Chapter 1

Author's note:
The first chapter is already up as a treat for sevsnapes on Tumblr! There will be a new chapter every Friday, so chapter 2 will be out on 10/14/2022! I hope you enjoy🥳

Word count: 1.4k
Warning: Mentions of death and snakes

It's almost a year since the Wizarding War finally ended. After so many years with chaos and death, there is now peace in the Wizarding World. Harry Potter defeated Lord Voldemort once and for all. All there is left of him is dust.

During the Battle of Hogwarts, the light side lost a lot of life. However, one particular life was saved that night.

The Boy Who Lived saved the man who everybody believed was a traitor - Severus Snape. The boy had a vial on him containing the antidote to snake venom - better be safe than sorry, right?

Well, this decision saved a man's life. As Severus was dying from Nagini's deathly bite in front of the Trio, Hermione Granger kept her head cool and reminded her friend of the antidote in his pocket. Harry quickly made sure that his former Potions Master took the potion before it was too late.

Feeling certain that it was too late for him, Severus offered a single tear so the boy could access certain memories. Memories that would show Dumbledore's plan, memories that would prove that Severus was in fact on their side.

A few days later, he woke up in St. Mungo's Hospital. He couldn't believe it - he was alive, the boy saved him in time.

When he woke up, his only living friends were beside him - Lucius Malfoy, Narcissa Malfoy and Minerva McGonagall. Even the Boy Who Lived was there.

Severus couldn't help but flinch when he saw Minerva - he was sure that she was still mad at him for everything he had done. However, she proved him wrong when she hugged him tightly, making sure not to hurt his neck.

"Oh, Severus! I'm so glad you are okay!" Minerva exclaimed.

"You... You aren't mad at me?" he whispered, not sure if she truly meant what she said.

She smiled at him. "Nonsense, you dunderhead! You are a hero, Severus" she stated.

Harry then stepped forward. "That's right, sir. You are truly a hero" he agreed with her.

That made Severus roll his eyes. Great, he's now apparently a hero. Hopefully he will be able to live a peaceful life now...

Once Minerva let go of him, Lucius hugged him tightly as well. "I'm so glad that you are alive... The Ministry has pardoned us thanks to Cissy lying to the Dark Lord. Everything will be okay now, my friend" he said as he smiled.

Severus slowly nodded as he hugged his friend back. In that moment, it felt good to be alive... He felt loved and appreciated, even if it was only by a very few people. Well, a few people who mean the world to him. Perhaps life will be better for him now.

Now, a year later, everybody has moved on and is living their best, happy life. Well, everyone except for Severus. He is enjoying the quiet and peaceful life, but it's like something is missing.

Because of his heroism, he received a lot of Galleons from the Ministry as a thanks for his service. Lucius insisted that he used some of the money to get his home in Spinner's End renovated - a hero simply cannot live in a place like that.

After a lot of eye rolling and sighing from Severus, he reluctantly agreed and got his home renovated by magic. Only the inside, however - the Muggles would just be suspicious. Who has enough money around here? And who can renovate their home so quickly?

Lucius had another 'great' idea - he offered Severus one of his house elves named Lopsy. It was technically more like forcing him to take in the creature - he honestly didn't want a house elf to do everything for him.

After a while, however, he started to appreciate the company of the small elf. Perhaps that's one of the reasons why Lucius gave Lopsy to him - so he wasn't so lonely.

He won't admit it to anyone, not even himself, but he is rather lonely.

He truly appreciates whenever Lucius and Narcissa, Minerva or even Harry visit him as they are his only visitors. Whenever they aren't there, he truly feels the loneliness. And he despises it.

Which is why he likes having the company of Lopsy the house elf - he might not show it, but he truly does.

Today is one of the days where Lucius, Narcissa, Minerva and Harry visit him together.

"How have things been, Severus? Do you like the way your home looks now?" Minerva asks as she sips her tea.

Lucius snorts. "Of course he likes it. It's so much better now. And bigger, too" he states, sipping on a glass of firewhiskey.

Severus rolls his eyes. "Well, yes... I suppose I like it" he mutters.

"See, I told you. Oh, and how are things with Lopsy? I trust she obeys your orders?" Lucius questions, looking at the nervous female elf in the corner.

"Yes... She's been a good help, thank you" Severus merely replies. The truth is, he only gives the elf orders if she begs him to do so. He hates when she calls him 'Master' - he doesn't want to be anyone's master!

Harry suddenly laughs. "What's so funny, Potter?" Severus demands, raising an eyebrow.

"Oh, I was just thinking how Hermione would react if she found out you have a house elf, sir" the boy explains before taking a sip of his butterbeer.

Lucius huffs. "Right, that girl and her 'house elves' lives matter'..." he grumbles.

Narcissa playfully smacks his arm before looking at Severus. "So, Severus. Have you found somebody yet?" she questions, looking intrigued to hear his answer. The others look intrigued, too.

Severus sighs. Lately, they have been pestering him about finding love... Which is absolutely ridiculous. Who in Merlin's name could ever love Severus Snape?

He gives an innocent look. "Yes... I found the four of you on my doorstep only a moment ago" he sarcastically says, knowing full well that's not what she meant.

Narcissa and Minerva shake their heads in disapproval while Harry can't help but laugh.

Lucius sighs. "Severus, my friend... Don't you think it's time to settle down with someone?" he tries, hoping his friend will take their advice.

Harry stops laughing before clearing his throat. "In all seriousness, sir... I agree. I think it might be good for you to find someone" he suggests.

Severus gives a sarcastic chuckle. "Since when did you become a life coach, Potter?" he questions, looking unimpressed.

Harry shrugs. "We are just worried, sir. That's all. I know what it's like to be lonely and-" he starts just as Severus bites back.

"I am NOT lonely" he growls. However, it's far from the truth. Severus Snape is a lonely man. He just won't admit it.

Lucius gives a rather worried look. "You know we are here for you, right? You may always come to us if you need us. And I mean it, Severus. We are just looking out for you" he states as the others nod.

"Well... Thank you, I appreciate it. But I mean it when I say that I'm not lonely. As a matter of fact, I prefer the quiet, peaceful life" Severus assures them.

Harry smiles. "We are glad to hear that, sir" he says.

After all of them have finished their drinks, his visitors have to leave. "It was good seeing you again, Severus. Do take care of yourself" Minerva tells him.

Rolling his eyes, Severus nods. "I will... Don't worry" he mutters.

Lucius hugs him. "Let us know if you need anything, my friend. I do have an extra bottle of the good brand of firewhiskey" he says as he chuckles.

Severus smirks. "You know I won't say no to firewhiskey..." he replies. He especially won't say no when it's the good, fancy, expensive kind Lucius stores in Malfoy Manor.

Lucius smirks as well. "We'll give you a bottle or two during our next visit. See you, Severus" he says as he, Narcissa, Harry and Minerva wave before leaving Spinner's End.

Once they have apparated away from here, Severus sits down on the couch and sighs to himself. He already feels lonely again now that they are gone...

He can't help but think about what they talked about. Love... He will never find love. Look at him - who could ever love him?

What he doesn't know is that his life will change very soon.
