
"Here you go" Simon said, handing over the promised cigarettes that he had to purchase seeing as I forgot my ID, "thanks Si, love ya" I replied, taking the packet and giving him a tight hug. "Is this all it takes to get your love? Wow, josh is going about it all wrong" he joked, lightly pecking the top of my head before we broke apart and began the short walk home; our pace quicker than normal seeing as the image of Josh catching this little outing loomed in our minds. "How about for the next week you just hang out and help me everyday, that way Josh will know you're actually sticking to his plan?" He suggested, making my brain split with two thoughts; spending time with Simon was actually fun, and Josh would stop being so strict, but what the evil side of my mind whispered to me was that he was such a pushover! It's only been a day and he's already bought me cigarettes, if I carry on like this god knows what he will do for me. I managed to wipe the mischievous smirk from my face before the clueless boy next to me realised my plans, "sure, sounds amazing" I grinned, smiling up at him as I lent my body into his side.

"Thank god they aren't home!" Simon sighed in relief as we walked into the house, both jogging back up to his room and simultaneously flopping onto the comfy bed. "When Josh comes back can we stay in here please Si? I know we will end up arguing if I spend time with him today" I begged, rolling to face him and giving him the most adorable puppy dog eyes I could. "Only if you record a video with me" he replied, returning the same pleading look, "fine" I sarcastically groaned, earning a genuine smile and look of happiness back from him. "I'm going to have a cigarette first though, I promise to not get any smoke in your room" I finally said, breaking the comfortable silence that had fallen upon us as we lay next to one another. He simply nodded his head in agreement as I walked over to the window, expertly pushing it open and climbing onto the windowsill, swinging my legs childishly making Simon giggle. "You look comfy" he chuckled, coming up behind me and resting his chin on the top of my head, "there's room for both of us" I suggested as he instantly responded by climbing next to me. I took a cigarette out the packet and placed it in my mouth, quickly lighting the end as I felt his eyes watch my every movement, making me lightly play up the whole 'sexy rebellious girl" act I had become so excellent at. I tilted by head back and slowly exhaled a cloud of smoke around me, closing my eyes and smiling lightly as I did so. "How do you manage to make smoking look hot?" He moaned, "I guess I'm just a good looking girl" I joked back, making him shake his head in disbelief. "Want some, or are you too much of a good boy?" I teased, wiggling the cigarette in front of his eyes, causing the smoke to tickle his face, "hey I'm a rebel" he replied, to my surprise taking it and inhaling deeply, erupting into a coughing fit as he tried to breathe out making me roll my eyes. "Okay maybe I wasn't meant for the bad boy life" he cursed, rosy red embarrassment creeping along his pale cheeks. "You're doing it all wrong Si, breathe deeply then slowly exhale" I replied, showing him exactly how to do it before passing it back. He tried again but this time didn't cough once, causing me to clap my hands in approval, "I knew you had an inner rebel you were hiding" I smirked, making him role eyes but go back for another drag. "Oiii Simon I'm all for this sudden rebellion but at least share" I joked, pulling it away from his pursed lips and blowing the smoke right in his face.

Ten minutes had passed and we were still perched on the windowsill, joking around with each other until the loud sound of footsteps thumping up the stairs make both our bodies rush with panic. We both scrambled out of the window, closing it softly behind us as he rushed to his gaming chair and I took my seat back on the bed, acting as natural as possible. "Hey have you seen Lo.. oh wait you're in here" Josh said, his confused face turning into a wide grin as he realised I was actually helping Simon, not just lying about it. "Glad to see you're sticking to the plan" he said genuinely, smiling widely at the both of us. "She's helped me record a Q&A and edit three videos! Best thing to happen to this house if you ask me" he replied proudly, "and she promised to film a video with me in a minute".
