Chapter 21: It's okay to need a little help

Leah's POV:

Today you would be travelling to England camp. Originally Sarina had said it would be abroad but plans changed due to an issue with the hotel booking, and since it was just training she decided to keep it at St George's Park. Although a littles sad, you had to admit you were glad Tess wouldn't have to navigate meeting new people and being in a new country.

It had been about a week since you found Tess showering in the early hours of the morning, and although things were okay, she still hadn't been speaking to anyone outside of the house, and using as little words as possible with you. But teenagers were confusing, and she had seemed to be focusing on her school work more now, going into the room at training straight away - perhaps she just didn't feel up to chatting and was realising the importance of education finally.

"Right you, got everything? Ready to head off?" you say giving her a side hug.

Tess: "Yep"

"Okay then, put your shoes on the taxi will be here soon"

Tess: "Okay"

There it is again... a perfect example of almost every conversation shared between the pair of you over the last week. Short and sweet. As the taxi pulled up you grabbed both yours and Tess's suitcases and thanked the driver as he put them in the boot of the car. Tess smiled and sat in the back before immediately putting her headphones on and looking out the window. Sitting next to her you place a hand on her knee and give it a gentle squeeze.

"It'll be okay, everyone will love you" you smile, gaining not much of a response from Tess back, just a shrug.

It was funny really, some days Tess allowed herself to be vulnerable, to open up, and others she would build a huge wall and not let anyone in. Today seemed to be the latter. The drive was fine, and traffic wasn't bad which was a relief. Just as you're pulling up you remember there might be a camera, and shoot Sarina a message asking if it would be possible for them to not be there as you and Tess came. She replied almost instantly ensuring they wouldn't film you arriving, and that she was looking forward to meeting Tess and seeing you.

"Tess when we get there, there will be people with cameras but they aren't going to film us okay?" you say. "Tess? Is that alright?"

"Okay" she whispered, but you're not really certain she knew what you had said.


Tess's POV:

You were in the taxi on the way to England camp. Originally it had meant to be abroad but Leah had told you that had been changed - thank god. You didn't want to fly. Blasting music through your headphones you stare out the window in an attempt to keep your anxiety at bay. You felt sick, but also fuzzy, still sort of in a daze. The nightmares hadn't stopped, and had expanded in content, including all sorts of horrible things, so you were also tired.

Leah: "Tess? Is that alright?" she said, snapping you back to reality.

"Okay" you replied, despite having no clue what she had said, it was easier than asking and having to force more words out.

As you pulled closer, and the signs for St George's Park increased in number, your knee began to bounce. You really didn't want to be here, you wanted to be at home with people you knew, only having to speak to Leah - well and Lia because for whatever reason she was always round your house. Closing your eyes you lay your head back on the seat, the moving wasn't helping the sick feeling overwhelming your body. You suddenly felt something touch your shoulder and flicked open your eyes in response to the contact.

Leah: "Tessie we are here but if you need a minute we can wait and-"

"I'm fine" you say, you're worried if you don't go right now you never will.

Leah: "Are you sure? Tess it's okay if you're nervous."

You nod and unbuckle yourself, taking a deep breath and swallowing hard as you open the door. Leah gets the suitcases out and walks around to meet you. Almost immediately you grip onto her hand, you wouldn't tell her you were nervous but you also were not walking alone. God when did you become such a baby, fourteen and holding your sister's hand? You were walking now, hand in hand up to the door. There were people by the entrance holding cameras, you hope they weren't filming you.

Lady: "Ah Leah! How are you?" an older blonde woman says "and you must be the famous Tess?"

Leah: "Hi Sarina, i'm well thank you. Yes, this is my sister." she says as she gives your hand a squeeze.

There it was again, sister. Just Leah's sister. The squeeze of your hand brought you back, and you smiled at the lady, she seemed kind.

Sarina: "Unfortunately after covid we can't have people share rooms, but yours is connecting with Tess's I hope that's okay?" she goes on to say "also everyone else is in the common room, or there own rooms so you should be able to get unpacked without being bombarded" she chuckles slightly.

