Q&A - 2

Arianna: Luan invaded the comments last time andΒ  lovekitkat29 asked some questions! Lola, Lana, why are you so different?

Lola and Lana: Isn't it obvious she/I like(s) princessy stuff and she/I like(s) mud!

Arianna: Anything else?

Lola: I wear a long sparkley dress and a tiara and loves pink and being clean!

Lana: I wear overalls and a baseball cap and I love outdoor animals! Like Izzy and Seymore and my ant colony and--

Lola: We get it Lana!

Arianna: Next question! Luna, how did you meet Sam?

Luna: School in the cafeteria bro!

Arianna: Detail?

Luna: I was jamming and Sam and her friends came over to me and said "That's sick, dude!" We jammed for a long time, dude. Sam and I went to get some lunch and that's when I realized I liked her, bro. I didn't care what people thought of me! And I hope she likes me back.

Leni: That is totes goals!

Arianna: Sweet :3. Lastly, Lori, where did you meet Bobby.

Lori: I was literally waiting for my BFFs at the Royal Woods Restaurant, but they turned me down and said they were "sick". I cried and I felt a hand touch my shoulder and he asked me if I was okay. We talked for literally forever. Then he asked me out and I LITERALLY SAID YES!! It feels just like yesterday..

Arianna: Awwwe :3. Alright! Another random Loud will be in the comments! Have a great day and thanks lovekitkat29 for the suggestions! BAII!!!
