Yoongi mumbled drowsy. Seokjin smiled and continued to stroked the boy's neck, helping him to wake up. "I'm here Yoongi. Wake up"

"Hmm" the rapper nodded and leaned into the comfortable touch of the oldest.

"You ok?" the singer asked when he was sure that Yoongi was completely awake. Seokjin smiled softly when the younger one nodded and moved closer to him. "You want to talk about it?"

Yoongi huffed and started to fidgeted with one of the buttons on Seokjin's leg brace. "Keep seeing you standing on the other side of the stage and then the explosion..."

Seokjin rubbed the boy's back when he heard the exhaustion in his donsaeng's voice. Everyone was having nightmares after that horrible day, but it seemed like that Yoongi was affected the most. The boy couldn't sleep for more than an hour before he was plagued with yet another nightmare. It was clear that it was draining his energy and Seokjin silently asked himself how long it would take for the boy to break. So the oldest made a mental note to talk to the doctor during daytime to ask for sleeping medication. He really wanted to avoid drugging one of his members to sleep, but it was probably the only option right now.

"Sorry for waking you" Yoongi mumbled, causing Seokjin to snap out of his thoughts. The oldest shook his head and tightened his grip around the boy. "Never apologize for things you can't control. Now move a little bit so I can lie down as well" he said and nudged Yoongi backwards so he could climbed in the bed next to him. When Yoongi start to doze off almost immediately when he felt the protective comfort of his hyung beside him, Seokjin felt relieved as well and soon the two members were sleeping again.


Almost two hours later Seokjin woke up again, but this time because the sun had come out and a nurse was busy preparing everyone's breakfast and medication.

"Good morning" the young female whispered when she noticed that Seokjin was awake. The boy smiled in return and looked around to see if the others were awake as well. Yoongi was still fast asleep next to him, with his hands gripping the older one's shirt. The bed next to them was empty, but when Seokjin heard the shower running he knew that Namjoon was washing up. His eyes then moved towards the opposite side and he noticed that the four remaining boys were still sleeping. Jungkook was still in the same position every since he returned from the operation, lying on his back with his arms lying limp on either side of his body. Taehyung and Jimin were sharing the bed in between Jungkook and Hoseok, and Seokjin chuckled when he noticed how their limbs were tangled together while sleeping. It was amazing how the oldest maknae managed to keep Taehung's injured arm out of harm's way despite sleeping like this. And lastly was Hoseok who was sleeping in an awkward position. It seemed like the dancer had tried to sleep on his side, but having one of his legs bandaged heavily prevented him from doing so. So the boy's upper body was turned but his legs were still lying straight.

"What would you like to drink?" the nurse asked when she brought Seokjin his breakfast and medicine.

"Water please" he replied and thanked her for the food. He wasn't really hungry but when he looked at his plate he saw how much effort the younger woman had made for them. Fresh bread, yogurt and even some chopped fruits. So Seokjin decided he should at least try and eat some of it.

While eating he noticed that Jimin was starting to wake up as well. He saw how the boy carefully extracted him limbs out of Taehyung's hold and rubbed his eyes drowsy.

"Morning Jiminie" Seokjin said. The younger one greeted him in return and when he noticed it was time for breakfast, Jimin turned around and started to wake up Taehyung. The second youngest was less eager to wake up however, and pulled the blanket even closer to his body. Jimin chuckled and ruffled the boy's hair in affection.

One by one each member was starting to wake up on their own because the room was starting to get more louder. More nurses were coming in and out of the room, changing some IV drips or helping the boys to wash up. One of them was busy unwrapping Taehyung's bandages, but she frowned when she finally saw the wound. The long cut that was being held together with many stitches, looked angry red and some stitches looked stretched. The young woman called for her older colleague who was dressing Hoseok's leg, and the two shared a short but hushed conversation while inspecting Taehyung's wound.

"What's wrong?" Jimin asked worriedly. The boy was standing at the end of Taehyung's bed, because he wasn't allowed in the bed when they're changing the bandages.

The older woman looked at the small boy "The wound looks unsettled. I will get the doctor to look at it" she said before leaving the room. Seokjin joined Jimin when he heard what was going on and the boy looked concerned when he saw the red cut.

