Who You Gonna Call? The Losers!

We pulled up our bikes around the back of the apartment building and saw Beverly toss her cigarette off the fire escape and rush down to me us. We all just stood there for a moment, waiting for her to explain what exactly happened.

"You made it. I..uh...I need to show you guys something." She said, playing with the key that hung around her neck.

"Is it more of what we saw at the quarry?" Richie laughed.

"Shut the fuck up Richie." I rolled my eyes, shoving him and he almost toppled over.

"My dad will kill me if he finds out I had boys in the apartment." Bev mumbled.

"We'll leave a lookout," I said, "Richie, wait here."

"Wait! What if her dad comes back?" Richie asked, exasperated.

"Do what you do best," Stan sighed as we made out way up the fire escape, "Start talking."

"It is a gift!" Richie called as we went into Bev's apartment.

We snuck down the hallway, but Bev stopped cold. She stood frozen, staring at the door at the end of the hall.

"What is it?" Stan asked.

"You'll see." Bev nodded, slowly making her way down the hall with us close behind.

"Are you showing us your bathroom? I just want to let you know 89% of the worst accidents that happen at home are cause in the bathroom and...and...and that's where all the bad bacteria and fungi are. It's really not a sanitary place." Eddie rambled on about germs yet again.

Bill slowly opened the door, revealing a blood soaked bathroom.

"Oh God, I knew it!" Eddie gagged, turning away from the mess.

"You can see it?" Bev asked, her voice shaking.

"Yes." I nodded.

"What happened in here?" Stan asked.

"My dad couldn't see it, I thought I was crazy." She gently shook her head.

"If you're crazy, we're all crazy." Ben mumbled in awe.

"W-w-we can't leave it like this." Bill shook his head

I scrubbed at the bathtub while Stan stood in it, methodically cleaning off the window. I wrang out my sponge into the bucket and tried not to think about what happened last night. I went back to viciously scrubbing the tub, flashes of Bill's smile and Eddie's gunshot wound, and the blood pouring from Stan's lips.

"(Y/n)? Are you crying?" Someone's voice called me back to reality.

I reached up to my cheek and felt something damp. "Uh..."

"Are you okay?" Stan asked, crouching down in the tub, making sure not to get anything on his fresh clean clothes.

"Yeah, I think the bleach fumes are irritating my eyes a bit." I shrugged.

"Y-y-you can take a break if you w-wa-want." Bill said, resting his hand on my shoulder.

I shrugged him off of me, still a little upset that the real Bill never showed up last night after he said he would. Plus, we'd been together for hours now, and he's yet to explain himself. You really know how to pick them (y/n).

"I'm fine, let's just get this bathroom cleaned up."

"Are you sure?" Stan asked, wiping away my tears. He seemed really worried, but I couldn't tell him what's bothering me. I can't just tell him that I saw him, Bill, and Eddie mutilated in my bedroom last night.

"Yeah, thanks, Stan." I nodded, smiling at him.

"No problem, (y/n)." He smiled at me, a light blush on his cheeks. He stood and went back to cleaning the window.

I shook my head as I went back to cleaning out Beverly's tub while Ben scrubbed the floor behind me.


We were all ready to go, except Bill and Bev who were still hiding out in the bathroom. I pulled off my gloves and made my way down the hall, noticing Ben looking around in Beverly's room. Does everyone in our group have a hard on for her?

I peeked into the bathroom to see Bev and Bill standing together. Seeing them together with no one else around made my blood boil. I had been in love with Bill for a year and could never get his attention, but she just shows up one day and suddenly all he can focus on is her. I gritted my teeth and walked away, trying to keep myself together. I hate crying when I'm angry, it makes me feel weak.

I went and grouped up with the others as they finished throwing away whatever it was thay they had in their trashbags and waited for Bill, I seem to be pretty good at that these days.

"(Y/n), are you sure you're okay? You really haven't been acting like yourself today. Did something happen?" Eddie asked as I sat on my bike, staring down at the grass that looked like hadn't been cut in a while.