Leah: "Yes of course that sounds perfect, thank you so much" she says before taking both our key cards and walking towards the lift.

You nod and smile again before following Leah into the lift and up to your room.

Leah: "Here's your suitcase, I'll let you unpack and come check on you in a bit. Just come through if you need anything, the door isn't locked." she says before turning on her heels and heading through the door to her room.

Sitting on the bed you sigh. You didn't fancy unpacking because you knew if you unpacked you'd have to repack at the end of the week. Deciding you were going to have a shower you grabbed some fresh clothes and headed into the bathroom. You let the water run through your hair, cleaning it with shampoo and conditioner before scrubbing your skin with body wash. You get out and get changed and lie on the bed allowing your hair to fall over your body. You loved washing your hair but dealing with it after was too much effort. As you lay on the bed you aimlessly scroll on tiktok feeling yourself get further and further away from the task Leah had set you. Leah walked in and saw you on the bed having ignored the task set. Clearly choosing not to cause arguments she walked closer and sat down next to you.

Leah: "Had a shower I see." she smiles "Dinner is in about an hour, I was going to suggest we see the girls but since you aren't quite finished unpacking i'll leave you to it. Am I alright to go and see Keira? I can stay if you would rather."

"It's okay" you smile sitting up and walking over to the suitcase realising you weren't going to get away with it as you had thought.

Leah: "Message me and I'll come straight back okay? Love you lots Tessie"

"Love you"

After Leah left you sat on the floor with your suitcase and began the task of unpacking. The suitcase was an utter mess as you had been sloppy when packing. Pulling random things out you begin to feel overwhelmed. You had once been so organised why were you such a mess all of a sudden? Getting flustered now you begin to be very aware of the droplets of water sliding down your back, and the seams of your tracksuit bottoms. Chucking your hair brush across the room you slump down leaning against the bed and fight to hold back the tears but it was no use. Just as you allow them to fall freely you hear a knock at the door. Assuming it's Leah forgetting her key you try your best to wipe the salty water off your face and get up and unlock the door slightly before stepping back.

Lotte: "Tess! How are you, am I alright to come- what's wrong?!" she says as she opens the door a little wider.

You don't say anything but instead stand still and point at the pile of things on the floor. You had become fairly close with Lotte because she was good friends with not only Leah but also Viv. Viv always made time to chat to you and see how you were, even though you did everything you could to block the girls away with the 'i'm doing school work' excuse.

Lotte: "Okay okay don't worry. Do you want a hug?" she says, opening her arms but you shake your head.

Accepting your answer she walks across the room and kneels down next to your suitcase. She starts to sort it into categories and after a short while you join her, now noT crying and feeling less overwhelmed. It doesn't take long and you have successfully unpacked everything.

"Thank you" you say, catching Lotte slightly off guard.

Lotte: "You're welcome Tess, it's okay to need a little help, we all need it. Do you want me to blow dry that hair of yours?"

"Are you sure?" you ask cautiously, sometimes people offer things they don't actually want to do - it's confusing.

Lotte: "Of course, come on" she says, patting the ground.

She begins drying your hair, talking about everything and anything as she does. Lotte always has something interesting to say and you loved listening to her. Just as she is finishing the door handle moves and Leah walks in.

Leah: "Tessie you ready for dinner now? Oh hey Lottes you alright?"

Lotte: "Leah hey, yep all unpacked and hair dry isn't that right Tess?" she says smiling.

"Yeah, it felt gross wet" you say, making the older girls laugh.

Leah: "Right come on then you two, let's head down for some food" she says reaching down to pull you up.

You take the moment to nestle into Leah for a hug. You needed it if you were going to go into the big, loud canteen. Pulling away you smile weakly, and take her hand allowing Leah to lead you through the hotel and towards the dinner hall. Here goes nothing.


A/N: Double upload (almost). Enjoy!! 
