Ch. 28 Here For a Reason

Ch. 28

Here For A Reason

*Niall's POV*

I wake up in a bed, this wasn't my own. I hear beeping and dripping coming from next

to me. I look at my hand and seeing an IV connected to me. Maybe this is all a bad

dream and if I go back to sleep everything will be fine.

I wake up again, theame bed, the same beeping and dripping noise, same IV but this time I'm

not the only one in the room. I see a girl with brown hair and only wearing sweats and

a hoodie. I finally figured it was Claire. Or at least I think.

"Claire?" I ask the mysterious girl.

"Oh my god Niall! You had me worried sick," she rushes to the bed.

"I'm fine, where are Addie and Ashton," I ask worry.

Claire didn't respond.

"Claire where are my kids," I asked in a slightly more demanding tone.

I saw tears start t form in the conner of her eyes.

"Ashton is upstairs getting a cast in his broken leg and Addie is,"

Before she could even finish she starts crying. The most I have ever seen her cry. I

didn't know if I should start crying but if I tried not to I would.

"Where is Addie?" I say choking in those words.

"S-she's in the IC r-room, she has blood lose and hasn't woken up yet," she tells me while sobbing.

"W-why are we all here ,did I do this?" My voice is shaking in fear wondering if I did this

to those to wonderful children.

"No, you were driving down the highway and you had the right away. You turned right

and someone didn't stop and hit your side of the car and directly hit where Addie was

sitting," she explains.

"So it's my fault." I ask ready to cry.

"No, no, no. It's not your fault. It--"

"It's my fault my daughter is fucking hospital and about to die from losing blood. It's

my own damn fault Ashton broke his foot," I tell her, mad at myself for letting this happened.

"NIALL! " she yells at me.

I look up to her. She had this look in her eyes that I had never seen before.

"Everything is going to be fine. The doctor said all we need is a match for Addie's blood

type and it will be fine," Claire tells me.

"Have you been tested?" I questioned her.

"Yes," she replyed looking anywhere but my eyes.

"Are you a match?" I ask her needing to know the answer

She doesn't look up at me.

"Claire are you a match?" I question again.

She's still looking down at the cold floor. "No." She whispers quietly,

"But I have called to boys and your mother and father and also Greg are coming down

to get tested. Out of eight of us one of us hast to be a match." She says smiling weakly.

"You're right,I trust you'" I paged for a nurse to come in.

"Do you need anything Mr. Horan?" the nurse asked while coming in.

"Ya, I was wondering if I could get tested to donate blood."

"After you are checked out of the hospital you can," she answers, which something I don't want to hear.

"When am I going to be checked out?" I asked desperate.

She starts flipping though pages in her clipboard.

"You are when out when.....after you get you knee brace placed and a shot"

"I already have a knee brace."

"You might already have one but this one is bigger and will keep you knee cap from moving back," she explains.

"Oh okay, can I get those two things now?"

"We will have a nurse come in soon and---"

"Nurse Newell. We have about 8 people in the waiting room wanted to get tested to

donate blood. Can you come help us?" Another nurse popped her head in the room.

"I will be out there as soon as I'm finished with Mr. Horan." She calls back.

"Thank you."

"Just remember that I will be here with you every step of the way." Claire coos.

"I know, you're such a caring sweetheart. Did you know that?" I tell her.

"No, I'm not." she replies.

"That's a load of bull shit! Remember year 8?" I asked her.

"Ya what about it"

"I remember at lunch how I always offered you to sit but me and do you remember

why?" I continued.

"Not really," she replied.

"It was because you would go sit by Will at lunch and make him feel like he was worth

something to someone."


"Claire you even shared your food with him because he wasn't eating anything. You

would go up and talk to him. You gave up your friends so he could have one. When no

one wanted to be his partner you would. When no one would talk to him you would.

When people told him he wasn't good enough you would tell him he was perfect the

way he was. When people told him that he wouldn't make it in an American football

team. What did you do? You told him he would if you believed he could. Now look

where he is now. He's playing in the NFL. Living his dream. You know why?" I challenge.

"Why?" Claire asks.

"Because you were right there next to him every step of the way. Claire if you didn't do

those little things, he may not be here."

*Claire's POV*

Just the thought of Will brought back memories. Thinking if I didn't do those things

where would he be now? I remember year 9 he was still having the same problems and they

were getting worse now. We all took a survey about self harm and depression. Later

that week we had a school assembly and a speaker came and talked to you about about

this. He said '75 people have depression and 25 people cut or have self harmed'. We are

not a very big school ether. Everyone's eyes are looking around for those 25 people. I

was looking around as well. My eyes finally meet with someone's. it was Will

he looked ashamed to be there. He looked up, right back at me and whispered or

mouthed something to me but I couldn't make out what it was. He looked down again

and stated rubbing his arm and yanked his shorts down a little farther. He just sat

there and continued rubbing his arm. I didn't know what to do. I could just get up run

over there and hug him. I didn't want to go ask if he had cut before. But to be honest I

was extremely worried about him.

He went through, the 'not eating' phase in year 9 but this time I couldn't help him. He sat at

popular table and I didn't, so I couldn't just walk up and give him food. I felt like I

wasn't doing my job of helping people. That's when Niall can into my life and help me.

Niall would hangout with Will and be his friend. I had a warm tingly feeling but when

Niall left for X-factor I didn't want him to go thought that phase again. Then H

he was

being used to make his friend jealous. That didn't happen just once, try three times.

Three times he was used, he thought they liked him but it was all a lie. Then he really

like this girl in our History class, he finally got the guts to ask he on a date. You should

have seen his face when she accepted it, but then later that night she said no. It broke his

heart, he even knew exactly how long they were 'together', even down to the minute. I

felt my heart sink when I heard this and maybe I am here for a reason.


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Follow my twitter @wishuponaniall :)

I wrote this on a bus and on my phone so if its bad I'm sorry. I may not update for a week my grandpa is externally sick right now and doesn't have much longer.

