"What the hell do you guys mean you never told Ryder?" Stiles asked, pulling Scott and Faith aside before the two could even make it to the lacrosse field. Jayson and Andrea are already hidden by the locker rooms where luckily no one is at the moment.

"You know those hunters, Scott and I were telling you guys about?" Faith asked Jayson nods. "Allison's father is one of them."

Stiles eyes widen so big that Faith begins to think that his eyes are gonna pop out of his head. "Allison's father?"

"Shot us. In the arm. We can't say anything to Ryder or Allison. Cause Scott has finally found a girl that makes him happy and we can't ruin that. We just cannot ruin it because if we tell Allison that her father is hunting us down because Scott and I are werewolves. It'll just ruin everything." Faith said running a hand through her hair. "And we can't tell Ryder cause then it'll ruin his life basically cause he's a great kid  with nothing to worry about." Stiles runs his hands down his face.

"This just keeps getting better and better, doesn't it?" Stiles asked sarcastically. Faith looks down playing with her lacrosse stick as much as she hates lying to her best friend and Scott hates lying to his girlfriend and his best friend, keeping them in the dark is the best thing for them both cause it'll keep them safe. They don't even know what's happening because this whole werewolf and Werefox thing is still new to them. Of course Ryder will want to help Scott, Andrea, Stiles, Faith and Jayson through this but they just can't put they're best friend in danger. Allison's father being a hunter only made Faith and Scott feel like they have to keep Ryder and Allison in the dark even more now. At least for now.

"I hate lying to them." Faith whimpered feeling Jayson pulling her into a hug. "We know. We know. Don't worry, alright, everything is gonna be okay. We'll work this all out and tell them when we have all the details." Faith nods. "What would Scott and I do without you?"

"Probably lose your minds." They joked and Jayson earns a playful shove. 


Practice has been going pretty well so far. Finstock had the team do a few warm up drills at the beginning of practice and then practice their shooting and throwing the ball back and forth. Now they are lined up, Jackson in front of the net on defense. They have to try and get around him and shoot the ball into the net. Faith is of course up first because she is first line. Jackson is smirking at her basically taunting her just the sight of him made her angry but she tries to stay calm so she won't do something she'll regret later on. Hearing Finstock blow his whistle, Faith smirks at Jackson and charges at him, when she goes to spin around Jackson and shoot the ball into the net Jackson rammed into her sending her to the ground with a hard and loud thump.  Groaning, Faith slowly pushes herself up as she starts to lose control of her shift because of her slowly raising anger and annoyance. She can hear Finstock yelling at her telling her that his dead grandmother can do better than that, which doesn't help her raising anger. He tells her to run it again and she walks back over to the line her eyes flashing orange, Faith charges forward dodging Jackson throwing the ball straight into the net after managing to calm down. Then it Scott's turn. Scott charges at Jackson and when he goes to spin around Jackson and shoot the ball into the net Jackson rammed into him sending him to the ground with a hard and loud thump. Scott pushes himself up with a groan as he starts to lose control of his shift and Coach Finstock yelling at Scott the same way he did Faith and it was only making both Scott and Faith's anger worse. Finstock tells Scott to run it again and he walks back to the line his eyes flashing gold, he charges forward at Jackson ramming into him like he did to him but harder and he shoots the ball into the net before dropping to his knees holding his head. He hears someone else drop and looks over seeing Faith dropping to her knees as well. The two hold their heads trying to pull back their anger but nothing is working. Feeling arms wrap around her shoulders, Faith looks up seeing Stiles as Scott looks up and sees Jayson and Andrea. Stiles' eyes widen at the sight of Faith's gold eyes as Jayson and Andrea's eyes widen at the sight of Scott's golden ones. 

"I can't control it. I'm changing. Get me the hell outta here." Faith growled at Stiles as Scott tells Jayson and Andrea the same thing.

"Really, Faith? Right here? Right now?" Stiles asked and Faith growls snapping at him. Stiles jumps back nodding.

"Okay, come on. Alright, Let's go." Stiles said. Stiles gets Faith up as he sees Ryder coming to check on his best friends. Jayson and Andrea help Scott up as well


Stiles leads Faith into the girls locker room with Jayson and Andrea leading Scott into the same room. 

"Alright, here we go." Stiles said as Faith breaths heavily. Stiles forces Faith to sit down kneeling in front of her.

"Down" Stiles said as Jayson and Andrea force Scott to sit down. 

"You okay? Faith, you okay?" Stiles asked. Faith looks at him shifting out of control as Scott does the same. 

