Chapter 10

Minjoo POV

(At the apartment)

We just arrived and the atmosphere changed, I could tell chaewon was getting all gloomy although she still helped me arranging the food that we bought.

"I'm going to bed now" She said grabbing her bag, she only ate alittle at our picnic though she must be hungry. 'Should I just force her to eat something before going to bed?' I thought. I heard a door creaking, "I guess i'm too late" I mumble.


Woke up by the sound of my alarm, it was set early since I have some part time jobs to do. My parents would have send me money but I don't want them to worry about me so I decided that i'd rather do a part time jobs than receiving their money, we're not that rich so I have to support myself and eventually pay off my debt to chaewon.

"That smell's nice" She's awake now, I forgot to wake her up but that doesn't matter since there's no school today.

"Mhm, wash up first then this will be done"

Both are now at the dining table eating their meal. "Are you going somewhere?" Chaewon innocently ask me.

"Part time jobs" I said while inhaling my food. Chaewon hummed in response, "Take care then"

Oh did I just hear that right? take care? Last night she wasn't even in the mood to eat or probably talk, gosh her mood swings I better get use to it. Though she's still pretty 'no, no don't get distracted right now minjoo'

"I need to go now wash the dishes after your done~!" I came running down the stairs since the elevator was broken, a good day to start.

Honestly, my condition wasn't that great when I woke up my body just felt alittle heavy, but I can't be bothered with that right now I need to make money to survive T-T

My phone has been vibrating now for the past minutes.

From Yena:

Ya, where are you?

To Yena:

Just wait im coming

From Yena:

I've been texting you earlier just now you replied

To Yena:

Can't you waiiit what's the hurry anyways

also why are you suddenly doing a part time when you have money?

From Yena:

I'm going to buy Yuri a present her birthday is in two weeks

and I can't always ask for my mom to give me money

I need to work hard for my baby~~

To Yena:

Can you not do that...

From Yena:

N e ways, just hurry up ><

This duck can't even wait for a minute it's not like i'm late or whatever. I'm surprise she's early I guess she's serious about working hard for Yuri's gift.

"Finally your here"

"A 'hi' would have been great but okay" Rolling my eyes at her.

"Let's just get started, okay^^" She said still giggling

It's really a hot day today and that is really not helping my condition at all. Me and yena split up giving the pamphlets, some people would take it, some wont and some would crumple and throw it. Don't they know that this is already hard enough for us and they're making it harder. I could only sigh, making a quick rest i've been getting dizzy lucky Yena notice me and came up to me with a water bottle in her hand.

"Are you okay? Drink this," Handing me the as I drink the water she just gave me her hand was now reaching for my forehead "Ya! you have a fever your burning, you shouldn't have force yourself to work at this state" now she's nagging at me for being inconsiderate for my health.

"I'll call Chaewon to get you her and take you home, I'll also explain to our boss that your sick so you had to go home early" Reaching for her phone I stop her "Don't, I don't wanna bother her. I can go home on my own".

"Ya what if you pass out before even reaching your apartment" Yena retorted with a worried tone.

"I'll be fine, I promise."

Yena was defeated and can only shake her head before muttering "Why is this kid forcing too much and not caring for her health, aigoo"

I'm getting dizzy 'I can't pass out' I keep repeating that on my brain I'm half way there thankfully the elevator is fixed now, I would have taken the stairs if it was still broken. Arriving at the doorstep I knock for chaewon to open the door for me since I don't have a keycard.

"Your home early" I could hear her talking to me after that I pass out.

Chaewon POV

I was inside my bedroom when I heard someone knocking at the door I went outside to check who it was, as I open it, it was minjoo but she seems quite off.

"Your home early" I thought that she was going to come home at night time cause she told me so. Suddenly she pass out infront of me good thing my reflex is great I caught her before she could even fall onto the ground. I carried her in bridal style she's heavy but I still manage, I brought her to my bedroom instead since it was already open. Slowly putting her down on my bed I touched her forehead and she's burning real hot right now "Aish, why did you work when you have a fever, stupid" I mumbled. I went out of the my bedroom to call someone.

