Ouroboros Part 5

"So, I presume the six of you are the fans of mine I've heard about, hello; allow me to properly introduce myself: I am Loki of Asgard."

"This is so cool!" One of the teenage boys exclaimed. "He's got magic powers and everything!"

"He's noticed us! Loki, can I have your autograph?" A black-haired girl asked.

"L-Loki, it's you, you're here!" Røskva and her friends knelt down before him. "You came back to rule us!"

"I came to find them." Loki corrected, motioning to the captive officers that Mobius, though he was still shaken up, was now freeing. "To bring them back to their homes and families: I figured Jörmungandr brought them here during their investigation, but you can't keep them captive any longer. And I'm not going to slay Ms. Nielsen for you either: as rude and untruthful as her claims against me may have been, I don't plan on proving her right. She doesn't deserve death. But that's very considerate of you to kneel, without even me asking: I appreciate that!"

"Uh, yeah, I mean-" Røskva started to stammer. "You're very merciful, Mr.- King Loki sir! Are you... did Odin give you detective jobs as punishment?"

"Oh no, if it were Odin punishing me, he'd have me locked away in a dungeon for 5000 years or executed. No, I chose to become a detective because I'm quite talented at it, as is my partner in crime-solving here. Røskva, I'd like to introduce you and your associates to my good friend, Mobius M. Mobius!"

"Hey, Røskva, everyone." Mobius greeted them, still a bit shaken. "Would you mind telling us how you know Jörmungandr? Does he understand you?"

"Yeah, I met him a long time ago, since I was a kid. I can't understand what he says, but he understands me somehow: maybe because he's an Asgardian snake?"

"Yes, being a magical snake, he can understand human words." Loki told her.

"'Since you were a kid?' You are a kid!" Mobius corrected her.

"No, I'm 13... and 2 months: that's clearly a teenager, not a kid!" Røskva proudly and cheerfully counter-corrected.

Mobius shook his head and continued untying the police officers. "Do your parents know you're pals with Loki's right-hand snake?"

"No, they left on a trip abroad not too long before I met him; I haven't seen or heard from 'em since."

"Oh. I'm sorry to hear that."

"Another mystery..." Loki mused while Røskva went on.

"But these guys, your true fans, and your son, Loki, have been like family since!"

"Jörmungandr was my pet, not my son!" Loki corrected. "Has Jörmungandr been caring for you this whole time?" He asked in shock.

"Yeah, but you can help us, right?! You're the Loki, master of magic! You must have a trick up your sleeve! I was mostly just trying to scare that Nielsen lady, but you deserve revenge for what she said about you!" Røskva pleaded. "And deep down, I really was hoping you might notice my ouroboros drawings! I'm your biggest fan: you wouldn't turn me and Jörmungandr in, would you?"

"True, I can most certainly help you, but you almost had my friend Mobius eaten, so I don't think you're in the position to be talking of revenge." Loki held out his hand, telekinetically disarming her of her tooth blade. "Furthermore, I am not the same Loki I was when I came here in 2012: I'm not looking for vengeance, but justice, and the truth behind mysteries unsolved. So yes, I will turn you in. But I think I know just what to do about Jörmungandr!"

Røskva shut her eyes and shook her head as two of the officers began to handcuff her. "I was going to do it for you!" She shouted. "I was so close! I could have done it!"

Loki froze, his mind flashing back to that fateful day on Asgard's rainbow bridge, where he hung from the edge, desperate for his adoptive father's approval of his plan to annihilate the warring giants he descended from. "No, Loki," were the two words that sent him falling deeper into darkness and despair.

Loki took a deep breath. "I know; you could have. And I'm honored to have such a devoted fan here, but you needn't prove yourself to me. The fact that you were able to befriend Jörmungandr itself is an impressive feat. I understand your anger, but I've had to learn the hard way that hatred and vengeance do not make anyone happy, especially over some petty insults. Because it's an endless cycle: it's an ouroboros. Just be who you are, and don't worry about what others think. Do what you want, as long as it doesn't threaten anyone's safety."

"Don't you want to rule?! We need you here!"

"To be honest, I don't. I never... never really did. I spent over a thousand years of my life believing I was born to rule, and for that thousand years, I was denied that birthright by the one who forced it on me to begin with. I believed that if I finally did become the ruler my father wanted me to be, that I would finally be happy, finally... be worthy of his love. But what people say I'm destined to be, I no longer care: being a detective, solving mysteries with my best friend, that's the path, the destiny I've chosen for myself. It's a lot of fun! Perhaps you should give it a try! Or better yet, take up art professionally and do my image more justice than those pathetic illustrations in your books."

Røskva giggled for a second and nodded, becoming solemn. "Sorry about scaring you, Mr. Mobius, Ms. Nielsen, officers!"

"Just get me home!" Ms. Nielsen anxiously requested. "Please, I want to go home."

Loki nodded. "Let's get everyone back where they belong!"

Loki and Mobius led the group through a tunnel back to the surface. Loki used his enchantment powers to calm the victims, ensuring they wouldn't suffer any trauma from the event. After discussing how to handle things with the observing officers, the officers were returned to their families while Mobius and Loki, still out of disguise, brought Røskva to Ms. Nielsen.

"So, you see, this child and her friends were acting out of devotion to me, Loki, Prince of Asgard, god of mischief, after you made some offensive statements against me. And it seems my old friend Jörmungandr helped her a great deal as well! But, as I've said, I do not seek revenge anymore, so I shall take my old serpentine friend with me so this won't happen again. Thankfully no one was hurt, and the missing police officers have all been returned to their families, unharmed both physically and mentally. Røskva here, however, will clean the graffiti from your home before she is put on probation with the others."

"And I'll be visiting once a week for a while for Røskva's therapy sessions, to help get her back on track." Mobius added. "After all, I did help the once-villainous Loki find his way!"

"Yes, it's true: Mobius is an excellent therapist as well as an analyst!" Loki affirmed. "And the officers will help us find someone human to raise her."

"I'm really sorry for threatening you, Ms. Nielsen. I was wrong: I took things way too far!" Røskva apologized. "I'll start cleaning now."

"Well... I'm sorry for what I said about you, Detective Loki. Your family would be proud of your maturity. Many thanks!"

"Many thanks." Tjalfe also said, sitting on his dad's shoulders.

"Thank you, but I must ask that you keep my identity as a detective a secret. Most people who have heard of me won't be so understanding." Loki turned his head towards his slithering friend and smirked. "You can call me... Mr. Ouroboros."