"Get the hell away from me!" Faith and Scott growled as Stiles, Andrea and Jayson back up. Faith and Scott drop to the floor. Stiles backs away some more with Andrea and Jayson as Faith and Scott growl at them. They jump on top of the lockers growling seeing Stiles and Jayson in red vision as the two boys scramble away from their rapid best friends as they jump from the top of the lockers to get closer to them. Running around the locker room, Stiles and Jayson are looking for something that one of them can use to get Faith and Scott back to their normal selves Noticing a fire extinguisher, Stiles grabs it struggling with the hose cause his lacrosse gloves are still on. As Faith and Scott jump at him and Jayson  to attack Stiles pulls the handle and the force of the blast sends the two back onto the bench behind them making them growl before they slowly start to go back to being normal. Letting go of the handle Stiles is glad to see that Faith and Scott are back to being themselves and not some rapid wolves trying to kill him and Jayson.

"Stiles...Jayson...What happened?" Faith asked whispering feeling both confused and disoriented. Stiles takes his gloves off walking towards her. "You and Scott tried to kill both me and Jayson." He said as he kneels in front of her. "It's like I told you guys, it's your pulse raising. It's the trigger." Stiles said and Faith closes her eyes. 

 "Well yeah that's Lacrosse for you, it's a pretty violent and physical game if you haven't noticed Stiles." Faith said as Scott nods in agreement.

"Yeah, well it's gonna get more violent and physical if you end up killing someone out on the field. You can't play first line." Stiles said and Faith sighs and looks down. Scott huffs out an irritated groan as they open their mouths to protest but the door opens and Ryder is standing in the door of the girls locker room. "There you are, You guys okay?" Faith looks at Stiles before looking back at Ryder nodding. "Yeah we're good. Jackson just pissed us off."

"Okay, that's good." Ryder said letting out a sigh of relief glad that his best friend isn't injured. "Coach called practice we can go home." Faith nods standing up with Scott "Uh yeah, alright just give me a sec to grab my stuff, I'll meet you guys at the jeep." Stiles stands up and hugs Faith. "Everything's gonna be alright, promise." He whispered before hugging her again and then following after Ryder with Jayson and Scott following. Faith watches her best friends walking away jumping when she feels a and on her shoulder, she spins around seeing Andrea.

"You okay?" She asked and Faith sighs with a nod before sliding down the lockers sitting down with Andrea sitting next to her. "God this sucks." Andrea looks at her and hugs her as Faith puts her head on her shoulder. "I need to get over how I feel about Stiles, he's never gonna like me that way. It's always gonna be Lydia. Lydia's everyone's first choice." 


Faith lays in her bed, her face buried in her pillow. She screams and cries hating how much her dad hates her. She sits up and wipes her eyes before looking at the necklace. "I'm sorry mom, I let you down again." She picks it up playing with it before feeling a tear running down her face. "God, why am I crying again?!" She yelled her voice cracking as she roughly wiping away a tear. She takes a few breaths before opening her window and climbing out dropping down landing on her hands and knees before getting up and running through the forest to clear him mind. She stops dead in her tracks when she realizes that she ran all the way to Derek's loft. "Derek!" She yelled out her voice quivering as if she is scared of herself. She growls annoyed before turning on her heel before letting out a loud yelp. "What the hell, Derek!" She yelled glaring at him. 

"I saw you on the field." Derek growled making Faith roll her eyes and cross her arms.

"Yeah, but I calmed down, I'm fine." Faith growled back. Faith rolls her neck glaring at Derek growling as her eyes flash gold and he growls back.

"If you play on Saturday, I will not hesitate to kill you myself." Derek said Faith straightens getting into Derek's face

"You won't have the chance." She growled. Faith and Derek stare at each other for a second before Derek is gone. Faith groans annoyed pinching the bridge of her nose before heading back to her house climbing into her room through the window dropping onto her bed falling asleep. 


Faith is at her locker putting her lacrosse gear in it her when Scott, Andrea, Jayson and Stiles walk up to her.

"So what did he say?" Stiles asked.

"Scott and I are playing wheatear we want to or not cause if we don't we're off the team." Faith said with a sigh. She looks at the others running a hand through her hair when her phone buzzes. She takes it out seeing that it's a text from Melissa. Allison and Ryder walk down the stairs seeing the group of friends They walk over smiling at them. "Hey." The group turns to them  "Hey."

"Are you okay, Faith? Are you busy?" Allison asked.

"Yeah, it was just Melissa. She's nothing" Faith said biting the inside of her cheek. Allison frowns and Ryder raises an eyebrow confused as Scott stares at her. "I mean, it's nothing. God damn it." Faith said sighing as Allison laughs and Ryder smiles looking down as Scott tosses his arm over his best friends shoulder laughing. "I have to run to French, but I wanted you to know that I'm coming to see Faith play her very first lacrosse game.

"You are?" Faith asked.

"Yeah, and we're all going out after. Scott, me, Jackson, Lydia you and Stiles." Allison said believing that Faith and Stiles are dating because of how close they are and Faith itches the back of her neck before walking away confusing Allison. 

