Secret Girlfriend

"Eddie, quit overthinking it," I cooed, rubbing his chest. He glared at the ceiling.

"No – you know something, and you aren't telling me," Eddie snapped. I rolled my eyes and straddled him, hoping to distract him. He immediately turned his face away from me, but his face turned bright red, making me smile.

"Eddie – sometimes you need to let a girl have her secrets," I insisted, leaning down and kissing his neck. I smiled when I felt his face heat and continued to tease him.

"She's f-fifteen, she doesn't n-need secrets," he insisted, his hands moving up to my waist, but not moving me away. I pulled back and grinned at him.

The last couple of nights, after dinner, and after Maggie had gotten me to double check her makeup (she was getting so good!), she would look at the clock, and suddenly rush out, insisting she needed to see a friend. Eddie was starting to get suspicious of her and had begun pushing me to see if I knew anything. I would clam up, assuming that she was off meeting up with Matty to show off her new girly skills.

Today had officially tipped Eddie over the edge, though – it was Friday, and Maggie had come to me before school to ask if I had a dress she could borrow. She was bright red, and nervous, and couldn't really answer me when I asked what she was up to tonight. I assumed she was going on a date, so I had found an appropriate dress for her to borrow. Eddie's alarms started going off when Maggie twirled out of her room in my dress, over the moon about how she looked.

"What's that for?" Eddie asked, setting his hands on his hips. Maggie refused to look at him, smoothing the dress out.

"I'm just meeting up with some friends before the sleepover at Alexa's," she answered vaguely. She turned to me, grinning widely. "Does it look okay, general?"

I nodded, smiling back at her.

"It's going to be a hit," I replied knowingly. She got more excited and nodded while tucking her hair behind her ears.

"Okay – I'll see you tomorrow, O Weird One," Maggie announced to Eddie, pulling her bag over her shoulder and bounding towards the door. Eddie took a step forward, raising his hands.

"Woah, woah, woah – who are these friends that you need to dress up for?" Eddie asked, concerned. Maggie turned in the door frame, grinning wickedly.

"Who's your secret girlfriend?" she shot back. Eddie turned bright red and started stammering. I tried not to laugh as she giggled wildly. "That's what I thought – see you tomorrow!"

She slammed the door behind her, and Eddie turned to me, angry.

"She's a nightmare," he seethed, storming over to me. I smiled and threw my arms around his neck when he got to me. His stony expression immediately softened, revealing the kind, gentle man I had been falling for in the last couple of weeks.

"She's a teenage girl – she just wants to look nice," I explained, scratching the back of his head like he liked. He pressed his forehead to mine.

"But for who?" he pushed, still worried about his little sister. I kissed him softly.

"It's just like when we first met," I teased, smiling when he chased my lips for another kiss. "Just let her have a little privacy."

Eddie watched me for a beat and then kissed me deeply, making me melt into him. He started guiding me back to his room – this dance had become effortless for us, and we had learned how to easily get to the room without having to stop kissing each other. I fell back onto the bed with him, my heart racing as he pressed into me. I was brought out of our fervor when he pulled back suddenly, leaving me following his lips pathetically. His brows were furrowed.

"What do you mean 'it's just like when we first met'?" he asked after thinking about what I said. I sighed.

"Eddie, you're overthinking it," I insisted. He was propped up next to me, his hands on my sides.

"Does that mean she's seeing someone she likes?" he asked incredulously. I pursed my lips together. His eyes widened. "Dahlia Brooks, do you know something?"

I felt an involuntary shiver – I loved it when he called me "Doll", but it did something to me when he called me my full name. I smiled nervously.

"Eddie, it's no big deal—"

"So, you do know something!" he admonished, rolling off me and staring at the ceiling. I sighed.

And here we were – Eddie was trying to play tough and get the information he was seeking out of me. I brushed his hair out of his face, trying to get him to relax. He let out a heavy breath and looked at me. I ran my hands up his chest, leaning close to him again.

"I made a promise to Maggie – I don't want to break it," I explained, sliding my hands around the back of his neck. His eyes softened, and he pulled me tighter to him.

"Really?" he asked. I nodded and kissed his nose, settling into him as he wrapped his arms around me tighter.