"I'll be fine." I shrugged, not even trying to come up with a lie anymore. What's the point of lying if no one's going to believe you?

"You know you can tell us anything, right?" Eddie asked.

"I said I'm fine!" I tried to put some bite in my voice, but my eyes were burning and I was suddenly very happy that they were all standing behind me.

"Fine, my ass. What the hell is up with you?" Richie asked, coming the stand in front of me.

"I'm just so tired of putting up with all this bullshit!" I shouted, standing up and kicking a soda can across the street. "I saw some weird shit last night that was really fucking with me, and I'm in love with this guy and he's too blind to notice! I'm going fucking crazy!"

"Wow...someone has some serious built up emotions. That's not good for your health, I hope you know that." Eddie chimed from behind me.

"Wait, you saw something too?" Stan asked hesitantly.

"Yes." I nodded, trying to blink back the tears that had started to fall.

"What did you see?" Eddie asked and Richie just rolled his eyes. Still playing the 'my sister totally wasn't crying and covered in blood last night' game I see.

"I saw..." I couldn't tell them this, Bev's messy sink was nothing compared to this.

"It's okay, you can tell us." Stan nodded as he rested a hand on my shoulder.

"I saw Bill, Eddie, you, and that fucking clown." I shook my head, not really wanting to remember the feeling of Eddie's hands around my throat.

"Why us?" Eddie asked, sound both parts scared and insulted.

"I don't know," I shrugged, "I was waiting on Bill because he was supposed to come by. He was going to come in through the window so Richie wouldn't know he was there. But, when he didn't show up, I went to bed."

"Okay, and what does Bill sneaking into your room have to do with what you saw?" Stan asked, horribly confused.

"I woke up at about three in the morning because I heard someone come in through the window, Stan. I put on my glasses and whatever it was looked like Bill. But, he wouldn't let me turn on the lights and when I did, he was all disfigured and wrong. He ran at me, and I closed my eyes. When I opened them there was a fucking clown sitting in front of me.

When I told him he wasn't real, he turned into Eddie. Then, I said Mrs. K would never let Eddie out that late and it was like someone shot Eddie in the forehead. He grabbed me by my throat and slammed my head against my night stand."

"Holy shit, guys look!" Eddie exclaimed pointing at me.

"What is it?" I asked, a bit frightened.

"Your neck...either you got some gnarly hickeys or when whatever grabbed you, it left quite a mark." Richie shook his head as he examined my neck.

"What? There weren't marks on my neck this morning!" I shook my head.

"Well, they're there now." Stan sighed.

"What is mom gonna think?" I asked, running a hand through my hair.

"Screw what mom thinks! Finish the story, Stan is probably dying to find out what kind of fucked up fantasy you imagined for him." Richie rolled his eyes.

"Richie, shut the fuck up!" Stan spat. "But, yes, (y/n), please continue."

"I closed my eyes, and when I opened them, Eddie was gone, and you were there Stan. You asked me if I was okay, so I hugged you and told you what happened. Then, you pushed me away and your eyes rolled back and blood just poured out of your mouth." I was full on bawling at this point as everything flooded back in vivid detail.

"Holy fuck...that sounds awful." Stan said, running a hand through his curls.

I just nodded as I tried to wipe away the tears that had formed on my cheeks. At least they didn't think I was crazy.

"Okay, can we change the subject now? I'm kinda tired of talking about all this weird shit, it's giving me the heeby jeebies." Richie asked, taking a seat on his bike.

"Alright umm...(y/n), how come you've never talked about having a crush on anyone before?" Stan asked.

"Because I knew Richie would lose his shit, and I...I was kind of embarrassed." I shrugged, angrily wiping away my tears.

"Why be embarrassed? If Stanley can look me in the eye and tell me he would watch you get undressed, then you can confess to having a crush." Richie laughed.

"Fine, I have a crush on one of the losers, but I'm not telling which one." I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Are you fucking kidding me?! One of these losers? It better not be Eddie. I will never stop teasing you if you have a crush on sweet little delicate Eddie Spaghetti." Richie laughed, pinching Eddie's cheeks.