Dialing Mr. Park

->[Mr. Park! I need help, can you please tell Mrs. Jang to cook some porridge and bring it here please. Oh and also can you buy some fever medicine and fever pads since I forgot to buy one. Please hurry up.]

[May I ask whose sick, Young master?]<-

->[No one, I just need to prepare stuff incase I get sick.]

[Okay, I'll be right there young master]<-

->[Thank you]

I ended the call and went back inside my bedroom, I had to lie about that cause i don't want them knowning that someone is living with me.


Mr. Park finally arrived with the stuff that I needed, minjoo still hasn't woke up from her slumber. "Young master, I forgot to give you this" Handing me a paper that has some sort of address and a car key, I do remember telling my mother that I need a car.

"What's this?" I said waving the paper

"It's from you father, he wanted me to give you that"

"I don't have time for this. You may go now Mr. Park, thank you for bringing me what I needed" With that said Mr. Park nodded and left my apartment. And I went back inside my bedroom.

Looking over at Minjoo who was sleeping peacefully as I opened the fever pads and placing it on minjoo's forehead.

Instead of laying besides minjoo, chaewon decided that she rather sit on the floor to take care of the latter, grabbing a hold of one of minjoo's hand "Your such a troublesome for me you know that miss Kim Minjoo," sighing before continuing "But I can't stop worrying about you." Chaewon ended her soft rant and fell asleep joining minjoo to her trip to dreamland.

Minjoo POV

Minjoo woke up from her sleep. She looked over to chaewon who was sleeping while holding minjoo's hand making minjoo sit up and tucking the strands of chaewon's hair that was covering her beautiful face. Chaewon seems like she noticed a movement causing her to wake up from her sleep, raising her head to see minjoo looking at her with intent gaze.

"Oh your already awake" Chaewon said stretching her body "Are you feeling any better?" she asked with a worried voice, nodding my head to assure her that I am feeling a bit better after that sleep.

"Take this, it's for your fever" Giving me the med and a glass of water. "Thank you" I said taking the medicine chaewon just gave me. My stomach growled indicating that I was hungry, chaewon let out a chuckle before telling me to say put.

"The porridge is still warm" She's now trying to feed me a spoonful like I'm a baby.

"I-I can eat on my own chaewon-ah" Trying to grab the spoon away from chaewon's hand. 'why am I stuttering' I thought to myself.

Still not letting go of the spoon chaewon glared at me like she was about to kill me for being sick "Just eat it while I'm feeding you nicely" with that I opened up my mouth as chaewon fed me a spoonful or porridge.

"You made this?" I ask though I doubt that she did, she only cooks ramen.

Chaewon shook her head. "I doubt that you did" I blurted out all of a sudden earning a what-did-you-say look.

"Uhh, I mean you don't really cook so..." Trying to save my ass here

"I know, Mrs. Jang was the one who cook this" Feeding me another spoonful of the porridge. (she's probably going to choke me with how much she's feeding me, it's a porridge but still it's best to be cautious)

I hummed in response

"Why are you working so hard? Didn't I tell you that you don't have to pay me back anything" Chaewon is now starting to nag at me, still feeding me another spoonful.

Swallowing-- "I need to work for my school fees" I said opening my mouth indicating I want more of the porridge.

"You don't have to" Chaewon said handing me a glass of water.

"What? why?" I retorted taking a sip of my water.

"I drop out of the scholarship so you can have the spot, I thought you already knew about it" Back to feeding me again

I looked at her "Why would you do that for me" I asked out of curiosity, I maybe looking for the right answer but any reason chaewon would give me will be fine.

"My dad is funding my education anyways, you deserve it after all," She ruffled my hair before standing up and walking away to put the empty bowl in the sink "So you don't have to worry about that, now please quit your part time job."

Chaewon came back inside the bedroom with extra pillow in her hand, it was already 8pm. (a/n: let's just pretend that it's already night time already, lol.)

"Your sleeping with me tonight," Placing the pillow beside me "Of course I'm not sleeping on the floor, this is my room after all" She added.



