Chapter 15: The Slytherin Common Room

Crabbe and Goyle stood in the middle of the hallway, after curfew. They weren't alone, Ron's brother, Percy, stood in front of them with a smirk on his face.

"What are you doing outside of bed?" Percy asked.


Crabbe was saved by the very person he was looking for.

"What's going on here?" a snobbish voice called out from behind Prefect.

Percy turned around and saw platinum blond hair.

"What are you doing, Weasley?" Malfoy sneered.

"I happen to be a prefect," Percy said smugly.

"Yeah well, we were just heading back." Malfoy grabbed Crabbe and Goyle's arm aggressively.

Percy clenched his teeth, "Ten points from Slytherin."

Malfoy didn't react, but if one were to look close enough, they would be able to sense a little anger. Crabbe and Goyle followed him absently. Ron and Hermione had taken their roles seriously.

They made it to the Slytherin Common Room. Draco had whispered the password and the door swung open, revealing the dark common room. As Crabbe and Goyle stepped in, they noticed everything was silver and green. A complete change from their red and gold. They took their seats on a rather comfortable sofa. Malfoy looked on the side table and saw a small gift.

"It is Christmas time. Is this yours?" Malfoy asked, pocketing it when they shook their heads.

"God, that prefect is annoy. Stupid Weasley." Malfoy shook his head with disgust.

Goyle had noticed that Crabbe had tensed, apparently he wasn't the only one to catch on.

"Are you okay, Crabbe?"

"Yeah... a tummy ache." Crabbe said.

Malfoy seemed to buy it but grimaced at the wording.

"Did you hear? The filthy mudblood that was petrified?" Malfoy smiled. "I'd get rid of them all."

Goyle managed to control himself.

"I... would too." Goyle forced out.

"Yeah, of course you do. Dumbledore been a curse to this school. He is the worst thing ever." Malfoy stated.

However, the insult set Crabbe off. "Dumbledore isn't the worst!"

Malfoy stared at him, "what?"

"I mean, Harry Potter." Crabbe corrected.

"Hmmm... you're right Crabbe. Harry Potter is the worst thing to ever happen to the school." Malfoy nodded.

And it was at this moment that they noticed each other's hair start to change. They stood up abruptly and rushed out. Malfoy looked confused. However, Goyle looked back.

"Who is the heir to Slytherin?" Goyle said.

"I don't know. Wish it was me though."

Harry walked into the common room, to only be pushed aside aggressively by Malfoy's puppets. Harry rolled his eyes.

"Potter, are you back from disgracing Slytherin?" Malfoy sneered.

"Shut up, Malfoy. At least, I don't go running to daddy every time something doesn't go in your favor." Harry said smugly.

"At least, I have parents."
