Chapter 13

I don't own Team Starkid or their work


"Devin!" She rolls over to face me. "Today's the day!"

"Harry Potter!" She jerks upright like she finally remembered.

"Yup!" I pop the P.

Sitting up, I grab my buzzing phone. "Hey Joey."

"So do you wanna still go get coffee today?"

"Of course I do."

"I mean we have two shows tonight. Are you sure?"

"I'll meet you down stairs in a few." I hang up.

Devin doesn't even need prompting. She gets up and rifles through my clothes through the occasional piece at me. I head into the bathroom to change and get ready, making a point to wear my contacts. Soon I'm leaving our dorm with all my stuff for tonight, in black leggings, combat boots, a black tee shirt, red pea coat and my hair in a simple French braid.

I meet Joey downstairs. "You ready for tonight?"

He nods, gulping.

"Oh don't be like that! It'll be fun!"

"I guess you're right.

"You know it!" When we sat down at our table, a thought popped into my head. "So what did your dad think of me the other night?"

Joey laughed. "He thought you were absolutely adorable. He was all like 'that girl is a good one she's very articulate and polite.'" He shook his head. "He wouldn't stop."

"Aw! Looks like I made a good first impression."

"He also said afterwards that you are such a talented actress."

Once we'd had enough cups of coffee to stay up for the entire night, Joey and I headed back to campus excited for this. We had two shows tonight but we were thrilled nonetheless.

I changed immediately when I got to our area of the theatre building. I had my black skirt, white collared shirt, gray vest, Gryffindor tie, white socks and black buckled shoes. It made me feel like I was truly Hermione Jean Granger. I lay out my dress and shawl thingy for the Yule Ball scene.

I find the classroom where Marguerite (I think that's her name) had set up shop. She started on my hair which was crazy enough to begin with today. When Lauren came in, she had her short blonde wig on with her Slytherin uniform.

"You ready for this?" I t was weird hearing her speak without her Draco voice whilst in costume.

I think the girl messing with my hair nodded but I wasn't sure. "I think so. I'm more nervous for everybody else. If that makes sense."

"Oh yeah totally," Lauren said taking out make up and starting to apply it to my face.

Lauren finished with my make up before my hair was done so she wandered off for a little bit to go look at everyone else. Soon Jaime walked in. the only thing distracting me form the oversized red wig on her head was the camera in front of her.

"Hey Charlotte!"

"Hello Ginny!" Jaime laughed.

She walked the camera in a circle around me. "Look at Hermione Granger. Everyone gets their hair done nicely and Charlotte gets hers f*cked up each time."

I cross my arms. "It's not too far off from my normal hair. Though this is weirder to wash."

We all laugh. Jaime heads off, I bet to follow everyone around with her camera.

Finally my hair's done and I start roaming the hallway. I meet up with like half the cast in front of the onstage studio entrance. Jaime's filming Dylan and Joey exchanging flip flops.

"These are my shower shoes from freshman year." Everyone was laughing. I skirt behind all them and catch Devin by the stage entrance. We psych each other up as only we could do. Then I flitter off and find Joey once again.

I pull Joey away after and we exchange a good luck kiss before heading into warm ups. We do some strange physical ones and some helpful vocal ones. To top it all off we do some energy exercises. Too soon it's time for places.

I go take my place behind our onstage band and A.J. and I exchange whispered "Break a leg"s.

The lights come up and I see Darren on his trunk.

