Chapter Twelve

{A/N Hi, it's me. I would just like to let you know that I'm changing the name of Jenna's cat from Avery to Pez. I hope that you like the new name.}

Friday, December 20, was the last day of classes for the students of Hogwarts. Winter break would technically be starting that Sunday when everyone got home, but for the students break started the second the bell rang at the end of the day. The excitement was so thick in the air you could feel it.

At 3:20, everyone in Lily's potions class stared at the clock, almost blatantly. Jessi had gone to the hospital wing in the middle of class because her sleeping potion had blown up in her face. Thankfully, she was completely fine, but some of the Slytherins (Sophie and Mia, Savannah's Slytherin cronies) had been laughing at her, which had pissed Lily off. Thankfully the two-faced queen, Savannah, wasn't there to egg Lily into starting an argument, but she still couldn't wait to get out of there.

Finally, at 3:30, the bell rang, and the crowd of students swarmed into the halls of the school. On her way up to the Gryffindor common room, Lily saw a student with a curly ginger afro throw her papers into the air in celebration, who she could have sworn was Roxy. 


Back in the dorm room, Lily put her textbooks in her dresser and plopped down on her bed. Aida was drawing in her sketchbook and Olivia was playing her guitar and humming an old Taylor Swift song.

Lily grabbed her photo album and looked through the pages of pictures that she had collected over the last four months at school. About half were pictures of her friends and the other half was pictures of nature, the grounds, and a few random objects that she had found.

A little while later, Jessi came back from the hospital wing. She was fine, luckily, and sat on her bed, brushing Jenna's cat, Pez.

A couple of minutes after Jessi came back, Jenna did too. She had burned her potion pretty badly and had had to stay back in class to clean up. "Hey Aida, what are you drawing?" she asked, curiously.

"Some flowers." Aida turned her sketchbook to show them a single rose that she had been drawing. 

Its petals were covered in dew and the thorns on the stem looked as though Lily would cut herself if she touched the paper. "Wow, did you draw that?" asked Jenna, in awe.

"No, it just appeared randomly on my paper this morning," Aida deadpanned.

Jenna laughed. Lily could tell that her friend felt awkward, so she changed the subject; "So, tomorrow is the last day at school before winter break. I don't know about you guys, but I want to do something special."

"What did you have in mind?" asked Olivia, looking up from her song.

"Well..." Lily smiled and pulled a box out wrapped in brown packing paper out from under her bed. She lifted it up and dramatically revealed what was inside; "Our projector finally arrived!"

Cheers of excitement erupted in the dorm room, so loudly that Lily almost covered her ears. In the end, the five of them had decided to split the cost of the projector so that they could share it in the dorm room.

"So," Lily smiled even wider, "I was thinking, since we all love Avengers movies... We could have a marathon of them before we have to go back home."

It was silent for a moment, then Jessi spoke. "Would we even be able to finish them all in time? All together the run time is about two days."

Lily smiled even wider, "That's the beauty of it. We'll have something do to for eight hours on Sunday when we're on the train, and be able to finish them all."

Aida looked around at her friends and shrugged. "I would be up for that. The older students are going to have a party in the common room tonight, so we'll have something to do up here while they are being loud. As long as we can do other things at the same time though, like I can draw and Olivia can do the splits and stuff."

"Of course. And don't worry, we don't have to watch the nightmare that is The Incredible Hulk."


"You might want to take the stairs to your left." {A/N You get 500 points if you get any of the references 😁

It was nearly five in the morning, and Olivia, Jessi, and Jenna had all fallen asleep. Aida was completely awake, forty minutes into their seventh movie. 

Lily was sitting on the floor in front of her bed, drinking a cup of water. She looked at it and smirked, "This drink; I like it! Another!" and proceeded to pretend to smash the cup on the ground. 


"Baskin-Robbins always finds out!"

After Age of Ultron, Jenna and Jessi had literally sprinted down to the Great Hall to grab whatever lunch they could while Lily set up the next movie. Luckily, they had made it back just in time, and the five of them got to chomp on some french fries and fried green tomatoes while watching Ant-Man.


"I'm pretty sure this guy's a war criminal now, but whatever."

At the end of their fifteenth movie, over twenty-four hours awake for Lily and Aida, and a little past midnight, Olivia yawned, "Happy Hanukkah," she muttered.

"Happy Hanukkah," Lily muttered to her friend, trying desperately to keep her eyes open while setting up their sixteenth movie.


The last thing Lily remembered was watching Thor killing a bunch of demons before closing her eyes for just a moment. Sadly, the moment lasted a little longer than she had anticipated.


The sun was filtering through the curtains, shining directly in Lily's eyes, which caused her to wake up with a start. She cursed herself for falling asleep and messing up the plan to watch all the movies in a row. Even worse, it was ten-fifteen, everyone else was fast asleep.

"Guys, wake up! Wake up!" she yelled, frantically packing her stuff into her school trunk, "It's quarter past ten! We have to be on the Hogwarts Express by eleven or we'll miss the train."

Luckily, everyone woke up quickly, and scrambled down to the entrance to the school, jumping onto the last carriage before it left.  It was ten-fifty-seven by the time they sat down together in an empty car.

"Well," Aida laughed, sadly, "I guess we probably won't finish the last six movies today."

"True," Olivia, said, encouragingly, "But that doesn't mean that we shouldn't try."


At seven o'clock that night, right in the middle of Captain Marvel, the Hogwarts Express pulled into Platform 9 and 3/4. Lily saw her parents, Aunts, Uncles, and Grandparents outside the window, waiting for her and her siblings and cousins. Her friends inside the cabin were waving to their own families, anxious for the holidays and presents, and the new year.

{A/N 300 views! Thank you all so much! This is so exciting, and I'm so happy that you enjoy my story enough to continue reading it. I'm sorry about how short and strange this chapter is, and I wish it could have been better on such an exciting occasion. I was attempting to transition between school and winter break, and this was the best way I could think of (trust me, you don't want to know my other ideas.) I hope you enjoyed it anyway though.   Also, I'm curious; would you rather that I skip forward farther in time in between chapters and have more exciting things happen closer together, or shorter in time with more filler and fluff in between so it flows more nicely?   I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and I hope to see you in the next one. Bye!}
