
Candles flickered in the basic room, highlighting the form of Iapetus who sat with his head on his hands, a wince on his face as he heard several crashes and curses from the adjoined dressing room.

The door slammed open and his companion stalked out, a look of frustration on his face that only grew as he noted the faint glimmer of amusement in the titan's eyes.

"The boy will be the death of me." Damasen muttered, joining the titan on the couch, leaning against him.

Iapetus wrapped a comforting arm around him and relished in the warmth the other brought.

"Did he find something?"

Damasen huffed, "Eventually." He confirmed, not expanding further.

A sharp knock at the door was the only warning they were given before it burst open, Tartarus storming into the room with a brooding look overtaking his features.

Nyx sighed as she and her husband stepped inside after him, "Apologies Boys." Erebus told them.

"Where did my patient go?" Nyx questioned dryly, knowing the answer but stalling for time seeing her brother's bad mood.

"He should be back shortly, Lady Nyx." The peaceful giant offered for an answer, shooting a look at the door that hadn't so much as made a noise for 5 suspiciously long minutes.

"I'm sure," Erebus chuckled his white hair swaying around him as he shook his head. He moved and sat on one of the chairs casting the two younger immortals amused looks, that told them their behaviour had been noted.

"Dare I ask what exactly he is doing?" Tartarus bit out, annoyed already. He wanted them gone already.

"Brother." Nyx warned.

The deity scoffed, looking around in distaste, "Just because you insist on him being treated like family, doesn't mean that I'm going to be 'nice', Nyx."

Erebus rolled his eyes at the two younger deities, far too used to the King and Princess of the Pit's antics.

"Need I remind you, he's the only chance we have at finding-" Nyx spoke, before cutting herself off as they heard the click of a lock.

"Delightful." Tartarus muttered.

Percy stepped out of the bathroom, a loose black shirt thrown over his chest, the only one he could find that didn't irritate his back, matched with a pair of black pants and knee high boots that fit him almost perfectly.

He blinked at the sight of the primordials waiting for him, even as the voice in his head screamed and shrank away.

"My lords, my lady." He greeted warily, bowing slightly in their direction earning an odd look from 4 of the 5 immortals.

Tartarus huffed quietly and shot a look at Nyx that said quite plainly, you want him here, you handle him.

The lady of night smiled warmly, stepping forward to cup the demigod's face, "Please, there's no need for titles here." She soothed, worrying a piece of his hair in her hand.

"How are you feeling?" Erebus interjected quickly, seeing Tartarus' eyes flash with displeasure.

When he'd gestured for her to take over, that had probably been the last thing he wanted her to say.

Percy eyed them, uncertain of how to take to this... unique... situation.

"Better." He said quietly, "Thank you." He returned Nyx's smile with a small one of his own and the goddess released him, taking his hand and pulling him over to sit.

Tartarus spoke up then and only then, dark eyes seeming to mist as they glared into Perseus' soul.

"You may stay as long as you need. However you will be expected to obey my rules while here." He murmured, voice cold.

"Stay out of any rooms with locked doors, stay out of sight of monsters, stay out of my sight, and if we tell you to do something, do it."

Dispassionate, Uncaring, Apathetic.

Percy swallowed, bowing his head, "Yes my lord." He whispered, the voice in his head quivering.

Under any other conditions, Percy wouldn't have bothered with the title, but something about the primordials made him shudder with unease.

Tartarus huffed, shooting Nyx one last dark look before storming from the room, cloak billowing behind him.

"Ignore him." Erebus' voice was sharp, "He means no offense." The Lord of Shadows assured them.

"He means all offense." Nyx muttered darkly, glaring at the closed door, before shaking her head ruefully.

She turned her attention back towards them and smiled warmly.
"Breakfast is at 9, Lunch at 2, Dinner at 6." She listed, "Erebus or I will come get you and bring you to the dining room so we may eat together."

Percy's brow furrowed, "I thought deities didn't have to eat."

"We don't, but it is enjoyable and we each have a..." Erebus trailed off, searching for words in his accented voice, "Sweet Tooth!" He finished triumphantly with a small grin at the demigod who couldn't help but smile back.

"How long are we staying?" Iapetus asked, making everyone jump, they'd forgotten that the half brothers were there.

Silence carried after that question, the air growing tenser as neither Primordial responded.

"Tartarus is calling." Erebus spoke abruptly, "I'll return later."

He fled in a flurry of shadows leaving behind his agitated wife, who winced before following suit.

Percy stared at where they had been for a fair amount of time, before turning to his guardians.

"What now?"

The silence came back to haunt them.


Percy wandered the halls absently, hand dragging lightly across dark wood railing, he peered over the edge, wincing at how deep the hole below lay.

He sighed quietly.

The hallway was empty bar a few benches and cushions thrown here and there, candles flickered lightly every few feet but most of the area was absorbed in shadows.

Clearly the only reason it was off limits was because it was boring. Percy rolled his eyes, in hindsight it was probably not a great idea going against one of the rules laid down but there was no point in backtracking now. Besides! They'd never know anyway.

A clatter echoed from not far ahead, and Percy froze eyes shooting in that direction with interest before he approached.

"Hello?" He called, before slapping himself, idiot.

Several glowing pairs of eyes emerged from the darkness, growls carrying along the hall.

Percy swallowed.

