
Pic of living room couch above
Zara's P.O.V.

I ran down stairs to the t.v. room. They had all the latest movies so there were tons to pick from. I chose the hunger games. Luke came into the room covered in blankets, pillows and three huge stuffed bears. We started to set them up. He heard the door bell ring and Jackson answer. A couple minutes later he came in holding 5 boxes of pizza.

"That is a lot of pizza! Ya think we're going to eat it all?" Luke asked. 

The older boy shook his head.

" Naw there one each. The other two are for the twins."

" But won't they just get something when they're out?" I asked.

" Nope! I know for certain they have no cash, and I disabled their debit  cards!  Plus they can't drive. Where would they go?" He laughed.

" They most likely went to Randy's  place. He'll feed them." Luke protested.

" Oh I hadn't thought of that. I know I'll call Randy's mom and tell her to send the twins home!"

"Jackson why don't we just have our pizza and they can have whatever is left?" I said wanting to start the movie.

" Yeah that sounds good. What did you pick?" I showed both boys. "Oh The Hunger Games! I love that movie! And the other three!" Luke was fanboying I guess?

"Same! I mean have you seen Gale and Petta and Finnick?" I squeeled.

"I know! And Katniss is such a badass!"

"Um guys? I haven't seen it yet!"
Jackson said looking slightly annoyed.

Luke and I both have him looks of disapproval.

" Well then what are we waiting for? Luke we have to make him a full fledged fan!" I somewhat yelled. He chucked' agreeing with me.

We finally started the movie and settled down. We watched the first, second and third. During the fourth I started to get sleepy. I put my head and some one. I am too tired to recognize who. I fell asleep. After a while.

Luke's P.O.V.

In the Mockingjay Part 1 Zara put her head on my chest. I looked down and she was a sleep. She looked so peaceful. It hurts to know she's been so much over the last couple years. I mean losing her dad, then her mom dating and marrying again. Then having to live with four complete strangers and being the victim of an extremely cruel prank. I would had broken by now. But no not her. She stayed strong for the most part, but anyone would have cried at what the twins did.


"Yeah?" I answered Jackson.

"Is Zara asleep?"


"Take her upstairs. I need to talk to you." 

When he returned I started talking.

Sorry for the short chapter