"Underneath these stairs

I hear the sneers

And feel the glares of my cousin my uncle and my aunt

Can't believe how cruel they are

And it stings my lightning scar

To know they'll never ever give me what I want

I know I don't deserve these awful rules made by the Dursleys

Here on Privet Drive

Can't take these stupid Muggles

But despite all of my struggles

I'm still alive

I'm sick of summer and this waiting around

Man its September so I'm skipping this town

Hey it's no mystery

There's nothing here for me now

I gotta get back to Hogwarts

I gotta get back to school

I gotta get back to Hogwarts

Where everybody knows I'm cool

Back to witches and wizards and magical beasts

To goblins and ghosts and to magical beasts

It's all that I love and all that I need

At Hogwarts, Hogwarts

I think I'm going back

I'll see my friends gonna laugh til we cry

Take my Firebolt gonna take to the sky

No way this year anyone's gonna die

And it's gonna be totally awesome

I'll cast some spells with the flick of my wand

Defeat the Dark Arts

Yeah bring it on

And do it all with my best friend Ron

'cause together we're totally awesome."

Joey throws open the door on the side of the stage. "Yeah and it's gonna be totally awesome!"

The boys greet each other and head into the Floo Network. And Joey continues to sing while I feel a stupid smile creeping on my face.

"It's been so long

But we're going back

Don't go for work

Don't go their class"

Darren with a wide grin joins in.

"As long as we're together

Gonna kick some ass

And it's gonna be totally awesome."

My nerves were starting to creep up on me but instead I did my job and snuck up behind Joey and Darren, hiding while they finished singing.

"This year we'll take everybody by storm

Stay up all night

Sneak out of our dorm."

I pop up behind them and sing my part. "But let's not forget that we need to perform well in class if we want to pass our O.W.L.S."

"Ugh Hermione why do you have to be such a buzz kill?"

"Because guys, school's not all about fun and games we have to work hard if we want to be good witches and wizards! Ugh!

I may be frumpy but I'm super smart

Check out my grades

They're A's from the start

What I lack in looks

Well I make up in heart

And c'mon guys that's totally awesome

This year I plan to study a lot."

"That would be cool if you were actually hot!"

"Hey Ron, c'mon we're the only friends that she's got!"

"And that's cool."

"Yeah that's totally awesome!"

"Yeah that's cool and that's totally awesome!"

Singing with Darren and Joey always felt good. We sounded strong and we sounded great. At this point we could get away with the big grins but as we progressed into the show, I worked hard not to crack as Lauren rolled around on the floor insulting us or Devin flirted with the guys.

We sang our hearts out while it was great to get an audience reaction. We had people to sing to and to laugh at my stupid dancing and Joey being ridiculous at the Yule Ball. We finally had reactions when Joey and I had the awkward kissing scene.

With a rush of energy, we all went onstage to take our bows and hear the audience applaud us. We disperse backstage and I pull my leggings and tee shirt back on for the time before the next show.

"Great job everyone!" Matt, Brian and Nick greeted us backstage.

"That was amazing!" Brian Holden was still chuckling. It was actually his first time seeing the show.

"My family's here," Lauren complained. "Can I go?"

A lot o people were nodding, anxious to go see family so Matt let us go after making us promise to be back soon. We ran smack into a mob of people. I was congratulated and complimented by so many people that I didn't even know I was so thrilled and made sure to thank everyone. There were so many people though you couldn't move a foot without bumping into someone else. A lot of my friends who had family at this show made sure to call me over and introduce me. It was just great.

A few audience members even stopped me for an autograph. An autograph from a 20 year old college student who played Hermione Granger in a Basement Arts Harry Potter Musical. I quickly scribbled out my name for everyone and looked to see that Joey and Darren both had people asking them as well.

I finally found Meredith. She had come to see the show and I consciously noticed that she was one of the audience members who sat on the floor of the Studio even if I wasn't supposed to. She had this huge goofy grin when she jumped on me.

"You did such a good job!" She was giggly again.

"Thank you Mer! That means so much to me." That wasn't faked at all.

"You basically are Hermione. Can I touch your hair?"

"Sure?" Mer touches my poofed hair smiling.

"They filmed the show by the way."I vaguely remembered Matt, Brian and Nick saying that so we could send DVDs to people. But soon Mer excuses herself because she has to study so I go retreat back into our dressing areas.


Another chapter for y'alllllllllllllllllllllllll. Finally got to an actual show hehe

