(Monster bite)

(Short little authors note: Thanks to everyone that's reading this! I'm always open for suggestions for prompts. P.S. this is personally my fav whump of Loki so enjoy!)

The Avengers were deep in the European countryside. Doctor Strange had reported massive amounts of magical disturbances coming from this area, but they couldn't find what was causing it. They swept the area with metal detector like machines that Strange had given them.

"Do you think these things even work?" Tony beat the side of the blurry screen.

Loki tuned the rest of the Avengers out and focused on the waves he felt coursing through his body. They're coming from... Loki turned and looked down steep hill. Hmmm wait... right behind me? He turned around and cane face to face with a massive dragon like monster.

The Avengers leapt into battle. Tony, Thor, and a now transformed Hulk aimed at the creatures wings. Natasha, Clint, and Steve ruthlessly attacked the monsters legs. Loki called up his magic and knives and started to attack the creature's head.

The monster roared in pain as the Avengers unleashed a gauntlet of attacks on it. It stretched out its wings and leapt into the air.


Tony fired a beam of arc reactor energy at its wings and send it tumbling to the ground. Once again, it screamed in pain and then it lashed out at Loki. It's claws just missed Loki by a few inches. That was close. I'll need to get close to this things head to kill it. Loki charged forwards, dodging its flailing claws, and sliced his dagger across its face.

It lunged for him and grabbed his torso in its mouth. It didn't kill him. The monster slowly swung its head to get the Avengers attention as if to say, "I have something you want. Now leave me be."

The raging battle quieted to a game of wits. The Avengers started in shock as the creature slowly started to retreat into the thick undergrowth behind the steel hill. Good it's not mindless, Loki thought to himself, it will retreat and drop me whenever it feels safe.

The Hulk let out an ear splitting roar and charged at the creature. The rest of the Avengers tired to stop him but they couldn't. He smashed his massive green fists into the monsters side.

It bit down on Loki and, whipping it's head in agony, threw him down the steep hill. Loki hit against a tree and crashed to the ground. Take your armor off; look at the wound.

He started to peal the bloody plates of armor away from his skin and was shocked at his wound. deep punctures riddled his body's torso. Oh gods...

Closing his eyes and looking upwards, Loki pressed a shaky hand over his wounds. Almost instantly it became slick with blood. I'm like Swiss cheese. Loki let out a pained laugh. I'm such an idiot. I'm dying here and my first though is I'm Swiss cheese...

I'm dying...

Snapping out of his mental fog, Loki opened his eyes and frantically pressed his hands to his wounds. A strangled noises roared from the top of the hill and the sounds of the battle quitted.

"Loki," Tony scrambled down the hill, "are you down here?"

Loki locked eyes with him. "yeah," he looked down at the blood pooling around him, "it's really bad."

Tony shined a flashlight on him, and once he saw the blood he rushed to Loki's side. "Hey you're gonna be ok! Don't fall asleep."

Loki felt Tony lay him down on the forest floor. Then, oddly, he started to put his armor on Loki. "What are you doing?" Loki whimpered.

"Shhhh." Tony put his helmet over Loki's head. "Friday, how's he doing?"

"Life signs critical. His organs are shredded and he's lost massive amounts of blood." Friday paused for a moment, "I'm sorry sir but there is nothing that can be done."

"Um," Tony sat back in shock, "g-give... him painkillers. Just help him out."

"Yes sir."

Loki felt some needles inject into his arm. Soon, a cold feeling started ebbing away at his pain. He reached up and took of the helmet. "T-Tony... I'm
s-sorry. I-I... was reckless." He wheezed in pain.

"No Loki don't apologize. It's not your fault. You're gonna be ok. I'll make sure you're ok." Tony made a motion with his fist and his armor neatly removed itself from Loki. He gently cradled Loki's head.

Loki laughed and winced in pain again, "I-I'm...," his Adam's apple bobbed in an odd way and he let out a strained choking noise, "the g-god of... lies. I... I know you're lying."

Tony reached up and turned his earpiece on, "hey Loki's down." He couldn't bare to respond to Loki.

"How bad?" Someone said over the earpiece.

"He doesn't have much time left. Just get Thor down here so he can say goodbye." Tony started down at Loki who's face was starting to become an ashy gray color.

Loki closed his eyes and felt an odd feeling run up his back. It settled in his head and he felt a sense of impending doom take him over. I'm dying... Huh... I always thought it would feel different. He felt someone try and shake him awake but he felt so tired. Just a little rest... he had never felt this at peace with the realms, despite the muffled screams trying to call him back.

I just...


to rest...



Loki awoke to the sound of buzzing in his ear. Some kind of hellish torture machine most likely. Oh yeah I'm in Hel or is it Hell since I died in Midgard? He moved his arms to his torso and felt it covered with snakes. Ahh that's a nice touch. Should I open my eyes?

Cautiously Loki opened his eyes and was met with a blinding blast of white light. Slowly after adjusting his eyes, he looked around at his surroundings. White, white, and white. He was in a room with white everything. Walls, ceilings, the floor, even the buzzing machine next to him. The snakes, that he now realized were coming out of his stomach, were white too.

Drab decorating skills, Satan. This is why God didn't love you.

The buzz of the machine by his head was driving him insane. A constant, loud ringing buzz echoed around in his skull. Loki reaches out with an unsteady, shaky hand and shoved the machine over. Immediately the room erupted into chaos. Demons dressed in white jumped out of the walls. Half of them monitored Screens while the other half tired to get the machine running again.

Loki felt panicked as he watched them monitor spikes of a graph which dropped into a flatline on the screen. His body shook with fear and he passed out.


Loki opened his eyes again and was greeted by a very over excited Tony. "Welcome back to the world of the living!" He whispered.

Loki scoffed loudly, "I'm in Hell! That damn buzzing noise machine is torture!" He tried to find the machine again since he could still hear the infernal buzzing.

"NO! That machine is keeping you alive!" Tony held Loki's hands down. "Can I get a doctor in here?!" Loki started struggling. "Please!"

After calming Loki down with some possibly illegal bull sedatives, Tony gently tried to explain what happed.

Of course Loki wasn't getting any of it since he was zonked, but he nodded along and made hand gestures he felt were very important. So important, in fact, he decided he had to stay up to compliment Tony's story with them.

"So then we took you to a hospital."

Loki made a dog hand puppet and nodded it seriously.

"The doctors and nurses pieced you back together like a jigsaw puzzle."

The dog hand puppet nodded seriously again.

"Then you tipped over a machine like an idiot and almost died again."

The puppet yawned and lied down, not wanting to hear anymore of Tony's story.

"Could you have imagined it you died that way? Killed by destroying life saving machine. Like Loki really?"

Lokis other hand changed into a middle finger and Loki held it up at Tony's face. "The machine was buzzing. You're," Loki pointed an accusing dog puppet at him, "forgetting that part!"

Tony face palmed, "I'll never understand you, Loki." He pattes Loki's head and stood up, "I'm gonna go down to the food court. Do you want anything?"

"Ice cream?"

"Sure." Tony walked out the door then popped his head back in, "touch that machine and you don't get any though."

Loki rolled his eyes, "Fine."