Seven adult hellhounds slunk out of the shadows and began to stalk towards him, maws caked in dried blood. Percy cursed his luck.

He stared to step backwards, "Hey puppies." He said quietly, watching them as they started to circle, "I don't suppose you'll pretend you didn't see me?"


His eyes landed on several mangled corpses of what was once monsters laid on the floor, dripping black blood onto the floor as they slowly, too slowly dissolved.

Fire kicked at the hounds paws, and Percy blanched, recognising abruptly that his attire had a flaw. It didn't have pockets.

He breathed in and out sharply.

Any ideas? He questioned.


Percy rolled his eyes mentally, but did as suggested, whipping around and bolting back down the hall.

Snarls and barks followed him with the pounding of paws, and he dodged to the side just in time to avoid a lunge.

He swore loudly, fuck it.

"SOMEBODY HELP!" He screamed, hoping that one of the divines would hear.

A body slammed into his back and Percy struggled under it, managing to kick it off and force himself back to his feet. He continued to run, before he realised there was no where left to run.

One of the hounds tackled him again, and his body vaulted forward, into the railing and through it. The combined weight of him and the mutt sent him falling down the pit towards the lower levels and he screamed as he fell.

Arms snapped around his waist sharply, and he gasped in pain as he was abruptly yanked up into someone's arms none too gently.

"What. Are. You. Doing."

Green eyes met dark, demanding purple and Percy swallowed. Fuck.

His mind scrambled for an excuse and he stuttered helplessly before a shift of Tartarus' arms had him screaming.

Pain speared through his body and he arched in the primordials arms a sob ripping from his lips.

Tartarus cursed, holding him, before carrying him off somewhere. Each step he took kept Percy in pain, hot agony searing his bones.

"Please.." Percy whispered.

Tartarus didn't falter.

"Sleep." He ordered, voice apathetic and cold.

His eyes slipped shut, the agony in his body forced him into unconsciousness.


Wake up.

Wake up.


Green eyes snapped open, to the feeling of a divine cold wrapped around him like a blanket.

Percy shifted, confused, trying to push himself to sit up from where he lay on his stomach on a black silk sheeted bed.

"Stay still." Tartarus' voice was sharp, annoyed.

Percy swallowed.

"I'm sorry." He whispered, feeling regret and fear curdle in his gut.

Tartarus didn't speak. His hands laid on his back, stroking over the bare skin lightly, soothing.

"The Hounds are dead." Tartarus' voice was impassive.

Percy inhaled sharply, "I.." he trailed off, he didn't have the words.

"Thank you." he said lamely.

Apparently, the wrong thing to say.

"I don't like you." Tartarus hissed, a hand grabbing at his hair abruptly, sharply, and tugging his head back as his other hand pressed him further into the mattress.

"I don't want you here."

Percy stayed frozen, green being forced to stare into purple as the primordial hovered over him.

"You will obey my rules from now on." Tartarus told him, "Or I will punish you myself."

The primordial tightened his grip for emphasis, and pain jolted through him in waves, a breathless noise falling from his lips.

Tears sprang to Percy's eyes, the hand on his back burning, bringing him nothing but pain now that the divine forced it to.

"I'm sorry." Percy shuddered, the pain was intense, he didn't know how much more he could take.

Tartarus didn't acknowledge him, but released his hold regardless.

Percy lay there on the Primordial's bed, breathing heavy, the elder looming over him.

The silence between the two held, "You will not come to harm from others while under my care." Tartarus murmured finally.

It said nothing for the divine himself.

Hands stroked down his sides, gently but firmly.

"Those who harm you will be handled, you are safe here so long as you obey me. All I ask is you abide by the rules I put down for your own safety."

Percy shifted, turning into his side and looking up at the divine.

"You didn't want me up here." He recognised, "I'm sorry."

Tartarus sighed, "My chambers are on  this corridor, as is the library. It is easy to get lost, It was my intent when it was designed. Monsters flock towards my presence which is why the hell hounds were there." He explained.

Percy watched him quietly, regret shining in his eyes. "I'm sorry."

Tartarus' eyes returned to being impassive, "The next time you want to venture up here, ask me, I will lead the way."

It was useless telling the brat to never venture here again, the sea didn't like restrictions and its children liked them even less.

The two looked at each other in silence for a few minutes. Percy took in the appearance of the primordial, long black hair, handsome features and deep purple eyes. A small smile flickered onto his face, Tartarus was beautiful in his own way, the polar opposite of Annabeth and yet his presence was like a salve to the pain he felt coursing through him. He was gorgeous.


Tartarus chuckled, and Percy blinked a small blush spreading across his cheeks as he turned his head away. He'd been staring for too long.

A hand cupped his chin, turning his face back up towards the divine as his eyes studied him.

The Primordial brushed a thumb almost absently over his lips as he looked him over, seeming to take apart his soul and judge it as he watched.

Percy swallowed, tongue slipping out to wet his now suddenly dry lips. Tartarus' eyes tracked it.

"The library?" He asked finally, his voice hoarse.

"Come." Tartarus answered, his own voice slightly deeper, rising from the bed where he sat at Percy's side and extending an arm to the demigod when he got to his feet.

Percy took it, the fabric of the Primordial's clothes feeling unique to the touch. They stepped from the room together and if Percy found himself leaning into the deity, then neither of them said anything about it.


Get a hold of yourself Perseus!
