Chapter Six Part Two

X Recap (Mizu's POV) X

Turning around, he said, "Come in." When his office door opened, he was slightly surprised that the person behind the door was the red, metal winged man, who, if he remembered correctly, was Kasai's advisor of sorts.

"I need your help, Mizu."

X Hawks POV (earlier) X

Walking over to the tree where Kasai was with his sister, Hawks smiled softly as he saw them hugging. Sighing, he jumped up, and used his machine to hover next to the Rogue. "I hate to interrupt this tender moment where you two aren't bickering with each other, but seen as how the building that had previously sheltered your people is now destroyed, I have to." he shrugged, but grinned when Kasai glared at him. Looking back over at the rubble that was once the tribe's home, he frowned, wondering what, or who, had caused the explosions. "What are we going to do now, Kasai?" Alyssa asked, worry etched into her features. Sighing, Kasai replied, "I don't know."

Looking back at the two sitting in the tree, he asked, "Do we have a safe house? Somewhere, where everyone can stay until a new building is set up, so it's livable?" Kasai just shook his head in reply, as he sighed deeply. "No. I never thought that the stupid building would explode. Ugh! Now what are we going to do?" Kasai said, running a hand down his face. He looked at Kasai and grinned, as an idea hit him. 'Mizu. He's nice. He'll probably let everyone stay in his building until we can find a new one. But then again, Kasai would never stay there. He would rather die.' he thought. "What are you grinning for old man, our building just exploded, for God's sake."

"Oh nothing, I just thought of a place where we could stay, but your not going to like it at all." Hawks replied, and laughed when Kasai looked at him suspiciously. "Alright, I'm open to ideas. So, where do you think we could go stay?" he asked. "Well, we could always go to Mizu fo-" he was cut off as Kasai shook his head.

"No. Absolutely not. Not in a million years."

"Oh come on Kasai. He's not that bad. I don't understand why you hate him. Look it'll just be for a few weeks until a new building can be located."

"I said no and that's final."

"Kasai, Hawks right. Mizu is a good guy and I'm pretty sure he would let us stay there." Kasai looked at Alyssa, disbelief clearly written on his face. "You too?" he asked. She just nodded her head. "Come on big brother. Think about what's best for your people and for me." she said, taking her brother's hand in her own. "It's worth a shot." she told him. Sighing, Kasai squeezed his sister's hand, and looked at hawks. "Fine. But I'm only doing this for the tribe and my sister. Got that?"

"Yessir." Hawks said as he flew away to go talk to Mizu.
