Chapter 4-first kiss

(Time skip)

Lo'aks pov

It has been hours and Y/N still hasn't returned. The clan is ok now but there all worried.
But I know something has happened to him "is he coming back?" Tuk said to me worried "I hope so Tuk.."

"Lo'ak come on, it's getting late, we're going to the spirit tree tomorrow to find where he is." Neteyam tells me to make me feel better, I follow him to bed.


Y/Ns pov

I wake up in a white room , there's a clear door and only a bench. I try to break down the door but I'm weak from the taze. Scared of what is happening, is the clan ok? What about Lo'ak?. I sit on the bench with my arms wrapped around my legs. Until I hear the door open. I turn my head, it's the man. I back up against the wall as far away from him.

"Easy there princess" he says while staring at me. "Don't call me princess. Where am I? What do you want from me?" I hiss at him. "There's nothing to worry about ok your fine" I can tell he is lying, I notice however that he left the door open. This is my chance.

I make a run for it to the door past him but he grabs my hips and pulls me back to the bench "whoa there not so fast princess. It's not gonna be that easy for you" I kick him in the stomach to get him off me "get off!" "Jesus kid your a ficety one" he says holding his stomach. "Why am I here?" I hissed at him. "We don't want you loose, attacking us. Destroying our amazing progress" amazing? What part of this is amazing? I think to myself.

"Come with me.." he says staring at me.

Does he really think I'm going to do that? Is he that stupid "no" I say
"Come. Now" he demands "no!" I scream. He grabs my stomach and pushes me against the wall and looks right at me, inches away from my face "I'll be nice, once, then I won't. So listen to me and come" I look up to him in fear, he grabs my arm and pulls me out the room.

"Here he is, careful he bites." These old looking men looking up at me trying to act tough but they look stupid as hell. "So, your the little one who like water? one of the men say. "I'm taller than you dummy" I say to him. He huffs. "So, where do you find the most tulkun at this time a day?" He asks me. "Why should I tell you?" The man holding me pushed me around to his face and said "now more importantly, where is jake sully" "who?" I lied. A boy who looks like a monkey came up to us, looked at the man holding me and said to him "who's this? Why is he here?"
I was asking myself the same question. "Spider, this is Y/N. Ever heard of him?" He asks the boy "no, never heard of him" at least he isn't lying but there's something off with him. "Look, if you don't tell me where sully is, we find your little home and destroy it." I look up to him in fear, I couldn't let him do that to them or they will find the sullys and my clan will be killed.

"If I tell you, you won't destroy my home?l I look up to him and say. "Exactly princess" "let me show you." I say pointing to the door, "show me on the map" he says. "I don't know these things, I will point to him" I say. He huffs as he drags me out the door and pushes me to the ground, "where" he demands.I point behind us, a way that isn't where the sullys are. The man turns around to talk to the others, "this way to jake" he says to them. I can escape

I quickly jump into the sea when he is still turned, "No!" He yells as he looks over the boat, but I'm hid underneath it. I call for an ilu and I swim away without them seeing.

I got away from the sky people.


Lo'aks pov

We finally made it to the spirit tree. the glow slowly coming back, at least I know Y/N is getting better but I miss him so much, I connect to the spirit tree and so does Kiri with tsireya watching us to make sure we're ok. I see Y/N but he was being held by quarich. I'm worried for him but he jumps into the water and disappears, he's ok.

I disconnect from the spirit tree when the tree starts to flash and Kiri is seizing. I quickly grab her and push her to the surface hoping she will be ok "Kiri!" Neytiri yells "what's happening?" Tuk says. "We need to get to the clan quickly" ronal says..

(Time skip Kiri is ok)

I'm sitting on the beach when tsireya yells "everyone the tulkun have returned, our brothers and sisters have returned!"
I look into the distance, seeing hundreds of tulkun swimming over to people. They flip and turn and it all looks beautiful. But I can't help thinking about Y/N, him swimming for his life right now and I'm just sat here doing nothing, his tulkun can't see him because he isn't here.

But in the distance I hear.. "lo'ak! LO'AK!" I turn my head to see Y/N, swimming over on his ilu, he looks very weak and tired. I run over to him "Y/N!" We both hug each other "I was so scared lo'ak, I tried to be strong but I couldn't" Y/N says to me sobbing, he puts his head on my chest "it's ok, I'm here now Y/N.." I say as he calms down. I touch his chin and lift his head up to my eyes, I pulled him closer as our lips met and I kissed him. But he didn't push himself away, I grab his hips as I push him closer to me as he puts his arms around my neck.

We share this moment for a few seconds when he
He pushes me away as he says "thank you lo'ak, I fell better now." He smiles as he jumps into the water to his tulkun, i wave goodbye while smiling.

"I love you Y/N.." I whisper to myself.