"Does it hurt Tae?" the oldest boy asked. But it looked like that Taehyung was the least worried about his wound. The boy looked tiredly at his arm and shrugged. Seokjin frowned at his reaction, and he realized that the boy had been unusually quiet today. It took almost half an hour before he was finally awake, but then he refused to eat because he was 'too tired'.

"Good morning boys" a deep male voice was heard and Seokjin looked to his right to see a doctor entering their room. "Let's see what we have got here" he said while putting on some gloves. The man inspected the arm first before he prodded the skin around the wound with his fingertips. Eventually he squeezed the cut at the part where the stitches were stretched, causing yellowish liquid to slip from the gaps in between the stitches.

"It's infected" the doctor said sadly and looked at the nurses. "Take his vitals again please"

The man then looked at Taehyung and the two other boys "I need to remove the stitches so pus won't build up underneath his skin"

The two boys didn't understand the man because they were the worst at English, so they both turned around to find Namjoon. But Namjoon wasn't there, because he needed to get his cast fixed after ruining it in the shower and Yoongi had joined him so he couldn't help either. Jimin and Seokjin started to panic at little bit and looked at the doctor with big scared eyes.

"They no English" Hoseok explained to the doctor. Thankfully, the dancer was awake and able to hear everything what was going on in the bed next to him. "His wound sick?" he asked the doctor.

The man's face went from confusion to realization why the boys were looking so scared at him and didn't answer him. "Yes, his wound is sick. I need to remove the stitches" he said while making gestures with his hands, pointing at the stitches and then mimicking a scissors with his fingers.

"I think he will cut the stitches" Hoseok explained, but he wasn't sure if he understood the doctor correctly.

"He has a fever" the young nurse said after taking Taehyung's temperature. Seokjin saw the high numbers on the little display and he finally understood why their second youngest was looking so lost. The boy was probably not even aware what was going on right now.

The doctor hummed and looked concerned at Taehyung. When the older nurse returned with some supplies, he started to disinfect the wound and grabbed a tiny knife to cut the stitches. When the first stitch was removed, the wound immediately widened and more pus was streaming down on his skin. Jimin and Seokjin swallowed nervously at the sight, not only because of worry but also because they both hated seeing blood or other bodily fluids. But since Taehyung wasn't completely conscious at the moment, they decided to toughen up and stayed close to the younger one.

After a few minutes all 15 stitches were removed, leaving the long cut exposed and open when the doctor was finished. The man had cleaned the wound as well and instructed the nurses to clean it every 4 hours and to start IV antibiotics. The professional then washed his hands and decided to check on the other boys since he was already there.

The first patient was Hoseok. The doctor asked in basic English if his pain was doable, and he was glad to see Hoseok nodding his head. Seokjin however shook his head "He pain, don't touch" he said. This made the dancer glare at him and the doctor confused.

"Sorry? What do you mean?" he asked.

"It's fine" Hoseok hissed, but the oldest didn't looked pleased. "No Hobi, you're still in a lot of pain. You need to press that button more often!"

"I forgot it once! It won't happen again"

"How can you forget that you're in pain?!" Seokjin almost yelled. Hoseok winced at the raised voice and made himself smaller in his bed "I'm sorry hyung. I promise I will press the button when it starts hurting, please just don't worry the doctor"

"Is everything okay?" the doctor asked carefully. The man could only look how the two boys were bickering in Korean, not understanding what they were talking about at all.

"Don't break your promise Hobi" Seokjin said before turning to the doctor again "Yes okay" he said. The doctor looked at Hoseok as well and saw that the boy was giving him a reassuring smile. Glad that the boys weren't fighting anymore, the doctor continued and inspected the burn wound after removing the bandages. Thankfully, this wound wasn't showing any signs of infection so the man was satisfied and redressed the wound again.

Seokjin was already officially discharged from the hospital but because of safety measures, they decided to keep everyone admitted until all of them were declared fit enough to go home. The doctor was satisfied when he noticed how well the boy was walking around with the crutches, because it would mean that he could start with rehabilitation sooner than expected.

