How You Met

(I hace a few requests I'm working on at the moment, so please don't think I forgot about them! I'm just posting this in the meantime! Also, when you make requests, can you please tell me what you want to see with the characters? If you don't have a particular idea for the plot, just tell me to come up with one. Okay, on to the chapter!)

Gun:  you were working at McDonald's when two men walked up to the register. You greeted them but they were to busy arguing over whether or not the blond was to old to order, a
Happy Meal. Finally, the blond turned to you and asked if there was an age limit for Happy Meals. You politely responded with a no and so started another argument about pride.

Goo: You were minding your own business, walking through the park when you suddenly stepped in dog poop and fell. You heard laughter behind you so you looked back to see a blond pointing at you. He trotted up to you and asked how you could be so stupid as to step in dog poop. You cursed at him, but he just laughed more. You picked yourself up and walked away, annoyed and embarrassed.

DG: You debuted a while ago so you got to meet DG and Aru. You knew Aru already, she entered a few months after you. You weren't her fan and she wasn't yours. When you met DG for a meeting, you decided he wasn't anything special, just the product of money. Unlike other, you didn't kiss his ass which did not go unnoticed by the pink haired star. What he found even more interesting is when you threw hands with the flirty bitch.

Daniel: You attend J high and were a pretty popular, but reserved person. When the new student arrived, you didn't care much about him or his looks. He sat in front of you and seemed pretty nervous. You felt bad and decided to be nice.

"Daniel, right?"

"Hmm? Oh, yeah..."

"I'm YN."

"'s nice to meet you."

"Same. Wanna sit with me at lunch?"

"Wait, really?!"

"Sure. You're new so you don't know anyone and I know I dread having no idea where to be at breaks when I'm at a new place. Sit with me until you make some new friends."

"Wow, thank you! Can we be friends?"

"I don't see why not."

Later that night, you walked to the corner store to buy some chips. When you went to pay, the small man seemed excited to see you.


" I know you?"

", I'm friends with Daniel. He told me about you..."

"Oh, cool. What's your name?"

"Um... I'm also Daniel."

"Shit, that's cool."

Zack: You loved boxing and went to this gym everyday. One night, you heard your coach yelling at someone. You saw a boy with gloves on his hands. Zach was on the cuffs of the gloves. He looked unfazed by the scolding. What an annoying bastard. You went back to punching the bag. It wasn't any of your business anyways.

Samuel: Your little sister had been invited for an interview at One MCN because of her successful live streams. She was to nervous to go alone so you agreed to accompany her. You weren't to keen on the idea but as a supportive sibling, you decided to let her make her own decisions, but give her advice if needed. You both went in to Samuel's office and you felt some weird vibe that made you want to run with your sister. You decided it was just nerves. The vibe changed the longer you sat. You felt like he was paying more attention to you than your sister which bugged you a bit, but you said nothing.

Jake: Your ten year old brother was obsessed with learning how to play an instrument and after much bugging, your mother told you to take him to the music store. You tried to show him the online stores but he was having none of that and made you take him in person. What's more he made you drive him to a huge, much to expensive store.

You told him you couldn't afford any of the stuff there and he said he was just looking.

Unfortunately, he fell in love with a violin that cost more than you would make in 10 lifetimes. He begged you to buy it and refused to leave the store until you bought it for him. You little seven year old sister also tagged along and was begging you to buy her a small piano looking thing that was at least cheaper than the violin.

Just as you thought the store worker was going to kick you out, a young man with a group of guys approached you and your crying siblings. He knelt down and began to talk to them about the music makers. To your horror, he bought both of them for your younger kin. You begged him not to, it was to much but he didn't listen. He told you it was no problem and left with the one called Jerry who now had a new bamboo flute.

Warren: You had been part of the an abusive Run Away Fam and you finally...well, ran away. You were in an online cafe when you saw some ad for a food truck. You agreed to meet up with them, but you were ready to defend yourself from the creepy old man you expected to meet.

Instead, a girl and guy picked you up. They were about a year older than you and very nice, but you were still wondering if they were grooming you and trying to get you to lower your guard.

Eli: You attended J High. You had to admit, Eli was FINE! Unfortunately, his little fan group was a total turn off. You had talked to him a couple of times but it never lasted due to his jealous girl army. He even asked to cut your hair a couple of times but you kindly declined. You've seen his other models and you rather not, well, like them.
