The Accident

Enma's P.O.V.

There's blood all over my body. In all places such as my hair and my clothes. Surrounding it were detached tentacles, scattered in pieces that are uncountable. Each length comes with different cuts. They wiggled as the individual life they had come to a close as their mother died. Unmoving, they didn't make a single sound. Something else did, not until a few seconds after I defeated it.

"Be quiet."

I took my Katana and made a jab right through its head as it wasted its final breath. The voice of hopelessness whistled out into nothingness. Finishing up, the blood stuck on to my Katana, so I flashed it through the air on said body. Some amount of it still remained, coating it. The disgusting sound it made compressed my disgust ever more after the fact. The fight led me to cut its core that was deep inside its body. The purple glow was bright. After I stabbed it, the tentacles that had been heading inside its own body dropped like corpses from the outside. The body fell with me inside, so I made a quick escape. How it had life after the energy that supported the body died was a mystery.

I walked from the main body to the countless tentacles on the floor. Flipping over one tentacle after another, I found Ina book that was a present from her mother. There was a slight glow to the pattern on it, but it too disappeared as I picked it up. It was as if the book was dead.

"I'm on my way, Ina."

There's no minding it now. The mission wasn't a failure until I found Ina alive or temporarily unconscious. The bow she received wasn't anything she couldn't handle. Then again, the way her body was acting doubted my positive outlook on her condition. That large amount of blood loss wasn't something a normal human could manage. This is frustrating as I recall something about her personality. It's because she comes across as human, pretending to be one, also pretending to be not, and vice versa with our interactions over the years leading me to believe if it's either-or. Was she human or non-human? Only she knows the answer, and I doubt she will tell me the truth even in a serious conversation.

"She's one heck of a person when she is actually funny. Ha, ha."

I rarely laugh when I'm around people, but when it comes to an occasion like this it isn't an okay time, but finding the time is a difficult endeavour. Work vacation leave is a strange concept. I didn't question once. Maybe that's the reason I can't find time.


Calli's P.O.V.

"Calli, just one more kiss, please."

"What are you talking about? We've never kissed before."

"Look how long we've been together. At least try to be honest with your feelings."

"What feelings are you talking about? Those feelings died when I became a human-looking reaper."

So on and so forth were the demands and stress of having a demanding girlfriend. Our relationship stands by friendship and solely Platonic "feelings" for each other. Feelings? Those things are mere figures of speech whenever I use them in a sentence. They never existed.

"Did you say, girlfriend? Oh my, Calli. You're so forward. How could you flirt with me like this? It's too much."

My displeasure and somewhat happiness comes from the pressure of dealing with this girl. Unlike what's going on right now, her lack of self-awareness is so funny sometimes I sometimes forget to laugh out loud. Really. It is honestly funny. Her mistakes and her personality. If we had a child, I wonder how our traits would be distributed.

"'Had a child?!' Calli, you do realize your thoughts are leaking out, right?"

I hurried to cover my mouth as I realized what was happening. It wasn't on purpose, it was an accident. My face is getting red for some reason.


It was a bright, sunny day as it became anew. In our Apartment complex, I was whipping up some breakfast for my non-girlfriend. She was none other than Kusotori. A phoenix of whatever mythological scripture. Her long hair swayed with sassiness and her hips of truth told no lie as she pulled up to a bar corner separating between the dining area and the kitchen. I was speaking to myself before she woke up, as any morning bird would. She rubbed her eyes with laziness in her plain pajamas and spoke to me like a wedded wife like we did the deed last night. I was taken aback by her forwardness. To be honest, it was the same as always when she made a move on me. But when I secretly consciously or subconsciously made a move on her...

"Four rounds?! I don't know if I can last for that long. You might drain the life force out of me."

... She played it off like a maiden. She and I are both adults here. A drink or two won't kill you. Unless you're talking about another form of intoxication. I should stop. That's something that even I don't know what I'm talking about. That's too much information leaking from my mouth. Crap, I should just stop thinking in general.

Just finishing up breakfast and adding the final touches with the skills of an amateur, I placed it on the dining table for the both of us sitting opposite to each other. We both started eating without me having any particular thoughts entering or leaving my mind. A few seconds in, Kusotori was stargazing in my eyes. Putting up both elbows on the table, she created a rest for her chin.

"Your eyes are really beautiful."

Kusotori said those words softly, mindlessly aware of what escaped her mouth. I look away because of how physically close we are to each other. And also because I was chasing a black spot in my eye. My eyes began to sweat from the intensity of the race, so I lost. Now my eyes are far removed from Kusotori with tears coming out. She surprisingly waves both of her hands in concern. The same concern was in her voice.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to make you cry. I don't know what I said to make you feel this way."

"I'm fine, alright. I'm just having a dust problem, that's all."

"Here. Let me help you."

"It's no prob. No. You don't need to get up."

She grabbed the tissue between us before I did. She speedily got up and made haste for my eyes to get them clean. Around the table, she went and then, there she goes.


"Uhhh God."

She tripped on the leg of it and fell on top of me with forces of nature. Thankfully, it happened in a way, my head landed softly on the living room mat. The chair was off to the side as if it was a waiter having no involvement in what happened to us. Even if it didn't, it shouldn't have teleported from under me. Kusotori's weight was something else. Slightly unconscious, she raised her head from beside mine.

"Sorry, ouch."

"Get up as slow as possible, okay Kusotori. Don't worry too much about me."

Her body spread across mine as she got up. Not minding her movements, she got up by touching something she already possessed. The assets of my company. The company, which is me. The assets, the features of my attractiveness.

The stuff on my chest.

My Breasts.

The slow pace at which she was going didn't ease the pain I was feeling. I was unable to tell her because of my character. And also, because of this overwhelming embarrassing emotion I was feeling. I shouldn't have feelings but somehow this one stayed. Am I really convincing anybody at this point? My face was steaming hot. Kusotori's eyes were closed as she was confused about the obvious. She squeezed.

"What's this squishy thing?"

Come on, figure it out already!

"It's so soft. Wow."

How long are you going to stay like this!

"Have I felt this before? Mmm."

You ain't no investigator. Stop for "Guh" sake.

"Is it Watson's size? No, it's much bigger."

How do you know Watson's...This is a waste of time.

I comedic-ly brushed her off to the side as she said her name. I wasn't feeling shy or having any wussing feelings. Anger and J words are recurring residents in anyone. These feelings of mine are present in these times because of none of your business. If you're still asking why? That "J" word isn't part of it. I tilted my body ninety degrees to give myself a head rub. She returned to her senses after another fall to the ground.

Stay Calm.

"What happened? Woah. That's one passive-aggressive look."

My face twitched with discomfort.

"Whatever do you mean, Kusotori? Please explain."

"Umm...Yeah. About those eyes."

That is a horrible way of changing the subject!

As I was shouting out internally, someone came through the apartment door with haste in their steps. As they got closer to where we were, they arrived to a confusing turn of events. It was Watson.

"Guys! Something serious just happened. Ina is, wait. What is going on here?"

Bewildered as she was, I took a moment to observe. I pierced my eyes into a certain "full" area on Watson's upper body. Then subconsciously compare them both without putting my hand at the said place on my body. She gave a smirky look.

"Are you interested?"

I shot a fiery glare.

"I was kidding. Kidding. Sadly though, this is no time to play games. Ina is..."

The tension rose as we heard her story. As time went by, we accompanied her to the place of the incident. The other side of the world. The Parallel world.  