"Maybe it is, maybe it isn't, who knows?" I shrugged, almost laughing at Richie's shenanigans.

"You know!" Eddie rolled his eyes.

Just then, Bill, Bev, and Ben came down the fire escape, snatching up their bicycles. We started walking our bikes down the street with Richie circling and sassing us.

"You know I really appreciated being your personal doorman, really. I mean, could you idiots have taken any longer?"

"Put a sock in it, Richie." I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, shut it, Richie." Stan nodded.

"Oh okay, trash the trashmouth, I get it. Hey, I wasn't the one who was scrubbing the floor pretending the sink went all Eddie's mom's vagina on Halloween."

I rolled my eyes. Richie and I knew better than anyone that what Bev saw was real. After what happened last night, how can he sit here and deny Bev's claim.

"Sh-she didn't imagine it." Bill shook his head, "I s-s-saw something too."

"You saw blood too?" Stan asked as we all came to a stop.

"N-not blood. I saw G-G-Ge-Georgie." Bill said, shaking his head, "It all seemed so real. Like, it seemed like him, but th-there was this-"

"Clown," Eddie said, cutting Bill off, "I saw him too."

"Can only virgins see this stuff? Is that why I'm not seeing this shit?" Richie laughed.

"Richie, you saw-" I was cut off by yelling coming from the woods.

"Oh shit, that's Belch Huggins' car," Eddie mumbled, "We should get out of here."

"Isn't that the homeschooled kid's bike?" Bill asked, pointing to a bike cast aside next to the car.

"Yeah, that's Mike's." I nodded.

"We should help him." Bev said, dropping her bike.

"We should?" Richie asked.

"Yes." I nodded, following close behind Beverly as she took off into the woods.

We came to a small clearing that surrounded a portion of a small creek that I was pretty sure ran straight into the sewers. There we saw Henry had pinned Mike down and was prepared to bash his skull open with a rock. We weren't sure what to do, so Bev hurled a rock and Henry's head, hitting him square in the forehead.

"Nice throw," Stan nodded, appearing out of the woods behind us, the others not too far behind.

"Thanks," Bev shrugged.

"You losers are trying to hard. She'll do you, you just have to ask nicely like I did," Henry smirked, grabbing himself, "I thought you guys would've figured that out already, considering we all know the only reason you hang out with (y/n) is because she puts out!"

Today is really not the day to fuck with me Bowers, I thought as Mike made his way across the creek to our side. Before anything else could be said, Ben let out a scream and hurled a rock at the group of bullies.

"The fuck?" Belch and Victor said in union.

Bev followed suit by throwing another rock, sending the losers scrambling around for rocks to arm ourselves with.

"Rock War!" Richie shouted, only to get knocked on his ass by a rock straight to the forehead.

I rolled my eyes before helping him back up. I ran back towards the front of the group with Eddie who stood in the water chucking rocks at the boys who had been terrorizing us for years. And that's how it went, our two groups throwing rocks at one another until it was only us and Bowers left.

He was laid out on the ground, presumably too hurt to get back up. We all turned to leave, taking Mike with us and hoping that he wasn't hurt too badly.

"Go blow your dad you mullet wearing asshole!" Richie shouted, throwing his middle fingers on both hands up as I dragged him back into the woods before Bowers found the strength to stand up and kill him.

"Thanks, guys, but you really shouldn't have done that. Now he's going to be after you too." Mike shook his head as we all made the trek back to your bikes that we had just left in the middle of the road.

"Who, Bowers? He's always after us," I shook my head, almost laughing.

"I guess that's one t-th-thing we all have in common." Bill said, sounding a bit more proud than he should have been.

"Yeah, home school, welcome to the losers club." Richie said, patting Mike on the shoulder.

(Sorry for the wait and the short chapter! I've been working on my It Preferences book because I was thinking on putting myself on a writing schedule. I'm thinking about publishing the preferences book either tomorrow or the day after tomorrow and then alternate between the two. Like update one on Monday and then the other on Tuesday. I don't know, what do you guys think?)