The third patient was Jimin. The boy's head wound was healing nicely and thanks to the boy's thick hair the scare would probably be hidden completely when it was finally healed. The nurse informed the doctor that all neurological checks were good, but the boy still experienced light sensitivity and headaches during the day. The doctor nodded at the explanation and did some basic neurological examination with Jimin as well. The 95-liner was a bit nervous of the big man in front of him, but he just copied his movements like he had done earlier with the nurse. A few moments later the doctor had seen enough and decided to officially discharge Jimin, like Seokjin, Namjoon and Yoongi.

The last patient was the only one who wasn't awake: Jungkook. The doctor removed the blankets and inspected the thorax drain while asking questions at the nurses. Then he grabbed his stethoscope and carefully listened to the boy's chest for a couple of minutes. The man smiled when he was done and looked at Seokjin and Jimin who looked worriedly at him. The two boys had been following the doctor every since he entered the room, but the man didn't mind.

"Lungs good, drain out today" he explained in basic English, and he hoped that the boys understood the message. But judging the confused looks on their faces, they didn't. The doctor sighed and decided to find the manager who could speak English, because this wasn't going to work. Before he left he tried to reassure the two boys with hand gestures that Jungkook was fine, so they wouldn't panic when he would leave.


"You ok? You look tired" Namjoon asked Yoongi when they were walking back towards their shared hospital room. Namjoon's right arm was resting in a sling with a new fresh cast wrapped around it.

"You're the one to ask. Look at your face" the older one answered playfully. The two smiled and continued to walk in silence, but when they finally arrived at their room, they saw Sejin talk to a doctor in the hallway. The men looked serious, causing the two rappers to get anxious. Did something happen when they were gone?

"You can go inside if you want. I want to talk to Sejin first" Namjoon said, but of course Yoongi shook his head. "I'm not going inside before I know what they're talking about" So the two kept standing in front of the door until the two men were finally finished with their conversation and Sejin nearly jumped when he noticed two pair of eyes glaring at him. The manager thanked the doctor and walked towards Yoongi and Namjoon immediately.

"How long are you standing here?" he asked. Yoongi shrugged his shoulders "Dunno, few minutes?"

Sejin sighed nervously and it was clear that he didn't like that the boys were standing in an unprotected hall with many different people walking past them even though there was also a lot of security present.

"Let's go inside and we talk there okay?" he asked and gently pushed the boys towards the door but Namjoon kept standing in the same spot.

"Is something wrong?" he asked.

"Go inside Namjoon, I will tell you everything okay? Just not here" Sejin responded and pushed the boys a bit more firmly inside the hospital room. Once inside, Namjoon and Yoongi were immediately greeted by Hoseok, Jimin and Seokjin. The latter inspected the new cast and was ready to scold the young rapper for being so clumsy and impatient, but then he noticed that Sejin had followed the boys into the room.

"Hey boys, I just spoke to the doctor" the manager started. Seokjin nodded and looked worriedly at Taehyung and Jungkook "He was here before you came. He asked us some questions, but we couldn't understand. I'm sorry!"

"It's okay Seokjin, you did a good job. He just wanted me to explain everything to you, because he saw your concern and confusion." Sejin explained. This made Seokjin, Jimin and Hoseok relax a little bit, since they were afraid they had messed up.

Sejin grabbed a chair and began explaining everything to the boys. Namjoon and Yoongi were shocked to hear that Taehyung's wound got infected, but when they observed their second youngest they noticed how quiet and pale the boy looked. During the conversation he was able to stay awake, but Taehyung didn't say anything and looked tiredly around him. Jimin was sitting next to him on the bed and ran his fingers through the boy's hair while he listened to Sejin.

The manager then turned to look at Jungkook and explained that his lungs were improving and the doctor had said that the drain would be removed at the end of the day. An audible sigh was heard, especially from Seokjin, Jimin and Hoseok who feared that the doctor had heard something bad on the boy's lungs. The doctor had tried to reassure them before he left, but it turned out he hadn't succeeded.

"Uhhm the doctor also told me that Hoseok and Seokjin were fighting, is this true?" Sejin asked while looking at the said boys. The dancer looked nervously at his hands and was starting to fidget with the IV port on his arm. Seokjin however seemed happy that the manager started the topic. "Hoseok refuses to admit that he needs pain medication"

"Hobi?" Sejin asked in disbelief.