"I don't want to break her trust," I continued. He sighed heavily and buried his face in my neck, kissing my collarbones.

"It's so weird raising a teenager," he groaned, making me laugh. I peppered his face with kisses and making him finally relax. He rolled me onto my side and stroked my hair. I nuzzled closer to him.

"I can only imagine, sweet boy," I chirped, kissing him again. He finally smiled and nosed my chin up to leave soft kisses on my neck. I smiled, settling into his hold and enjoying his gentle touch. He stopped and came back to my face.

"You promise you would tell me if I needed to be worried about anything?" he asked. I smiled, setting my hand on the side of his face and brushing his lips with my thumb.

"I promise," I answered. He grinned and kissed my thumb softly.

"Okay – I trust you," he conceded. I smiled wider and nuzzled further into him, settling my head in the crook of his neck. He kissed my forehead and rubbed my back. "Just as long as it's not that Matty Harrington kid."

I felt my eyes widen and gripped onto him tighter. He laughed to himself.

"Man – wouldn't it suck if she was seeing that kid?" he continued. I laughed nervously, trying not to confirm or deny anything, but also not wanting to lie to Eddie. His grip on me tightened. "It would suck, right?"

I looked up at him, smiling nervously.

"I mean, would it be the worst?" I croaked. A myriad of emotions crossed his face, and he finally settled on despair.

"Oh, my God."

"Eddie, honey – its okay."

"Oh, my God."

"She just didn't want you to freak out—"

"Oh, my God," he repeated, laying on his back. I sat up, rubbing his chest and calming him down.

"He's not a bad kid – and she likes him!"

"I cannot believe I have been terrorized by two generations of Harringtons," he murmured, staring at the ceiling in shock. I smiled and started tracing the features of his face.

"Matty is Steve's half-brother – like you and Maggie," I explained. He furrowed his brows.

"So? I still treat Maggie like she's my full sister," Eddie responded incredulously.

I smiled at him – I didn't realize how awful Steve had really been to Matty until spending the time I had with Eddie and Maggie. Steve couldn't even say Matty's name without a sneer, in contrast to how Eddie centered his life around raising Maggie. In the last couple of weeks, I had often wondered what Steve would have done if he had been put in the same situation Eddie had. He probably would have taken Matty in, but I don't think he would have been as intentional or loving as Eddie was to Maggie.

"Yes, because you are a much better brother," I continued. Eddie squeezed his eyes shut, and I kissed each of them softly. "If it makes you feel better, Steve hates Matty."

Eddie's eyes shot open, and he looked up at me.

"Really?" he asked. I smiled and kissed him again, my butterflies acting up when he set an arm around me and pulled me tight.

"Really," I replied. He smirked.

"Well – that's one thing Matty has going for him," he finally joked. He pulled me onto his lap, making me laugh as he sat up and snaked his hands around the small of my back. He looked at me in the eyes, making my face heat as he watched me. I set my arms around his neck.

"You have to act like you don't know," I insisted, kissing him quickly. Her furrowed his brows.

"What? Why?" he asked incredulously. I smiled and kissed him again to make him relax.

"Because – how do you explain that her teacher and tutor slipped up and accidentally told you while we were in bed together?" I quipped. He sighed.

"Very true," he conceded. He finally kissed me hard, and I melted into him. He kissed me over and over again, speaking between each kiss. "You're going to have to make up for this, though."

I laughed, throwing my head back. As soon as he had better access, he started nipping at my neck. I pulled back, beaming at him.

"And what do you suggest?" I teased. He smiled bashfully.

"Maybe you become my real secret girlfriend?" he asked. I felt my heart catch and my smile grew.

"Really?" I croaked. I forgot how exciting this all could be. How it felt to be wanted and to want them back. I hadn't felt this pretty or excited or joyful in a long time. Eddie turned red, smiling brightly.

"Yeah, I mean, I'll have to let my fake secret girlfriend down, but she'll get it," he flirted. I laughed and kissed him hard, full of electricity. He pulled back, his smile dazed and giddy. "So, that's a yes?"

I nodded and he kissed me again, rolling me back onto the bed. I was on fire – excited and thrilled to be kissing my secret boyfriend. 