"Is she okay?" Allison asked looking at Stiles. Stiles shrugs. 

"I don't know. She was fine." Stiles said also confused. Andrea scoffs before walks away chasing after the ginger haired teen she-wolf. 

"What did I miss?" Stiles asked still really confused.

"You know for a really smart guy, your a real idiot." Jayson said and walks away.

Allison walks away before stopping and turning around. "Uh, save me a seat at lunch, I gotta go." Scott follows after her as Ryder goes up the stairs to his Spanish class. He already has a D- in that class he doesn't need it going down to a F.


Faith standing at the sinks staring at herself in the mirror sighing shaking her head moving her hair out of her face when it falls into her face. She sees Andrea walk into the girls room, she quickly wipes a tear that is falling down her cheek.

"Hey Faith, how you feeling?" Andrea asked with a concerned look in her eyes, Faith stays quiet for a second before nodding.

 "Yeah, I'm fine. you know besides the constant feeling of my heart shattering when I see Stiles staring at Lydia like she is some angle sent by god. If I'm being honest here, I'm in love with him and the worst part about it, Andrea? He's in love with Lydia! Sometimes I was wish I was her. It hurts to love him and I'm scared as hell to want him but here I am wanting him anyway. He's makes me happier than I have ever been in a really really long time. But the thing is I can't make him love me the way I love him. But at the same time, I'm also just a girl being in love with a boy that may never love her they way that she does him. I'm in love with him. And I know that the word is just a shout into the void but I can't help it. And it's like he's...he's inside me, it's like's he's a disease and I'm infected by it. I can't think about anything or anybody else and I can't sleep, I can't breathe and I love him. But that's the problem! It's to easy to lose myself in him. You know, I'd give everything up for one life with him. Life without Stiles, scares the hell outta me. There that's how I'm feeling Andrea there, is that what you wanted?" Faith asked. 

"It's okay, Faith." Andrea said.

"How is it okay, to be in love with someone that you can't have?!" Faith said her eyes flashing orange for a second before going back to their brown color  as a teacher walks by. "Okay ladies you can solve your problems later." Andrea sighs before walking away heading into Mr. Harris' room.

"I wish I could solve my problems later, I can barely solve them now." Faith muttered under her breath as she walks into Mr. Harris' room


Faith closes her locker in the hall. Scott, Andrea and Jayson walk up to her as she turns her back to her locker banging her head against the wall annoyed. They lean against the lockers on either side of her.

"What's up?" Scott asked

Faith sighs. "Nothing just the same old thing just like every other day."

Stiles comes up from behind Faith and Scott grabbing their shoulders, nodding for them to follow. "Hey come here."

Scott sighs. "What is it now?"

Stiles pushes them toward the other side of the hallway, hiding them 4 of them behind the hallway as they look up seeing Stiles' dad , Deputies and the principal.

"What are they saying?" Stiles asked Faith and Scott.

The two try to focus but the conversation was indistinct.

"Well can you hear them?" Stiles asked only to be hit in the head by Andrea basically telling him to shut the hell up

"We want everyone under the age of 18 to be in their homes by 9:30 PM. We'd like to institute the curfew, effective immediately. Look, we don't..." Noah said and Faith rolls her eyes. Her and Scott face Jayson, Andrea and Stiles 

"They're setting a curfew cause of the body." They said in unison before glaring at each other grinning at each other. The four stand up straight as Stiles looks at Faith.

"Great, my dad's out there looking for a crazy animal, while the jackoff who actually killed that girl is out there sitting around doing whatever the hell he feels." Stiles said.

Faith shrugs her shoulders. "Well we can't really tell your dad the truth about Derek cause then he might find out about me and Scott."

"Well we can do something." Stiles said. Faith sighs.

"We are not looking for the other half of the body I already have enough nightmares about the last one." Faith said. Scott laughs. Jayson snorts as Andrea smiles. Stiles walks away with the others following after him, Faith stops when she sees Ryder wearing the same jacket that he was wearing at the party.

"Ryder, where'd you get your jacket, I thought you said you lost it." Faith said and Ryder looks at the jacket as if he had forgotten that he even has it on. "Oh, uh, it was in my locker I thought either you, Stiles, Andrea, Scott or Jayson put it in there."

"Did any of them tell you that they put your jacket in your locker or did you just guess?" Faith asked starting to have a panic attack when she is grabbed by the wrist and is dragged away leaving a very confused and concerned Ryder Perry. Faith looks at the person dragging her and it's Stiles.

He drags her into an empty classroom shutting the door. "Are you okay?" Faith sighs lightly leaning against a desk taking a shaky breath looking at his concerned whiskey colored eyes. She doesn't answer at first not sure how to. "Uh...How do you define okay?" 