"I - I just thought to would get better if I didn't move" Hoseok tried to defend himself, but Seokjin was not believing him "You were crying in the middle of the night, how could you think that you didn't need pain medication?!" he snapped back.

"Seokjin calm down" Yoongi said when he noticed Hoseok's reaction. The usually happy dancer was suddenly very small and vulnerable. "Hobi?" he then asked softly and moved closer to the boy.

"I just hate it. The painkillers are making me feel drowsy. I want to be there for you as well, I want to help" Hoseok finally admitted. When tears were starting to fall on his cheeks, Yoongi whipped them with the back of his hands.

"Oh Hobi" Seokjin said softly. All anger was replaced with sympathy within a second after hearing the boy's reasons. "You're already helping. You keep everyone positive and motivated when we can only see darkness. But please, you don't forget to think about yourself"

"I know morphine sucks, but the pain is preventing you from leaving your bed. You will feel better when you can move around more" Yoongi added. Hoseok nodded and he knew that his hyung were right. Another shot of pain made him wince, causing everyone to raise their eyebrows at him. Hoseok swallowed nervously and grabbed the button lying on the bed next to him.

"I got the message hyung" he said before Seokjin could scold him again and pressed the button to release the pain medication. Yoongi smiled at him and patted the boy's hair until the medication started to kick in.

"Good, well I think everybody needs to get some rest because you all look very tired" Sejin said and place his chair back next to Jungkook's bed. None of the boys gave him a reaction, because they were simply too stubborn to admit it. But the manager also didn't want to push them since that never worked before, so he decided to leave the room to give them some space.

"Sejin?" he heard Seokjin's voice calling for him when he had left the room and went to the waiting room further down the hallway. The man turned around and saw the boy walking towards him as fast as he could with his crutches. Sejin looked confused and concerned at the same time, and made his way over to the singer.

"What are you doing Seokjin? Don't leave the room like that" the manager said and grabbed the boy's arm to steady him. Seokjin was catching his breath, but started talking anyways.

"Can you talk to the - doctor about Yoongi? - He has a lot of nightmares. He barely sleeps" he said in between breaths. The manager nodded "Yeah of course. I will talk to him. But it looks like you're not sleeping as well Seokjin" he said back.

Seokjin's eyes widened and immediately shook his head. "No no, I'm fine. I don't have nightmares. I just, I..."

"Yes?" the manager asked impatiently for an answer.

"I can't sleep when they are in pain" he whispered. Sejin smiled softly at the boy standing in front of him and rubbed the boy's arm. "I know, but like you said to Hoseok, don't forget to think about yourself". The words made Seokjin blush a little bit, because the manager was using his own words against him.

"Let's make a deal. I will talk to the doctor about Yoongi, but you're going to sleep right now. The boys are taken care of for the time being"

Seokjin nodded and together with Sejin he walked back towards their room.


A few hours later Namjoon was sitting with Yoongi on the small couch in front of the windows while reading a book. The older boy also had a book in his hands, but he didn't even read one page because he kept dozing off. Yoongi wasn't the only one to get some sleep, because Seokjin was smart enough to get back in bed and for the first time since they arrived in the hospital, he was sleeping more than three hours in a row.

Hoseok was very happy that he could finally leave his bed again, so kept moving around in his wheelchair for almost half an hour before he made himself comfortable in the space in between Jungkook's and Taehyung's bed. The rapper tried to make a conversation with Jimin, but the younger one was too concerned over Taehyung. Because of his high fever the second youngest started to mumble incoherently every now and time, and it made Jimin restless. He didn't know what his soulmate was trying to say or if he needed anything. The others had tried to convince him that it was his fever talking, but nothing could sooth the oldest maknae. Although Jimin couldn't remember everything from the attack, the hyungs thought his brain might remember more than he knew. Taehyung and Jimin were together after the explosion, so maybe that's why the 95-liners were inseparable right now.

A pained moan made Namjoon turned his head towards the bed closest to him. Jungkook's eyes were starting to flutter and it was the first movement he had seen from the boy today. The rapper immediately dropped his book and went to the maknae's side.

