
Fontaine had been experiencing heavy weather as you have yet to move on.

Days and months passed since the citizens had seen the rays of the sun. Streets were flooded and crops were wilting, unable to take in all the water you expelled.

Eventually, the people, too, were unable to handle your emotions and had to evacuate the Atlantis of Teyvat.

You felt guilty, but it was for the best. You were in no shape to care for your health, let alone mortals and their delicate lives.

Feeling like an incompetent archon left with no one to govern and no one to love,
you went into seclusion.


Once hearing the news, Zhongli made it his duty to visit you everyday, feeling like it was partially his fault for how things turned out.

Appearing before you, he was startled by your appearance. Your skin now dull, hair no longer having its natural shine, and your eyes lifeless. Your abode held the same appearance as dust filled the air and barely any light penetrated through.

"Y/N, are you okay?" Zhongli cautiously asked.

"Well, what do you think," you replied.

You didn't mean to be snarky to the person who showed concern about your well-being, but you felt the answer had been obvious.

Zhongli spent the next few weeks trying comfort you in all the ways he knew how, but it was hopeless.

He expected things to turn out this way if you were to fall too deeply, hence his warning; but seeing as how there was no return from this point on, he decided to use the last card he had.


You sat at your desk, head facing down and buried in your arms.

It seems as though Zhongli had given up on trying to make the impossible possible since he hasn't stopped by for the past week.

Relieved to finally drown in your sorrows alone once again, a knock sounds from your door.

"Rex, leave me be," you sigh, knowing your short-lived peace was too good to be true.

The door opens, and you don't bother to look up, hoping your cold shoulder would tell him off.