"Jungkookah?" he said and moved a hand through the boy's hair. Hoseok was seated on the other side of the bed and grabbed Jungkook's left hand.

"Hurts" Jungkook moaned and he tried to move his body to get into a different position. But that only caused more pain so tears were streaming from the boy's eyes fast. Namjoon was talking to him and holding him still while Hoseok pressed the button to call the nurse.

"Hyung" Jungkook cried. Hoseok rubbed the boy's arm and looked how Namjoon desperately tried to comfort the youngest. He saw how tears were starting to form in the rapper's eyes, but Hoseok couldn't blame him. It was awful to see Jungkook in this much pain.

Two minutes later a nurse entered the room and immediately left again when she understood what was happening. A short while later she returned with medicine and the same doctor they had seen in the morning. The nurse moved around Hoseok so she could administer the pain medication while the doctor moved to the other side of the bed.

"I'm going to remove the drain right now" he explained to Namjoon, knowing he was the only one to understand him. The rapper nodded, but he focused back on Jungkook when the boy moaned in pain again. He stroked the younger one's cheek until he was finally sleeping again. In the meantime the doctor had grabbed some gloves and removed the bandages covering the tube that went into Jungkook's bruised chest. Namjoon was staring at the drain with big eyes, but managed to ask to doctor if he needed to leave.

The man shook his head and focused back on his task. When he had disinfected the skin around the small opening he told the nurse that he was ready and with one swift move he quickly pulled the tube from the boy's chest. Namjoon almost gagged when he saw how long the tube was and he could imagine that it was causing Jungkook a lot of pain. The nurse dressed the small wound where the drain had been with gauze and tape, and at last covering the boy with blankets again.

"Let's clean the other boy's arm as well" the doctor said to the nurse, and Namjoon followed them towards the second bed. Namjoon wasn't there when they had cleaned the wound in the morning, but he had heard it looked bad. The details about pus seeping through the stitches were still fresh on his mind, and that made him really worried. Namjoon saw how the nurse tried to get Jimin from the bed, but the boy didn't want to leave his soulmate. So the rapper stepped in and pulled the boy in his arms.

"Give them some space to do their job Jiminie" Namjoon whispered in the younger one's ear. The small boy was standing in front of him with his back against his own chest so he could back hug him while looking at Taehyung over Jimin's shoulder. Together they watched how the man and woman undressed the arm gently and Namjoon felt Jimin relax in his arms when the cut was revealed. The wound looked angry red and it was wide open, but it must have looked much worse this morning if Jimin was relieved with the sight. Maybe because this time there was no pus seen, but Namjoon thought it still looked bad. The doctor whipped the cut with a wet gauze drenched in disinfect and the rapper was glad that Taehyung did appear to be in pain right now. The boy had been given countless medication in his IV, and Namjoon could barely remember everything. Antibiotics, fever reducers, fluids, electrolytes, pain killers and an hour ago a nurse had given him something to calm down because he was starting to trash when his fever was spiking.

"The antibiotics need a day or two to start working, but I'm pleased to see that the wound isn't looking worse" the doctor explained when he was finished. "I will check his blood everyday to check if his inflammation markers are going down as well". Namjoon, Jimin and Hoseok nodded and thanked the man and nurse for helping them.

"That looked bad" Namjoon said to no one in particular when the medical personnel had left. Jimin didn't respond and climbed into the bed again to hug Taehyung's sleeping form. "Did you see it this morning?" he asked the dancer sitting in the wheelchair next to the bed. Hoseok shook his head and it was clear that the older one was also worried after seeing the infected cut.

"Do you think it will leave a scar hyung?" Jimin asked instead. Namjoon and Hoseok looked at each, because none of them wanted to answer that question. But since Namjoon was their leader, he felt responsible and decided to be honest with the 95-liner.

"I think it will, but that doesn't matter. It's more important that he will heal and doesn't have pain anymore" the rapper said while looking at both Jimin and Hoseok. He knew that Hoseok was struggling with the same question regarding his own wound on his leg. Of course, nobody wants a scar on his body, especially not one this big or caused by a horrible event. But like Namjoon had said, it was far more important that everybody was alive.
